Lots Going On - Here's the Nuts and Bolts of It
I apologize for not posting in over a week -- there's so much going on that I got a bit wrapped up in it all.
You know, you can make sure you're always in my loop by subscribing to Succes Secrets Revealed here.
First, let me say Happy Halloween to everyone. I don't know about you, but I had a blast last night with my husband and toddler.
Now, let's get down to business with point #1 -
HEre's what's up -- if you missed the $297 10-week Feng Shui live teleclass I did with Karrie King, you can take advantage of the audio program (the recorded calls, learning guides and answer keys) for only $147 by visiting this site. People simply cannot stop raving about this program.
This brings me to point #2:
Tonight, Karrie and I will be joining none other than Mark Joyner for a special conference call: Super-Simple Secrets for Prosperity. It's officially a Simpleology Live Learning Event and you can get access for free by signing up here. Then, log into Simpleology and you'll get all the details of tonight's free call. (If you're reading this after teh fact, you can use the same link to access the recording of the call.) It's gonna be a great call, and trust me, you'll want to be there!
Now for point #3 -
If you haven't seen my latest free resource, you MUST go there now. http://99waystowealth.com We're getting FABULOUS feedback on these candid interviews, and we've got a lot more up our sleeves. When you sign up, you ensure that you won't miss a thing.
Speaking of "don't miss" - point #4 -
The latest and greatest, and truly the most comprehensive wealth mindset course available is finally ready for you to sign up: http://MakingMoneyLoveYou.com This is a no-holds-barred 90-day multimedia extravaganza. OK, maybe extravaganza is a strong word, but you must at least go check out the guarantee, which is virtually unheard of in this industry. Go there now!
I was thinking of giving you a little break, cutting you some slack by skipping today's Question of the Day. Then I thought, what kind of service would THAT be for me to provide? so here ya go:
QoD: What's the #1 area you struggle with around money mindset? What would it take for you to bust through that imaginary barrier? Perhaps you can find the answer here.
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