Thursday, October 16, 2008

Calling All (Scared) Spiritual Healers

Do you suspect your life's work has something to do with spirituality, but you're too afraid to embrace that type of work?

Afraid of being ridiculed?

Afraid of being called "woo-woo" or "flaky" or having people roll their eyes at you?

Afraid you'll look foolish among certain circles?

Wake up people -- the time to act is now, and the times they are a'changin.

I don't watch much TV, and I rarely see commercials, because I TiVo what little TV I do watch.

But I just caught a fascinating commercial.

It was for Subaru cars. The guy was taking his car on eco-adventures, and every time he came back to his car, someone had written "wash me" in the dirt...or "please wash me" or "for the love of Pete, just wash me already" or something to that effect.

And the guy was saying how he feels the dirt is a badge of honor for the car, so he doesn't feel the need to wash it.

And then they cut to a shot of the guy in his car, in the pouring rain and he says...

(Are you ready for this?)

"I'll just let the Universe take care of it."

Oh yea, that's a MAJOR corporate television ad, running on prime time TV on a major network.

And they're talkin about The Universe.

And you still think the world "isn't ready" to accept what you have to offer?


Get busy. You've got healing work to do, my friend.

And if I can help you clear some limiting beliefs or fears that are STILL holding you back, let me know.


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