Tuesday, June 27, 2006

What's Beyond Manifestation?

If you read my posts about Joe Vitale's Manifestation Weekend (and the massive results I've experienced since attending) then I have some fabulous news for you.

You know what, even if you didn't get to catch that article (go here to read it now - and catch the following 2 posts as well), I've got great news for you.

The transcripts and audio recordings (and the super-fantastic Beyond Manifestation "manual") are *finally* available.

Go get yours now - you can see what you missed, and put yourself on the list to find out about upcoming weekends.

Look, I was there. What happened was amazing. I don't honestly know if it will be sufficiently captured on the audios, but that's why Joe gives you a money-back guarantee. All I know is that weekend forever changed me - and now I have more money, more happiness and more ideas than I know what to do with.

And I thought life was pretty good up until that weekend!

So go get Beyond Manifestation right now. If you don't you can't complain about nothing changing in your life.

QoD: Where in your life would you like to "take it to the next level"? What's it gonna take to do that? If a spiritual guru is somewhere in your answer, you deserve to have these audios...I paid more than $1000 (more like $2000 with car rental, airfare, hotel and meals, plus the $1000 admission price) to attend this weekend and now you can have it for less than 100 bucks. Go see for yourself. It's what successful people do.


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