Thursday, February 22, 2007

Looks Like I'm Getting Some Press...

Kevin O'Rourke posted a rather flattering description of my recent presentation at the Un-Seminar 3. You can read about it here.

I said a lot of things, but perhaps the strongest message was "JUST TAKE ACTION."

It's so disheartening to see people come up wtih so many great ideas, and then just run out of steam when they get home because they didn't DO anything.

Why don't people take action?

Some people don't know what to do.
I say, just do SOMEHTING and whatever is next will come to you. The more action you take, the more ideas you get about taking action. It's a beautiful cycle, really.

Others are afraid of doing it wrong.
Look at it this way: the only really horrible mistake you could make would be to do nothing at all. Whatever you do -- no matter how big a mistake it might be -- is still far better than inaction. Just do SOMETHING, you can always fix errors later.

Some people are afraid of doing the wrong thing.
Again, the only wrong thing is no-thing. You'll screw up sometimes. Get over it, and get into action. Now.

Sometimes it's hard to see what to do first.
With so many ideas swimming around in your brain, you may suddenly feel like "what's first?" A good rule of thumb is to choose either the easiest thing or the thing you are most excited about. Follow your enthusiasm, as Dr. Joe Vitale says.

Some say "I'll do it later."

Here's a newsflash: no, you won't. Life happens and next thing you know, you're reading a sales page for YOUR product -- only someone else is collecting the cash. Don't let ideas (and money) slip through your fingers. Take action because money loves speed.

Here is your QoD:
What ONE THING could you do today that would make a difference in your business? Now, go do it.

Go for it.


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