The New Glamourous Me: Part II
PART II: The Right Stuff
OK, today was day 1 of "glamourous hair"
I decided I would work with hair for awhile and master that before attempting makeup. I don't want to get myself overwhelmed. My hair consultant (Julie Anne) concurred.
Today was the first day, and it might sound silly, but I was excited. I had bought a bunch of new product (the only sticker shock I experienced was $15 bucks for a can of hairspray. Especially since that's a product that's mostly air and container. But hey, it's called "Big Sexy Hairspray" so how can you go wrong?) At any rate, it's a small price to pay for looking fabulous as far as I'm concerned.
Since today was day 1, I decided to set my expectations fairly low, to give myself some breathing room. No point expecting perfection from the get-go -- this is a process. That's what I told myself.
I detached from any specific outcome, and decided to call today "training."
But I was remarkably delighted.
In fact, I was downright shocked at how easy it was. Even despite frequent interruptions and the awkwardness of getting used to the feel of a new hair dryer, it only took me 25 minutes to completely do my hair. And I figure I'll get faster with practice. (And since I don't wash my hair daily except during the hottest part of the summer, half an hour every couple of days is a minor investment as far as I can tell).
I must say, I was delighted that it was easier than expected, and that my hair looked far better than normal, only took a bit longer (but that will decrease with time), and is most definitely shinier and sexier.
And SOFTER. I was in shock that my hair could look this great ALL DAY LONG, without being crispy or stiff. I literally couldn't keep my hands out of my hair, it felt so fabulous.
I'm calling today's post "The Right Stuff" because my most surprising discovery today is about the importance of having the right "stuff" -- meaning TOOLS. No matter what you're out to accomplish, it certainly helps if you have the right tools. A new hair dryer and $60 worth of hair product (and a HEAP of sound advice) were all I needed to create the look I've wished for, for so long!
I don't discount the advice I got -- I am quite certain I NEVER would have chosen these hair care products on my own. I would have done something silly (and in the past, I have), like ask my hairdresser what to buy (answer: whatever she gets the biggest commission on) or try things on my own (huge mistake -- I would have bought an entire line of the same brand, and would have completely missed the mark). But instead, I chose to stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before me.
In other words, there's no need to be a pioneer when the trail is already blazed. Just find out what works from someone who already knows what works, and go get those tools, and follow that process.
(Are you clear that we're NOT just talking about hair, here??? I certainly hope you can see that this applies to dang near ANYTHING you are out to accomplish. If you want a simple system for making money, look at this simple home-based business. It works, period. No need to be a pioneer.)
And since I promised photos, here you go. The first is one of me in Sydney with Bob Proctor -- my old routine of blow drying and flat ironing. Yikes. The second photo is me today, after Day 1 of the new hair regime. Glamorous? Heck yeah. (FYI, no makeup in the "after" photo.)

You know, I've always wanted sexy hair, but I put it off because I thought it was too much work AND I hated to admit that I didn't know what to do with my own hair. It seemed silly to have to ASK someone for help with MY hair. Especially someone who isn't my hairdresser! But once I asked, I found out that my myths were unfounded. It doesn't take longer, and the person I asked was delighted to help. The only silliness I felt was over the fact that I had waited so damn long to ask.
So what are YOU putting off, that you've always wanted? What reasons or excuses are you hiding behind? What one step can you take TODAY that will put you closer to having this thing you've always dreamed of?
Now go for it! Me and my sexy hair would love to hear all about your great adventure.
Hey Amy,
Curious, what were the products Juile recommended? My hair could use a little help as well.
Camille Winnie
Hi Camille!
Pantene shampoo (I use the midnight expressions, since my hair is black) and daily moisturizing conditioner; leave-in conditioner (confession: I use my daughter Sally's detangling spray, I think huggies actually makes it); bed head control freak serum; and Big Sexy "play-n-stay" hairspray. The 2 essential tools are a round brush with hollow metal barrel and a Conair ionizing 1675 watt hair dryer. There! The cat is *officially* out of the bag!
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