Friday, November 17, 2006

New "Happy Feet" Movie = Lessons for Success

Today we took our toddler to see the new "Happy Feet" movie (you know, the animated one about the penguins) that just came out today.

As someone who constantly slams the media for its poor fear-based messages, I was pleasantly surprised.

In fact, I just loved this movie, and I highly recommend it for people of ALL ages.

Here's just some of the lessons you'll see in this movie (BTW, the following list can also be adapted into excellent discussion points for you and your kids. Why pass up the opportunity to provide a life lesson?):

First off, the movie powerfully exhibits (in a not-so-subtle way) the dangers of "Groupthink." In network marketing, it's called "herd thinking" and my mother used to call it "people who act like sheep." The movie proudly promotes the inherent power in just being yourself, and refusing to change or hide your true colors (or true talents).

Secondly, Happy Feet offers some very strong examples of leadership, commitment and perseverence. Being willing to stand out from the group means you may catch some flack, but can you be unstoppable in the face of that? You absolutely can, when you're committed.

Third, there's a clear message about the environment of success. Be very careful who you surround yourself with -- you become who your friends are. Mumble never bought into the Groupthink, and I love that he never judged anyone else who did. Live and let live -- most people are so concerned about what other people are doing, that they forget to live their own lives, and our hero certainly did not fit that mold.

Finally, I love the way the main character's heart and authenticity gets him into trouble AND gets him out of trouble. Just like in life -- and no matter what, he can't help letting his true self shine through. Now what better message can you imagine sending to children?

On another note, I just sat down to watch part 2 of Larry King's show where he featured speakers from the movie The Secret. I think our friend Joe Vitale did quite well for himself, and Jack Canfield really shined as well. Can the media really be shifting to more "positive" messages? It's a slow change, for sure, but it's reassuring to know that people are demanding more of it.

So here is your QoD: Are you carefully guarding what you feed your brain? Or are you just watching any old thing to pass the time? And given that your time here is finite, what exactly would you be passing time until? All you've got is right NOW, so what will you do with it?

P.S. I highly recommend "Happy Feet" without reservation, for anyone of any age. You will be inspired. You will love the music (which is remarkably diverse and hip, and lacks that "Disney-fied Andrew Lloyd Webber" style that I grow so tired of). You will probably tap your feet. Oh, and your kids will like it too.


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