Monday, July 30, 2007

The World Continues to Shrink...

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon with my buddy Bill Hibbler and his hypnotic girlfriend Lisa.

A while back, I posted about what a small world this is ("Small World Gets Smaller" and "It's a Small World After All"), and meeting Lisa was further evidence of that. I liked her instantly upon meeting her -- she is one of those rare people who probably creates an instantaneous connection with every single person she meets. Bill and Lisa were traveling through Colorado, and they came out to our house in Castle Rock to visit. We all chatted a bit and then loaded up the kiddies in our car, and Bill and Lisa hopped into Bill's BMW and we all headed over to Mt. Fuji, our local sushi joint (good food, bad website).

As you can imagine, Andy and I were sharing our thoughts about Lisa during the ride to the restaurant (oh, come on, like you don't do the same thing).

Andy said he instantly liked her, had a good feeling about her, and when I said "that girl is bewitching," he kind of gave me a funny look.

"Do you mean 'bewitching' in a good way?" he asked.

"Ohhhh yeah," I answered. "She has a hypnotic way about her. I can see why they hit it off so well, so quickly."

"Yeah, I see what you mean," Andy said.

Lisa has some of the most captivating eyes I've ever seen, and when she listens to you, she stares at you intently -- not in a creepy way, but in a I'm-looking-into-your-soul kind of way. I'll bet people with low self-confidence look away, her gaze is that intense.

And she's so interested in what other people are doing, and saying, and thinking about. I'd love to say that I'm just that fascinating of a person, but I get the feeling that this is just how Lisa is (or who Lisa is, rather). She is a person who loves people and is authentically interested in human connections.

And Bill is such a great guy. If you don't know Bill, you can read all about him in my earlier post "The Truth about Bill Hibbler." (Bill also co-wrote "Meet and Grow Rich" with Joe Vitale.)

About halfway through the meal (it was around 4PM, so I hardly think it counts as either lunch or was just a cup of mint tea for me, and another glass of the spicy lemonade--Master Cleanse, Day 7, thank you very much) is when I realize Lisa and I already knew *of* each other, even though we had never met.

I love those moments, don't you?

Lisa is the artist who is designing jewelry (and other cool stuff) for my friend Suzanne, and she is also designing some items for my friend Aimee, who had told her about me in several conversations.

When we realized this, the light bulbs started going off and we had a good laugh.

Funny how we humans come together, isn't it?

It was a lovely afternoon spent browsing through Lisa's handcrafted glass jewelry and looking at our Australia pictures. And I was pretty proud of myself that I could spend an hour and a half at a sushi bar without breaking my cleanse!!

Here's your QoD:
When you meet people in extraordinary ways, do you tend to chalk it up to coincidence, or do you allow yourself to feel powerful, knowing that somehow, you orchestrated such a "chance" meeting?

Go for it, you powerful creature, you!


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