Money Loves Speed
Today we're talking about money and speed. And I've been traveling at the speed of light lately, which explains why I haven't taken teh time to blog since Sunday! But I refuse to affirm that "time flies," instead I choose to believe that I have all the time I need. How's that for perspective?
Here's the bottom line: Money Loves Speed.
So when you get that positively inspired idea out of the blue, you have two choices (three, really, but two are actually the same thing):
You can blow it off (or think you'll "get around to it later")
You can take action
Think about it this way:
Do you know any fabulously wealthy people who are indecisive procrastinators? I sure don't. The people I know who are amazingly wealthy are ones who take action.
This is a habit I've recently adopted.
In the past, I was inclined to talk myself out of new possibilities. Have you noticed that we don't really wake up in a world of what's possible? I could get the most amazing idea just before falling asleep, and be ready to take it on full-speed the next day...but then something happens when I fall asleep.
I wake up thinking, "That was such a dumb idea. That will never work. I don't have the time, energy, resources to make it happen. I don't know what I was thinking." and I can completely dismiss this fabulous idea. (this is in the past of course!)
NOW, I act completely differently. Now that I can see that money loves speed, I get an idea and I act on it.
Even if I don't feel like it.
Even if I'm busy.
Even if I'd rather do something else, like go to the pool, or the movies, or take a nap.
Instead, I take action.
See, successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do. We do the things that other people don't want to do, the things they can easily rationalize their way out of. That's how come I get to attract more than $8,000 in a single week, and other people work and work to make that much in a month (maybe).
The main difference between me and people who are not as successful is that simple: I take action and they don't.
HAve you ever gotten a perfectly wonderful idea that you didn't do anything about? What happened later? You eventually saw your great idea for sale on TV or in a store. You may have even bought it! All the while, you were probably thinking, "that was MY idea! They STOLE my idea!" No, they just got the same idea and THEY took action and YOU did nothing.
So the next time you get an inspired idea, remember that money loves speed. And go take action - any action!
Now here's your QoD: Do you act on your ideas immediately, or are you more inclined to hesitate? What are the results of your hesitation?
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