Sunday, June 11, 2006

Transitional Period: Opportunity or Rest Period?

You know, when you get some massive momentum going, something interesting happens. Sooner or later, you encounter a transitional period.

Now these transitional periods can be pivotal for whatever comes next, but you can pretty much view it in one of two ways: either an opportunity to kick things up to teh next level, or a rest period to take a breather and evaluate things.

In my opinion, the latter of the two can be deadly.

See, when things are going great, we can start to take things for granted. Ease our foot off the gas a bit. I mean, hey, things are going so well, we can take a breather, right? NO WAY.

Think of your success as a locomotive. It takes a tremendous amount of steam (energy, time, etc) to get yourself moving. Once you're moving, it requires a lot less to keep the train going. But if you ever stop fueling the fire (taking action), teh train is goign to start slowing down. And what's inevitable is it will eventually stop.

Do you want your success to slow down or stop? HECK NO! You want to kick it up into higher gear!

But there could be a number of reasons why you want to take your foot off the gas.

For one, you might not have startd thinking about what your life will be like at this "next level." In fact, it just might scare you a bit.

Secondly, you might feel pretty comfy where you are right now. Maybe you haven't set any bigger goals than where you are now.

Finally, you could have "deservability" issues with going further than you've ever been.

There could be a lot going on in teh background. So I caution you about these seemingly harmless rest periods. They could actually do much more than slow you down - they could set you back.

I've seen countless entrepreneurs make a six-figure income in a single month, and then tank their business the following month. I've seen people achieve massive goals and then go into a serious depression soon after achieving these goals. I have experienced a similar situation myself, and it isn't fun.

The worst part of all is that now you have to get this massive locomotive going AGAIN. All that work, all that energy, and you essentially have to start all over again (although hopefully much wiser now).

So when you hit that transitional period, do the "uncomfortable" thing - press onward to bigger and better dreams. Do not grow complacent, or you could lose everyhting you've worked so hard to attain.

And here is your QoD:
Where in your life do you see yourself in a transitional period (marriage, career, finances, goals, family life, hobbies, etc.) and what will happen if you take a rest period? What will happen if you view this time as an opportunity and press onward and upward? Go for it!


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