Tuesday, February 20, 2007

You're Already Being Paid What You're Worth

I thought that headline would grab your attention. Did it work?

Seems like every day I get at least 1 piece of spam that says "Get paid what you're worth."

I have to think -- aren't I already? Isn't everyone?

AFter all, your paycheck can never outperform your self-image. So if you're broke, it must be related to what YOU think your worth.

That probably pisses some people off, but that's only because they refuse to take personal responisbility. If you're pissed about how much (or little) you're making, it's only because you think it's somebody else's fault.

Maybe your boss won't give you the raise you claim to deserve. Maybe your teenagers spend it as fast as you can make it. Maybe your ex is causing you money troubles. Maybe you can't get ahead becaues of somebody, somewhere.

That's all a bunch of crap and you know it.

YOU are the only person to point a finger at. YOU are responsible for where you are right here, right now.

A bitter pill to swallow, for most of us. But totally and compeltely true. That's what we folks in the perosnal development industry call "personal responsibility." It ain't pretty, but the truth will set you free.

So if we are totally and completely for our own lot in life, as well as any current circumstnaces, then it would stand to reason that each of us, right now, is being paid exactly what we believe we are worth.

If you're not making as much money as you'd like, and you say you want more, then you've got some hidden and contradictory beliefs that are preventing you from making as much as you want.

If only we could get an inkling of what we are truly worth -- we'd never again want for money. It would flood into our lives by the boatload.

But no, we'd rather beleive we're limited, feeble beings, merely human.

Silly earthlings.

Your QoD:

What would you like to be earning? What story woulkd you have to give up in order to get what you really want? Who do you need to forgive? What can you be grateful for, right now?

Go for it.


At 7:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that no-one has responded to this post. Certainly "truer words have never been spoken"! Ouch! The truth hurts and most of us (myself included) do not want to admit we are responsible for the misery, disease, loneliness and poverty we experience.

However, an interesting twist to this fact is that even after we take responsibility for our life experience, it is often extremely hard to change. Sometimes there is this massive inertia (like a ball of lead) that is almost impossible to move!

I have been on this earth a long time (almost 60 years) and I have spent all of my adult life in relative poverty. I have been poor even though I am well-educated, healthy, energetic and ambitious (I think). My desire is to change my inner beliefs so that I might "get my share".

I tell myself every day that I am responsible for this mess, and I'm getting what I deserve. I'm trying hard to change, and I'll admit that I get discouraged often - yet I keep plugging.

Thanks for "telling it like it is". I've made the first step. Your post was another good reminder not to give up the good fight.

Keep going for it.

At 1:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for your comment. You bring up a great point about "trying hard to change things"... I'll post more about that soon.


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