Money Started Talking To Me...
Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but all sorts of stuff is talking to me now. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's been talking all along, I just haven't been listening.
You know those gentle nudges we sometimes get? That strong sense of knowing that floods in from time to time? Well, I am beginning to think it's always there, always speaking to us, but sometimes we are more open to listening, and so we can receive clearly.
This might sound insane (has that stopped me before?) but now MONEY is taking to me.
Well, to be precise, it's not so much coming FROM money as it is coming ABOUT money.
Here's an example of a message I got today (do with it what you like -- I figure your "inner knowing" is either giving you goosebumps becasue you resonate with this as true, or you think I'm full of crap. Either way is fine -- just trust your own inner knowing about what you're about to read):
In the beginning, we all had a sense of plenty. A sense that no matter how much we used, we could never run out. A sense that supply was inexhaustible.
Then, as we progress, we are taught that there is a finite supply of everything -- money, patience, love, understanding, forgiveness, brotherhood, connectedness, you name it, there's not enough of it.
We begin to adopt these newly related beliefs as though they are real -- as though they are Truth. And in doing so, we forget what is True from Source.
If you could once again see from our (these unseen beings) perspective, you would realize how silly your fear of lack truly is. It is as though you are a fish, swimming in the ocean, wondering if there will be enough water to sustain you through the day. This is what it is like when you worry about not having enough money.
Again, please understand that money is just money. It can no more change itself or its quantity than a fish can split into 4, or change itself into a giraffe. Money is not the problem. The quantity of money is not the problem. All there is to tweak is your perception of money.
Imagine for just a day that you had a well in your back yard, and that this well was not filled with water, but with $100 bills. Imagine that any time you wanted some money for something, you could go out back and fill the bucket with $100 bills, and then raise the bucket up and take all you wanted. Imagine that every living human had access to their own money well.
We would invite you to also imagine that you know in the core of your knowing, that this money well is coming from a spring source -- one that comes from sources unknown, but that can never dry up. Imagine further that everyone on the planet has their own well, and all wells spring from a single Source.
Are you getting the picture?
This is exactly what money is/does/makes available to you.
And yet, you continue to run around like headless chickens, frenzied about where your next $100 bill will come from.
Your own well is right under your nose. It's been there all along. It makes no difference to the well, whether or not it is used. The well is simply in existence, content to be drawn from...or not. The well is indifferent to all your comings and goings, to all your worries and concerns, to all your calls from bill collectors, your unmet needs, your unwillingness to shift your perceptions around this inexhaustible supply.
Are you ready to end your struggle with money? Are you ready to discover the well that's been there all along, and to dip your bucket into the richness of it, and pull up as much as you desire or require?
The first step is to be willing. The rest is easy.
Energetically, it is important for you to understand that money is an entity in and of itself, but it is not outside of you. It is not separate from you. It is distinct, yet fully integrated. You and money are made from the same cosmic ethers, and you are connected deeply. This is why money can continue to just "be money" while you are struggling and feeling as though you do not have enough.
In order for you to have all the money you desire and require, you must first love yourself fully. Love yourself enough to create a sense of order -- not just around money, but around the structure of life. Clutter -- whether mental or physical -- prevents the natural flow of money and all forms of good. Begin to clear out the dark and dusty corners of your home, your mind and your heart. Look for areas that have been neglected, look for areas that are longing to see the light of day, and look for areas you have attempted to sweep under the rug.
Bring these out into Light and clear what needs to be cleared in your energy field. Focus on order and put things in their proper places. Maintain this sense of order and watch how your entire reality shifts toward what you've been seeking all along.
If you think (and we know many of you do) that a messy closet, desk drawer, basement or file cabinet have no impact whatsoever on your ability to create and allow what you want into your life, you are truly mistaken.
It may not seem to make sense to you right now, We invite you to experiment and see for yourself. Money will tend to flow in the direction of order -- towards sensible arrangement, and away from confusion and chaos.
If you want to allow more money into your space, create a space of sensible arrangement and refined order.
Anyone can do this. However, it may require you to be willing to let go of comfort patterns you've created, and it may require you to take some time to work on areas you've been procrastinating about addressing. It may also require you to let go of physical things and mental patterns you've clung tightly to, for a very long time.
If you are willing, you can begin to clear your space (physical, mental, and spiritual) in order to create an opening for increased flow.
Now is the time to take action. You have procrastinated long enough, but until now you may not have seen the consequences as a direct result of your unwillingness to take action. Begin to take action today -- right now -- and witness what appears as a result.
Share your "awarenesses" with the group. If it appears that nothing is happening in the physical realm, continue to create a sense of order and seek out other areas that are requesting "clean up." There is far more to do than you will see at first glance.
Begin now.
Now, if you ARE resonating with this message, let me just stop you before you start to tell me how brilliant it sounds. Seriously, I can't take credit for writing this -- I'm more of the transcriptionist than the author.
If you want to send me kudos (who doesn't love praise? And I'm not afraid to ask for honest feedback, especially when it's favorable ;-) then you can thank me for having the cahones to put it out here.
Let's face it, not everyone is receptive when you tell them you "just got a message from money." So it took a little courage for me to post this blog entry. But apaprently, there are some folks who would like to hear it, and the message wants to be shared. So here I go.
If you think I'm off my rocker, there's no need to tell me so. I already admitted this all sounds wacko, and I'm well aware how "out there" and "woo woo" it all sounds. I'm sure the Wright brothers thought their idea sounded wacko at first, but when an idea won't go away, we sometimes have no choice but to share it.
I am clear that I am to share the information I'm receiving. So look for more of it here.
(And if you want to find out whether I have specific infomration for you, email me RE: private coaching. I have been helping folks release long-standing limiting beliefs in a fast, easy, and virtually painless way using this same method, and it's transforming the whole face of my coaching. More about that coming soon.)
Your QoD:
Do you tend to listen to (or ignore) the "messages" you receive? What do you notice when you listen? What do you notice when you ignore? Which brings you more peace and joy?
Go for it!
Hello Amy,
I like your forth coming message and I totally agree with how cluttering of our minds is like having all sort of rubbish being choked up in the pipes and water cannot flow through properly.
An example of a cluttered mind.
We, as human beings ( me included), tend to bluff ourselves into believing that we need all the clutters in our drawers and cupboards just in case we need to use them later. But actually we are bluffing ourselves, becos we don't even remember what is inside these drawers and cupboards. So by not clearing them and putting in new stuffs, the old things are only taking up space, nothing is productive here.Just my thoughts :)
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