Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Remaining 5 Tips

For those of you who are paying attention, a few days back I promised to give the remaining 5 tips for taking care of you. I was supposed to post them the following day, but OOPS I went off on another rant. It happens.

Anyway, here is a refresher of the first 5:

1. Book a massage (make it an hour, at least).

2. Schedule a pedicure.

3. Buy your favorite magazine or a new book and read the entire thing, but only at times when you are alone and can really get into it. Just before bed, on your lunch hour, in the bathroom or during your precious bubble bath.

4. Get a housekeeper. Weekly is best, but if you can't afford regular help, schedule some cleaning assistance just once! And not so you can run more errands.

5. Enhance that bubble bath with a glass of wine or two.

And here are the remaining 5 in this top-10 favorite:

6. Make yourself a CD of your favorite songs.

7. Practice saying "no" to additional responsibilities. Try these on for size: "I'd love to but my schedule just won't allow it this time." "Can't right now, but ask me next time for sure." "I'd love to help with that, but I'm a bit overextended. Keep me on the list for future opportunities." "That sounds great, you should do it!"

8. Clean out or organize something that's really been bugging you.

9. Buy yourself a beautiful expensive new journal....and use it.

10. Go to the park alone. Do whatever suits you--walk, sit, lie down. Just relax and enjoy being one with nature.

Happy pampering!


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