The View from Cancun
I'm talking about more than just the ocean views from my room at the Moon Palace.
I'm also talking about teh view from Cancun -- it's so beautiful here, it's hard to imagine whatever problems I thought were important back in Colorado.
I'm also talking about immigration. Yep.
For the first time in my life (that I'm aware of), I met an illegal alien. Or a former one, anyway.
Our taxi driver in Cancun told us he used to live in Colorado, and California, and who knows where else. We talked to him quite a bit, and as it turns out, he lived in the U.S. for more than fourteen years as an illegal alien. He only got busted and deported because he got a speeding ticket and his social security numebr didn't check out (go figure).
I never thought I had an opinion on this until I came face to face with it.
On the one hand, he was working a job and was good at it. He was making a contribution. He seems like a pretty nice guy.
On the other hand, he was not paying taxes, was not paying insurance on his cars, and was not legally supposed to be here.
He also said after he got deported, his boss and so-called friend stole all the stuff out of his apartment, stole his van, and everything he owned.
I forgot to ask whether his boss had a green card.
If we put this into perspective from the Law of Attraction (and don't spoil Larry King for me -- I am in Cancun, so I haven't seen it yet), you've got to wonder why he attracted all this.
Well for starters, he probably envisioned what it would be like to live in teh states...that part worked, right? He lived her for more than a decade, and got to see 2 of the most interesting states (in my opinion) -- Colorado adn California.
But he was here illegally. He did make any attempt to legalize his stay here. He did not pay taxes, which is also against the law. He did not pay car insurance, which is also against the law. At some point, that's gotta catch up with you.
when you don't give the Universe its due, it will take it.
It's like when you get too much change back and you notice right away...but you don't say anything. Then you lose somehting of value.
Or when you argue and haggle to get something for free (or cheap) when it's not necessary and you can afford ot pay the asking price...and then your car breaks down, or you have a sudden and unexpected expense.
These are not coincidences (there are no coincidences).
Catherine Ponder says you can't out-give the Universe.
But that works in reverse as well.
He was a nice enough guy, but until he can take responsibility for his circumstances, I doubt teh Universe will offer another opportunity to migrate into the states -- legal or otherwise.
Your QoD is this:
Where are you "cheating" the Universe from its due? Are you cheating yourself out of respect and appreciation? You've got to come clean with yourself before you can expect to reap the rewards of your efforts.
Go for it.
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