Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Where I've Been...

Yes, we all know it's not where you've been, it's where you're going that counts. But I thought you'd be interested in why I haven't posted in a bit.

First, I've been extremely busy with everything that's been going on with the new product launch I'm doing with Marna Goldstein. As you may already know, Marna and I are holding a special teleseminar series called where she will reveal "Secrets of the Naturally Thin." The preview call was a smashing success, and I'm learning so much about this easy way to lose weight. In fact, since we did the preview call a week ago, I've already dropped 2 lbs. And I didn't even do much of anything! I certainly didn't diet, that's for sure. We have a few spots left for the series (starts on July 11th) so sign up here if you haven't already done so. The special price won't last long, and neither will availability.

We're also ramping up for a Feng Shui promotion with certified Feng Shui consultant Karrie King. I absolutely adore Feng Shui, and I'm so excited to be able to offer it to people all across North America. Karrie is fabulous to work with, you're just going to love her. Be sure to mark your calendar for 9pm Eastern time on Wednesday, July 12th (one week from tomorrow) for hte free preview call. If you're on my newsletter list (if not, go here to sign up for Success Secrets Revealed) you'll be among the first to know about it.

Good news: I am hiring a personal assistant, as I have worked WAAAAAAYYY too many hours the past couple of weeks (I can't handle working 20 hours a week - it simply does not fit with my lifestyle, my 'wifehood' and my 'motherhood') so you'll be seeing a lot more of me in the coming months. At least until the baby is born, some time after Thanksgiving...

Today is July 4th and it's a day to celebrate our Independence. I personally am giving gratitude today for being independent from a job, oppressive employment, and a wasted life spent on meaningless drivel.

I give thanks today not only for our forefathers who had the vision and the drive to create this United States of America, but also for the men and women who fight to keep our country safe and protect our freedoms, but I also give thanks for free enterprise.

I feel very fortunate to live in a country that allows me to create my own destiny, to shape my own future, to own my own businesses and to earn what I'm worth. Even if I do have to pay a boatload of taxes each year. But hey, that's kind of a good problem to have. :-)

God bless America.

Your QoD:
What are you most thankful for today? How you can make an expression of that gratitude and encourage others to think of their blessings as they enjoy a hotdog and fireworks today?


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