Happy Birthday To Me!
Yes, today is my birthday and I wanted to take a moment to thank all of my readers.
This past year has been a wild ride -- relocating after Hurricane Katrina, creating new businesses and new products, new friendships and new partnerships, and dealing with the variety of feelings that comes with moving away from one's home and family.
The next year is looking extremely bright -- I am having a blast creating new interviews for 99waystowealth.com and creating new products, teaching people to shift their wealth mindset. What's on the horizon for next year?
Well, all I can tell is it's going to rock your socks. We're considering live seminars and much more. Things are really smokin' right now and the future is looking better and better.
In a way, it's challenging to focus on me today (even though it IS my day!) because of all that's going on here at New Success and beyond (and the fact that I'll be bringing a new little life into this crazy world just 20 days from today!)
But thanks for reading, and thanks especially for all the wonderful comments I receive from you. The cards, the gifts, the emails, the thank-yous -- every time I receive another one, it's like it's my birthday. :-)
Many blessings to you and a prosperous year ahead for us all!
Amy Scott Grant
(P.S. Here's a fun QoD: How old do you think I am? Be NICE!!!)
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