Saturday, February 24, 2007

New Luggage Makes Me Feel Like a New Woman

There's just no point in buying cheap luggage. Especially when you travel as much as I do, and when you;re as hard on your luggage as I am.

We splurged today and bought a whole new set of luggage, and I have to tell you, I feel like a new woman!

We are headed to Cancun in less than 2 weeks and I'm pretty stoked about my new bags. They are LIME GREEN and oh-so-stylish. Also got some pretty sharp looking rolling duffles -- similar to the Billabong stuff, but made by Samsonite.

What is it about having nice things that feels so good? I mean, really, it's just stuff. I don't buy stuff to feel good, but it's a nice benefit. It sure feels better than getting stuck with a jammed zipper, or a busted handle.

Which brings me to this point: you can't feel prosperous when you're lugging around broken stuff. Or when you've got crap hanging aroudn your house. It does something to your brain,and it drags you down.

I'm certainly not suggesting that anyone go out adn spend money they don't have. But I am asking you to consider that you really don't need to keep your old busted stuff. Give it away, have a garage sale, or post it on craigslist. But get rid of it.

There is an old saying I like -- teh Universe can't give you something new until you let go of whatever's already in your hand.

Randy Gage says to invoke the Vacuum Law of Prosperity. If you want something, give something away. Undoubtedly, something new will arrive to fill taht vacuum.

And if you want good stuff, then give away good stuff. 'Cause if you jsut give away crap, well, then you might only get crap in return (see Law of Reciprocity).

Don't you have nice things hanging around your garage or attic or basement -- things you don't need or want anymore? Why not give them to someone who can use or appreciate them, and see what shows up in its place?

P.S. I am writing a book like you've never seen before, and I'm collaborating with a painter. Which means the book AND the cover are both gonna kick ass. More about that to come...


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