Sunday, June 25, 2006

Can Weight Loss Success Be EASY? Or Is That Just Wishful Thinking?

I am absolutely blown away by what I've learned from Marna Goldstein.

Apparently diets suck (knew that already), pills, lotions and potions are completely unnecessary and permanent (kind of suspected that), lasting weight loss only comes from addressing the root cause of the issue (was afraid of that).

This stuff is G O L D.

For once (well, the second time actually), I'm not trying to lose weight. I'm pregnant with our second child! But I certainly want to keep my weight gain from pregnancy to a minimum.

So am I employing what I'm learning from Marna Goldstein?

You betcha. And I'm seeing a world of difference.

For example, when I got pregnant with my daughter Sally, I gained 40 lbs. No matter whether I ate salads or milkshakes, I gained a pound a week.

This time around, I'm nearly 4 months pregnant (by this time, I had gained 15 lbs with Sally) and this time around, I've put on less than 5 lbs. My physician is thrilled, and so am I.

So if you want to know more about this NO-DIET approach called Natural Weight Loss, I suggest you get yourself on this free call I'm hosting with Marna this Thursday night.

Spots are limited (we've already got more than 100 people signed up so far) so go register here.

And if you talk to Marna, tell her I sent ya.

QoD: IF you've struggled with your weight, when did it first start? Identifying hte time when you first started to overeat can help you get to the source. What happened around taht time in your life that prompted you to turn to food for comfort?

Think about it, and write down your answers. And register yourself for that free call now.


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