Success Blog Climbs the Charts
I am so excited that I just have to report to you that our alexa ranking for New Success has jumped from 4,069,044 to 1,469,618. OK, so the ranking is still pretty pathetic, but you gotta admit, it's a huge improvement!
Which just proves my point, that people are always looking for quality information about success.
Statistics may disagree, however. I'd lay odds that for every person searching for success, there are at least five people whining and moaning about the current situation in their life, maybe more than that.
Remember the license plate formula we discussed a few days age? Be-Do-Have? Well, isn't it funny that whatever you are BEing attracts more of the same.
It's like the old saying, misery loves company.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Be careful who your friends are.
Obviously, it rings true even here - I saw a couple of people posted comments to my entry regarding license plate wisdom and one of them even has THE SAME license plate (in a different state, I assume. Mine is Louisiana.) He has the same exact phrase on his license plate, what are the odds of that???
The odds are pretty high, actually. Truly successful people are aware that they create their reality: one thought, one decision, and one action at a time. Truly successful people rarely chalk up their successes to "luck" or "coincidence" or "serendipity." Then again, the truly successful people aren't blaming other people for their occasional lack of success either. They know that everything they have (including friends adn business associates) is a direct result of who they are BEing.
That's right, we're talking about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
But I'm not here to lecture. Well, not today anyway. No, today I am packing for a trip to Phoenix. We have lots of friends down there, and we're lookign forward a relaxing trip. Sure, it's hot in Phoenix in August, but it's hot AND humid here in New Orleans so being hte optimist that I am....I'm looking on the bright side. We're not heading to the desert for the heat, we're escaping the humidity of hte South. Well, for a couple of weeks, anyway.
We were actually going to vacation ON the sun itself, but it was booked so we got the next closest place, Arizona. Haha, only kidding. They've got swimming pools, air conditioning and ice cream in Arizona, so all is well.
But I digress. Now back to this license plate thing.
While in Phoenix, I fully expect to meet other successful people who possess a radiant outlook on life. Why? Because that's who I'm BEing, of course. I anticipate a smooth flight with a perfectly behaved toddler (possibly other people's children are well-behaved too) and a great trip with wonderful friends. Because I expect that, it's exactly what I'll get.
Don't believe me?
How many times have you said, "I KNEW that would happen!" about something? did it ever occur to you that it happened because you expected it?
Now I'm just talking crazy, right? After all, there's no possible way that we can affect the world around us to that degree. That's stuff and nonsense, to quote Lewis Carroll.
Hmmm. Well, if that's what you believe, I suppose that's what you'll get. (How's that for a comeback?) If that's who you're BEing, then that's what you'll do and have, I suppose. Which further proves my point.
Fortunately, I never get tired of being right. Or maybe I do and that's why I'm wrong sometimes. I'm all about both sides of the coin todya, aren't I?
I can't help it, I get excited about traveling. New adventures, fun with friends and family. New things to eat adn see and do, it's all very excitign stuff. Anyway, don't worry because I'll still have my laptop with me, so you won't miss a single day of our success secrets.
I went on a quite a rant there, but I really just wanted to thank you for reading and helping my site ranking. I'm in the process of building the site, and I want to make it useful, informative and fun. So I'll be posting a survey here in a couple of days, and I'd love it if you'd take the survey (and tell all your friends about it. Because people like you are bound to have awesome friends and associates, just based on who you're BEing).
For now, here is your question du jour:
What is the one thing that is standing in your way and blocking you from your success? (Hint: Whatever it is, it's not outside of you)
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