Celebrate When Things Get Crappy?
I find myself saying this A LOT lately to clients and the like, so I suppose it bears mentioning here on the blog.
I'm inviting you to celebrate when things get crappy.
OK, if celebrating is a stretch, at least stop fretting. And I'll tell you why the crappiness is actually a good thing.
In my experience, for those of us who are "on the path," whenever we come up against something particularly tough (i.e., something crappy), we are likely about to push through it to experience a MAJOR breakthrough.
Case in point:
A huge, unprompted argument with your spouse or partner (i.e., one that seems to come 'out of the blue') can often mean the two of you are about to enter the next level of your relationship. So the breakdown is actually an opportunity to break through something, and achieve something magnificent.
If your business is going along OK and all of a sudden, the proverbial you-know-what seems to hit the fan, it's likely time to grow. Either you, or the business, or both.
And whenever my clients start relating stories about things that are suddenly going very, very awry, I smile just a tiny bit, because I know we are onto something HUGE.
Personal example:
Last night, I cried myself to sleep. I won't bore you with the details and perceptions that prefaced it, just suffice to say that I was in an oh-so-crappy place myself.
I poured out all the unspoken words (most of which started with "I hate..." and what I wrote even shocked ME) onto the pages of my journal. When there was nothing left to write, I rolled over, turned out the light, and intended sleep to come. But first I had a little conversation with God. Who in this particular scenario, showed up as "the moon."
The moon comforted me, and offered to take my burdens. I finally gave them up. "I'm sick of this crap. Here, take it!" and I dumped it all on her.
And I instantly felt better, and was asleep within minutes.
Slept like a rock until morning. At which point I woke up feeling at least a million times better.
Got up and after getting Sally ready for school, I went straight into my first client appointment of the day -- an early one at 8AM. When that ended, I checked my email and was delighted to find an in-box PACKED with compliments, requests for one-on-one coaching and clearing, and people who for some reason or another were excited and couldn't wait to connect with me.
My 8AM client re-upped for another coaching package with me. Money and opportunities came in all day long. A friend called from the UK with an invitation that, if I accept, will lead to massive, massive exposure for my message. And all it will cost me in return is one hour per month, just me, sharing my gift with the planet, across a telephone line.
This afternoon, I had an absolutely extraordinary session with one of my own coaches, and together we unlocked the final barrier in a long and arduous process of clearing all my issues related to....well, suffice to say it's something I've been working on since JANUARY. An eternity for me, little miss lightning-fast. So you know it's big. MASSIVE.
And besides all of that, my husband and I managed to have one of the most powerful, breakthrough conversations of our 12-year marriage so far.
And all this is magnificent, wonderful, spectacular. But do you know what impresses me the MOST about all of this?
I am leaving town tomorrow for Austin, Texas. We travel a lot, and we love traveling, but I am always a basket case the day before leaving town. I overschedule myself, forget things until the last minute, and always seem to be up until 1 or 2 in the morning the night before, tying up loose ends before I leave town.
Not today.
Today I had a massage, I went to Pilates, I conducted a few coaching sessions with one-on-one clients, I worked a tad, I spent time with my family, I got coaching and clearing from one of MY coaches, and it's not even dinner time and I'm already packed.
In fact, I'm SO caught up, I'm thinking I might not even bring my laptop on this weekend.
After all, I'm leading a transformational spiritual weekend. I won't really need it.
Is this really ME saying this? Yes, that's how new and bizarre this really feels.
Like I said, impressive.
So the next time something in life gets crappy and it seems totally unexpected and inexplicable...just remember -- you are probably on the verge of a MAJOR breakthrough.
and you just need to power through some resistence to get there.
Trust me, you'll be glad you did. I'll be back in town and online Monday.
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