Taking Gratitude One Step Farther
Those of us in the realm of personal growth seem to talk about gratitude all the time, don't we?
But sometimes we only think to be grateful to God or the Universe, or to the people in our lives.
When was the last time you thanked your dog for always being so happy to see you? Thanked your fish lately for being so pretty and easy to care for?
How about your "stuff"? Have you thanked that lately?
Have you...
Thanked your bed for providing you with a warm and restful place to sleep?
Thanked your house for supporting you every single day?
Thanked your toilet for working properly? Taking care of all the nasty stuff you don't want to think about or have to dispose of, each and every day?
Thanked your stove, oven and refrigerator for helping you create nourishment for yourself and your family?
Thanked your car for getting you where you want to go?
Thanked your computer for ALL the stuff it does for you, with a few keystrokes and the click of a mouse?
Thanked your kitty cat for being there to comfort you the last time you got some bad news?
Thanked your sofa for giving you a nice cushy place to rest when you were sick?
Thanked your telephone for connecting you with the people you love, across hundreds or thousands of miles?
Thanked your hands for typing an email to a friend?
Oh sure, we're quick to raise a stink when something doesn't work, but what about everything around you RIGHT NOW that is doing its job and making sure YOU are fully supported, right now, as you read this?
Go thank your stuff. It's been working for you since you got it, and all it wants is to be acknowledged.
Does this seem silly to you? If so, perhaps you don't believe that we are all connected in a very intimate way. We are all made of the same stuff. And by loving and thanking your "stuff" who are you really loving and thanking?
Yep, that's right. YOU.
So if you want more good stuff in your life, don't just thank God for the good stuff you already have -- thank the STUFF, too.
Trust me, you might feel silly at first, but soon enough you'll feel amazing. And so will your stuff. You'll actually create a loving environment around you just by loving and thanking everything in it.
But hey, don't take my word for it -- give it a week and see what YOU notice.
Would you feel differently about your home if you know that it (and everything in it) only wanted to support you fully? What if you were to believe that, or even pretend it was true for a few weeks, what would change?
What would happen if you began to thank everything around you for what it gives to you? Why not start right now? Look at what is supporting you right now and just take a moment to thank it silently.
Right now, I'm grateful for you. And for your screen or monitor, which allows you to read my messages. I'm grateful for your keyboard, which allows you to post a comment, and for the chair that is making you comfortable at this very moment. I'm grateful for your vision, so that you can see this now, and I'm grateful for the pleasing sound of the tik-tik-tikking of the keyboard as I write this.
See? It's easy. Now that's what I call a massive attitude of gratitude.
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