I Wasn't Expecting This...
When Mike Pickering first asked me for an interview, I had no idea what he was creating.
He told me he was interviewing a bunch of successful people and creating an audio
library about wealth mindset (one of my favorite topics).
I think I was one of the first people he interviewed, because it seemed like months passed before
I heard from him.
Suddenly, I was getting all sorts of messages from Mike. One email particularly interested me,
because it asked for my mailing address and said a package was on its way.
Now I can't honestly tell you what I expected to receive, but who doesn't love to see a package amidst all the junk mail and bills that arrive each day?
I sort of forgot about it until I found a huge brown padded envelope waiting in my mailbox one day.
The thing weighed a ton -- in fact, I almost dropped it when I pulled it out of my box.
When I opened it up, I found the Maker's Wealth Plan by Mike Pickering.
No kidding -- this thing is MASSIVE.
If you're looking to create more abundance, do you think it would be helpful to hear from some highly successful people about how THEY did it, and what advice they have for someone in your shoes?
You bet your boots!
After all, that's the whole reason I created 99waystowealth.com
You owe it to yourself to see what's being offered in this Maker's Wealth Plan. It's essentially a complete audio library for anyone seeking more wealth and abundance.
If you don't at least take a look, what is holding you back? It's possible that whatever is keeping you from checking it out is ALSO what's keeping you at the same level of income you're at right now.
Personally, I'm still working my way through the package. I also think he's charging far too little, considering the whole library costs about the same as 1 hour of my consulting time. And it's about the same amount I'd charge for a 6- or 10-week teleseminar (but the package includes a heck of a lot more audios).
I'm curious to hear what you think about this Maker's Wealth Plan.
Your QoD: What do you think it will take to move you from the level of income you currently have to the level you desire? Obviously, you'll have to do something different in order to get different results. What can you do differently?
HINT: You can start by at least reading this.
Go for it.
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