How One Clear Crystal Can Save You Money on Gas
I heard about this several months back, but it took me awhile to get it done. And you know me -- I wasn't about to tell YOU about it, until I had tried it myself and knew it worked.
And apparently it does.
So if you're looking for an inexpensive, easy, practically effortless way to save some money on gas, you're gonna love it.
1. Buy a clear quartz crystal. Preferably one that's drilled, as if intended for a necklace, pendulum, etc.
2. Attach it to the fuel line of your car.
3. Set the intention that the quartz is amplifying the energy of your fuel and allowing your automobile to operate more efficiently (using less fuel).
How did I first hear about this? In the book "The Crystal Bible" by Judy Hall.
Direct quote from page 225 --
"Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet because of its unique helical spiral crystalline form.
When acupuncture needles are coated in quartz, the effects increase by 10 percent.
As demonstrated by a Kirlian camera, holding a Quartz crystal in your hand doubles your biomagnetic field.
Quartz is a great energy saver. Attached to a fuel line in a car, a Quartz point reduces fuel consumption."

We've had a quartz point tied to our fuel line for about 6 weeks now, and our calculations show that we're now getting about 2 mpg MORE than we were getting before we tied it on.
Think 2 mpg doesn't really make enough of a difference to bother? Think again.
Better yet -- don't think. Just do the math.
The average American drives approximately 12,000 miles per year.
The average American car gets about 25 mpg on average.
Average price of gas is currently around $3.17 per gallon.
If you got the same results as me (could be more, could be less), you would use 36 fewer gallons of gas this year, saving yourself around $114 in gas this year. Not to mention, you PERSONALLY would consume 2 fewer barrels of crude oil.
Still doesn't sound like much? Neither does recycling if you're the only person who does it.
Because you're just one person. Imagine if you shared this with everyone you knew and asked them to do their part, too?
I can't get anyone to stop using gas any more than I could stop myself. I can't change the oil drilling laws. I can't force anyone to create more affordable, eco-friendly automobiles.
But I can do my part by consolidating trips, carpooling when I can, and tying 1 simple crystal to the fuel line of my car. That's what I can do.
Now, more importantly...what can YOU do??
so is the crystal tied inside the engine
no, not inside the engine -- under the hood, tied to the fuel line.
Not sure where your fuel line is? Drive by your car's dealership or ask the guys to show you the next time you get an oil change (that's what we did)
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