Time to Simplify
It's time to simplify life, don't you agree?
Somehow I misplaced my copy of the 4-Hour Work Week, which is a bummer, since I haven't finished reading it yet.
But I know there is quite a bit of simplification that could be done in my life.
For starters, I'm sick of doing laundry. Really, do you know anyone who gets excited about doing laundry? Nope, it's just one of those necessary evils.
But it doesn't have to be.
I'm looking into a laundry service to help me out -- it's less expensive than you might think, and it saves a heap of time.
I'm thinking, if I can outsource my laundry, what else can I outsource?
I signed up for a virtual assistant through GetFriday services (the site recommended by Timothy Ferriss in 4-Hour Work Week). The good news is they are extremely affordable...the bad news is that they have a 3-week waitlist to get started. I've got about 2 more weeks to go, and I'm already making lists of what I can hand off as soon as I've got someone assigned to me.
I'm thinking I spend waaaaaaaaaay too much time online, and I'd like to cut that time in about half (for starters, then maybe half again soon).
I'm also realizing what I'm passionate about...and what I'm not. And I made a vow this week -- no more wasting time and effort on stuff I'm not passionate about.
I've got a couple of ebooks in the hopper, but I doubt you'll hear about them here. Why? Because I'm just not passionate about them. Maybe I can find someone (or they'll find me) who IS, and THEY can market the ebooks and just give me a cut, but I'm not interested in selling you anything that doesn't knock my socks off.
How's THAT for authenticity?
I am very clear on my purpose, and I know that when I am following/fulfilling my purpose, the money always comes. That's just how it goes.
So that's how I'm planning to simplify.
(Oh, and I'll also be clearing any beliefs I have around things like "life has to be hard" and "easy come, easy go" and stuff like that)
How will YOU simplify your life? Or are you too addicted to turbulence to allow life to be simple?
Go for it!
(with ease and velocity)
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