Need a Vibration Overhaul? How About a FREE Preview?
I know, I know, I know -- you're not thinking about vibrational matches, you're gearing up for a long Labor Day weekend. And I don't blame you, if you're like most folks, you work hard all year and you look forward to long weekends.
But before you go shopping for some choice steaks for the grill, or before you fuel up your car (pretending not to wince at the price of gas) and head out for a weekend away, I thought you should know about this.
This Wednesday night, at 9PM Eastern (8Central, 7Mountain, 6Pacific), I am hosting a FREE Preview Call with my good friend and newest business partner (and Vibrational Powerhouse), Jeannette Maw.
What's the point of a preview call?
Great question.
If you've attended one of my preview calls in the past, you already know the drill. I deliver one hour of action-packed new content, designed to empower you and have you walk away thinking "Wow! I can't believe she just GAVE away all that info! Plus, it was FUN!" Then, at the end of the call, I tell you all the reasons why you deserve to sign up for the full paid teleclass, and after that I give you a kick-ass bonus.
The point is to GIVE YOU something of value, AND to INVITE YOU to participate in the full paid course.
This preview call will have all of that, PLUS a few extra surprises. (Hee, hee, hee!)
Here's some of what we will cover in the 1-hour preview call:
+ You will learn to set more powerful intentions
+ You will learn how to begin the releasing process, even when you don't know what your beliefs are, or how to release limiting beliefs
+ You will learn to start to identify your most paralyzing limiting beliefs (I call them "Kingpins," and I'll explain why)
+ You will also have access to a special bonus, only available if you participate in the LIVE call.
You might be wondering why I've waited so long to tell you about the Vibration Overhaul Preview Call?
Another great question.
The paid class is already about halfway sold out. So I don't see the point in spending 2 weeks promoting a preview call for a class that will most definitely be sold out by the time the preview call has ended.
Lots of folks took one look at this page and signed up immediately.
This preview call is for all of you "fence sitters." :-)
Maybe you like what you see, but you're not sure you want to commit, or pay, or give it a go, or whatever.
Trust me, by the time the Preview Call has ended, you will be OFF the fence. I predict you'll be off the fence by the time we are halfway through the Preview Call.
Right now, you may already know whether or not this class is for you.
But if you are interested in gaining valuable knowledge and practical tools about what I mentioned above, then don't miss the Preview Call!
You can register here -- should take you less than 1 minute! (and remember, it's FREE)
I'll seeya on Wednesday night.
QoD: On a scale of 1-10, how effective do you find your intentions to be? In other words, how easy is it for you to set an intention and then have it manifst?
If you answered anything lower than a 9, you will DEFINITELY learn something valuable by being on the Preview Call. That is my commitment to you.
Go for it!
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