Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's Not About Negotiation

Awhile back, I wrote a blog post that many people have referenced (including me). In this post, I explained how to conduct negotiations with your ego in order to get it to do what you want.

But alas, I have evolved yet again.

During a private client session a couple of weeks ago, I realized that the information I put into that blog post no longer applies.

See, once we stop looking at our ego as a force to be reckoned with...or a contrarian who's constantly tripping us up...then we can begin to see the truth.

That our ego is serving us perfectly, in every moment.

Our ego is keeping us safe and protected. And doing a damn near perfect job, without getting an ounce of appreciation or credit for it.

But the truth is that our EGO is a part of us -- a very vital, very beautiful, very important, very necessary part of us.

and when we can begin to embrace that -- to love that -- then we know we are on the path of true self-love.

So why would we negotiate with ourselves? Do you negotiate with your feet in order to walk across the room? Do you negotiate with your eyes to get them to close when it's time for bed? No, of course not.

You would only negotiate with someone that appeared to be separate from you. Who appeared to have an agenda that's very different from yours.

(Which may explain why some of us find ourselves negotiating with our stomachs or taste buds when we are trying to avoid certain foods!)

A united front doesn't require negotiation -- it requires partnership.

And partnership means aligning agenda and intentions for the highest possible good.

Your ego would surrender everything in order to fulfill its duty, which is to protect you and keep you safe. And it does that all day, every day, without a smidge of gratitude or appreciation from you.

In most cases, people are internally fighting with their ego.

But what if you took the perspective of unity?

What if you saw your ego as a vital and hardworking part of you?

And what if you realized that it really is a part of you -- and it's serving you perfectly in every moment?

And what if instead of negotiating, you focused on connecting with your ego?

And in connecting, you asked questions and you learned things. You learned about what's important to your ego, and what it stands for, and what it needs in order to feel safe and secure.

And from THAT perspective, you can create a Win-Win scenario. I personally am a HUGE fan of those.

And as you build this partnership, keeping up your end of the bargain, your ego will learn to trust you, to let down its defenses, and to become more open to your suggestions (because it feels safe, and doesn't feel as though it has to fight against you in order to keep you safe).

This is the new evolution.

Welcome! And oh what fun we shall all have playing together!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Stacey Mayo will PAY YOU to be Quiet??!?!?


Stillness Experiment Creator Stacey Mayo to Appear on

On August 27, 2009, at 12 Noon Eastern time, renowned coach and author Stacey Mayo will appear as the featured guest on the BlogTalkRadio show entitled “A Little LightWork with Jen & Amy.” Show co-hosts Amy Scott Grant and Jennifer Ripa-Edson will interview Mayo about her recent launch of the “One Minute Meditation” in conjunction with the Stillness Experiment.

In promotion of the Stillness Experiment, Mayo boasts, “I’ll pay you to be quiet.” Apparently, she’s completely serious – one winner will be awarded $1000 in cash for sharing the results of their participation in the experiment.

Participants in the experiment are asked to use the free One Minute Meditation tool (“OMM” for short) once a day for 30 days. The purpose of the experiment is to demonstrate that greater peace of mind, clarity and focus can arise from regular, daily meditation, and that meditation can be fast, simple, and effective for most anyone.

Mayo is conducting the Stillness Experiment in tandem with her newest coaching program, “The Peaceful Entrepreneur™”. Stillness and balance are tantamount to a person’s success, according to Mayo.

“We provide a holistic approach,” comments Mayo. “We work with you as a whole person to create a great career and a great life. In so doing, the rest of your life supports your career and your career fits with the rest of your life.”

Why a “stillness experiment”?

“I am conducting this experiment for 30 days because I know that even though it is simple, the structure would help me and others to practice stillness in our daily lives,” remarks Mayo. “And also because I think it would be interesting to see what impact it could have on both an individual as well as a more global level if thousands of us took one minute each hour to be still.”

In Thursday’s radio show, Grant and Edson will be delving into the experiment in more detail, asking Mayo to cite specific benefits reported by participants, as well as asking for live demonstrations of the method. Callers can participate live by dialing (646) 595-2777 during the live show, and once the show has ended, the recording will be available in the show archives for an indefinite period of time.

To participate in the Stillness Experiment, register here for free.

The format is utilized by more than 500,000 listeners, who can access a variety of programming ranging from self-help and how-to shows to celebrity interviews, news and more. Grant and Edson will accept live calls and questions during Thursday’s show. To access the show, call in with a question, or listen to archives, visit the LightWorks site.

About Stacey Mayo

Stacey Mayo is founder of the Center for Balanced Living, the author of the award-winning, "I Can't Believe I Get Paid To Do This! Remarkable People Reveal 26 Proven Strategies for Making Your Dreams a Reality" and "Is Your Ladder Leaning Against the Wrong Wall?" She is creator of the innovative “Life Transformation Tools and More” Program. Learn more about Stacey, her services and her work at

About Amy Scott Grant

Since the tender age of thirteen, Amy has captivated audiences of all ages and demographics with her razor-sharp wit, contagious enthusiasm and bold authenticity. Amy’s writing has been published in bestselling books including Zero Limits by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakela Hew Len, Inspired Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale and Craig Perrine, and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction. Learn more about Amy, her products and her work at

About Jennifer Ripa-Edson

Jennifer Ripa-Edson draws from her training in yoga, meditation, sustainable living and healthy eating to support clients in a process of self-discovery and personal healing. Alternative Healing Coaching utilizes a systematic method to break through limiting beliefs, thought patterns, habits, and ultimately emotional stress to allow for consistent progress toward your life goal. Learn more about Jennifer, her coaching and her work at

CONTACT: Amy Scott Grant
amy @ newsuccess . org


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Gotta "Play to Prosper"

Today I did a one-off teleclass that I promoted in a totally unique way.

Instead of selling the class, I gave it away as a bonus to everyone who purchased something from me during a 2-week period.

I was excited about the class because it was largely unplanned, and I was looking forward to finding out what info I was going to receive and share during the class.

But holy crap!! I did NOT see this stuff coming!!

Here -- check in using your preferred Truth Testing method and get your answer to this:

All things considered, if I increased my level of play by 10%, would my income increase as well?

And if you get YES, then ask by how much (the answer might just knock you out!)

For example, I found out that if I increase my level of play to 20% total, my income would triple.

If my husband triples his level of play -- from just under 3% to 10% -- his income will DOUBLE.

Am I excited? You betcha!

(And of course, in the teleclass I explained exactly how to increase your level of play without spending any ADDITIONAL time doing anything.)

I tell ya, it was a real firecracker of a class.

At some point soon, I'm sure I'll make it available for purchase. But maybe for now, I'll pull something quick together and give away the recording to folks who make a purchase in the next 2 weeks, something like that....get on my newsletter if you're not already and you'll be among the first to know.

Should be fun!

OK, gotta go -- there's playin' to be done now! Mwah hah hah hah hah hah hah