Sunday, October 19, 2008

What Are You Preparing For?

Today I'm moved to write about PREPARATION.

Because it occurs to me that many of us are affirming one thing with our words, but affirming something completely different with our actions.

And I thought it might be helpful for us to do some serious self-evaluation about these things we claim we want.

For example, I've had a number of people write me recently asking if it's "OK" to ask to win the lottery.

Which is a great question, and a not-so-great question all at the same time.

Because, of course, it's perfectly fine for you to ask for absolutely anything you want.

So if you want to win the lottery, go ahead and ask.

Trouble is, most folks have an outrageous amount of limiting beliefs about lottery, cash windfalls, winning, deservability, responsibility and money, losing, odds, etc. So unless you clear those underlying beliefs, you don't have much of a shot and winning -- and even if you DID win, you would be likely to blow it all and wind up worse off than before you asked.

And how can you tell whether or not you've got tons of limiting beliefs around it?

Start with how it feels to think about winning a MASSIVE amount of money -- let's start with $25 million dollars.

What's the feeling you get (emotions AND physical feeling, in your body itself) when you think about it?

What would you do with all that money? Look here for feelings of guilt, gluttony, embarrassment, etc.

How would you feel telling people you've won?

Just with these 3 questions alone, you would likely find all sorts of blocks and old beliefs coming up into your awareness.

And if NOTHING comes up -- if you are truly completely neutral, are you prepared?

First off, have you purchased lottery tickets? You will never win the lottery if you don't play the game.

And you've got to play to win.

What sorts of assistance will you require once you DO win?

IF you truly believe you can and will win, NOW is the time to start lining up your ducks.

Start asking for referrals for tax attorneys, CPAs, lawyers, etc...draw up a job description for your personal assistant.

Start window shopping -- use the money with your mind -- what will you buy?

A new home?

Start searching the online MLS listings, driving around neighborhoods, perhaps even interviewing Realtors.

A new car?

NOW is the time to test drive, research online, talk to friends and family who drive or own the kinds of cars you want to own.


Be specific -- where to? What will you do there? What is the best time of year to visit?

By now you have probably figured out that I'm not just talking about the lottery -- I'm talking about ANYTHING you've set your sights on!

This form of preparation is a way to take possession in your mind ---- if you continue to wait until you see the rewards (i.e., waiting until you win the lottery or get that new career, or meet the perfect person), you'll feel like such a fish out of water that you might just be uncomfortable enough to self-sabotage and dump it all.

And wouldn't that be a shame? After all your visualizing, affirming, and mental work?

Think long and hard about WHAT YOU REALLY WANT and then prepare ye self to have it!

(If you dare ;-)

(BTW, I recently recorded a short Messages from God audio about the lottery that might interest you. You can listen to it here.)


At 11:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks Amy........I needed both of these only you can know....;)....Bless you !



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