Friday, August 19, 2005

Do You Need Time Management?

Have you ever sat down and figured out where your time goes?

If you're like most peoeple, the answer is not just no but heck no. Who has timefor that?

Unfortunately, if you're not evaluating where you spend your time, odds are you're spending it on the wrong things. Which means you don't have the time to do what you want to do. In which case the answer is yes, you need time management.

I'm working on a method for determining where your time goes and evaluating where you can "trim the fat" to make room for more meaningful activity. Don't worry, I'll let you know when it's avaialble.

Of course, part of the problem is that a lot of people don't know what they'd rather be doing. That's kind of why you watch TV in the first place, isn't it--so you don't have to be alone wiht your thoughts. You won't have to figure out what you'd really rather be doing.

I used to think boredom was a fate worse than death. Then one day, I was put in a position where I had to be alone, by myself, without transportation, in a strange house, for 36 hours.

It was excrutiating.

But also enlightening.

I realized that the reason I was always afraid of boredom is because I couldn't stand the thought of being stuck alone with myself!

Ouch. Truth hurts. But once I got over the initial shock that I didn't really like myself, I was able to change that by looking for things about me that I rea;lly did like. And you know what? I actually found a pretty good-sized list. In fact, I'm still adding to it.

Liking yourself is an essential key for success. More about that on another day...but for now, here's your question:

Do you like being alone with you? Just you--no TV, no books, no treadmill. Just sitting and being quiet with yourself.

If not, how come? I don't even know you and I'm sure I could talk to you for 5 minutes and find at least 3 things to like.

Think about it (if you can find the time)...


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