Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Success Secrets of the Naturally Thin

You know how we always say "success leaves clues"? Well, check this out, you're gonna love it.

A friend of mine (her name is Marna) was struggling with her weight about 13 years ago. Her mother had been in a terrible car accident, and she was left taking care of "adult responsibilities" as a teen. The stress caused her to turn to food, which in turn made her overweight.

After trying just about everything (diets, weight loss plans, bingeing&purging and a lot of other unhealthy stuff), she got a novel idea.

Why not study naturally thin people who've never struggled with weight and see what she could learn from them?

Yes folks, success leaves clues.

She began to obsessively study naturally thin people - what they ate, how often they ate, how much they ate, when they ate, when they stopped eating, what they did when they were bored, angry, hurt, happy, etc. Plus, what they thought about food, what they thought about their bodies, what they believed, how they acted, EVERYTHING.

She learned a lot, most of which was pretty shocking.

She started to apply what she learned, acting and thinking like a naturally thin person. Guess what? the weight started to come off, effortlessly, pleasantly, without sacrifice, without restrictive dieting, without obsessive workouts.

Naturally, other people started to notice.

They wanted whatever she had. She got all sorts of questions.

One day, it occurred to Marna that she could teach people what she knew. She could actually coach people and help them lose weight naturally, easily, permanently.

Today, Marna has maintained her healthy body for 12 years - without diets or extreme exercise. Without a "regimen." Without giving up ANY of her favorite foods.

She has helped hundreds of people to lose weight naturally and keep it off, just like she did.

I was so amazed by her story of struggle and triumph, that I told her what she was doign was great, but it's not enough.

See, as a personal coach, she can only help a limited number of people, because she has a finite amount of time. She could reach a lot more if she leveraged her time.

That's when we decided to partner together on a project.

We're putting together an amazing teleseminar series - a simple, affordable way that anyone - really EVERYONE can gain access to Marna and her revolutionary success secrets of the naturally thin. Even though Marna is just one person.

What's more, we're giving you (well, not just you, but everyone who wants it, really) a free gift. We've decided to make the preview call for this series absolutely free. Marna is going to give away a TON of valuable info on this call, but we're not going to charge for it.

That way, people can listen to the live free call and see what's available. It's kind of a try-before-you-buy kind of thing. IF you resonate with what's presented on the free call, then you KNOW you'll get 10 times as much out of hte six-week series. If you don't connect with any of the info on the free call, well, all you lost was 45 minutes of your time.

It's really a win-win scenario.

And you know I'm all about that.

The preview call will be Thursday, June 29th. Go register here to hold your spot (it's free).

In the meantime, you can chew on this. It's a 30-minute audio where I interview Marna about her methods and techniques. Some of what you hear will probably shock you. But I guarantee you'll learn a lot. (most of which is actually GOOD news for anyone who's struggled with their weight).

Here's the link to the recording of the interview: INTERVIEW

And here's your QoD: If you've been struggling with your weight, what would you say is the #1 reason you haven't had lasting weight loss success?


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