Monday, March 05, 2007

The Subtle Difference Between Goals and Affirmations

Do you know the subtle difference between goals and affirmations?

You know, a big part of what I do involves coaching people to set and achieve powerful goals. But you'd be surprised how many people tell me their "goals" which are really just affirmations.

Don't get me wrong -- affirmations are wonderful and they can be very powreful. But they are no substitute for goals. And if you mix up goals with affirmations, you're setting yourself up for some potentially slow results.

Personally, I'm not really a fan of slow results. I like things fast. Heck, I even meditate fast. But that's a topic for anotehr day. Today we're talking about goals and affirmations.

I think part of the reason a lot of people get the application of goals and affirmations mixed up is because the differences are subtle.

Essentially, a goal is a specific outcome. It's a future outcome that's defined right now, in the present. A goal is specific and measurable. You can look at a properly written goal and see at a glance whether or not the goal has been achieved.

An affirmation is focused around a feeling or an experience. Affirmations have no deadlines, and affirmations are not always measurable.

Here are a couple of examples:

GOAL = I will create an additional $50,000 in income this month. (OR) Today is April 1 and I am thrilled and grateful to have created an additional $50,000 since March 1.

AFFIRMATION = I attract and receive money easily and effortlessly. I am a money magnet.


GOAL = By August 1, I am overjoyed to weigh only 150 lbs. I am able to climb three flights of stairs without getting winded, and I feel liberated to wear a size __.

AFFIRMATION = I am becoming fit and healthy. I only consume the foods and drink that are best received by my body (or, for my highest good). I am learning to enjoy exercise, and I only eat when I am hungry.

Can you see the difference in these 2 styles?

Affirmations provide superb support once you've got powerful goals in place. But if you've got goals that sound more like our affirmation examples, you've got some tweaking to do. Fortunately, there's always my one-on-one coaching program. You can learn more about success coaching here.

Here is your QoD:

Are your goals written powerfully? Are they specific and measurable? Or do they sound more like afffirmations? If your goals are already powerful, what affirmations would support these goals?


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