A Breakthrough in Generosity
Did you know that you can set an intention for a breakthrough?
In other words, if there is an area of your life that is causing you grief, you can simply choose a breakthrough in that area.
I recently decided to declare a breakthrough in generosity.
As many of you know, I read a lot - A LOT - and almost every book I find on prosperity consciousness talks about generosity.
So I started to notice where in my life I was NOT being generous. With my time, my money, my love, my information, my talent, you name it - whatever I have to give.
And I began to understand that by being stingy with these things, I was only hurting myself. I was slowing the flow of abundance in all areas of my life.
When things are good, they can always get better.
But here in my world, "better" just doesn't cut it. We're going for EXTRAORDINARY.
So how did I actually get this breakthrough? Three steps:
1. First I declared it. Read previous posts to discover the power of your spoken word.
2. Next, whenever I felt like holding back, I recognized that it came from a place of lack and was blocking flow and ease.
3. Then I took action that was congruent with my declared breakthrough.
For example, I spent 2 days working on a gift for Joe Vitale. I wanted to thank him personally for the Manifestation Weekend (yes, it was THAT amazing, and if you haven't bought the audios yet, you're wacko!) My friend Karrie King and I put together a mini-Feng Shui kit, personalized for Joe.
I also bought my friend a plant. He has been working on his own prosperity, and I helped him Feng-Shui his cubicle, so I bought him an appropriate plant for his prosperity corner. (Not surprisingly, his financial situation improved within 48 hours of placing the plant in his prosperity corner). If you want to put Feng Shui to work for you, check out our free preview call: CLICK HERE for FENG SHUI.
I bought two $25 cigars for my coach (is that a lot? again, it's all relevant) and I've been giving gifts like there's no tomorrow (since there really isn't).
The result?
A phenomenal influx of good, flowing to me, easily, constantly, in perfect timing.
I highly recommend this.
So if you want a breakthrough in generosity (or anywhere else, for that matter), just use these 3 steps:
1. Declare your intention for a breakthrough.
2. Recognize when you're not congruent with what you declared.
3. Take action that was congruent with your declared breakthrough.
QoD: Where in your life would you LOVE to have a breakthrough? Will you declare it today and follow steps 2 and 3?
Go for it!!!
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