Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Can't Dampen My Success Spirit

Katrina and her Waves can't stand in my way today.

Naturally, I'm continuing to do all the things I normally do during a typical day. Exercise, cook healthy meals, post to my blog, check my Alexa ranking, write, work on my exciting new product which has the power to transform lives. This is exciting stuff, so I wouldn't want to just sit aroudn and mope about my home potentially being lost!

Spent much of hte day today calling friends adn personal consultants for advice about insurance stuff. Interesting things were learned today. No real news about our home yet.

Here's another Success Secret for you: successful people don't sit around and wait.

That's right - I can guarantee you a lot of people from my home town of New Orleans are doing just that. Sitting aroudn, wondering how they will pay their bills without working. Wondering when they can return home. Waiting for word about the situation.

Not me. Who has time to wait when hundreds of thousands of people are anxiously awaiting my message? I don't only mean this message of course--I mean the message I have to share about how to achieve success in life! I am busily writing, preparing and planning. I am furiously finishing the draft so I can get going and get it out there into hands of good people such as yourself who deserve the very best that life has to offer.

So I have no time to wait.

My question for you today is this:

What action could you take today instead of waiting or putting off your dreams?

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Things Just Keep Getting Weirder....

So if you watch the news, you know that there have been breaches in the New Orleans levee system (what keeps the city from drowning during heavy rains, since it's several feet below sea level).

Not good.

Fortunately, my folks have NOW evacuated and are en route to my sister's house, about an hour north of the city. No word on our home....but it doesn't look good. And let me say that we are positively overwhelmed by the outpouring of love, support, prayers and offers to stay in people's homes. When crisis hits, you really do learn who your friends are. Right now, I am experiencing an abundance of friends and it feels wonderful.

Remember earlier (today? yesterday? it's all a blur) how I told you success starts with your thinking?

Today I had another shift in thinking.

Since we won't be able to return home (if we even have a house still standing) for the next month or so, we decided to take that time to travel around the country and decide where we want to live. We've been wanting to move and this is hte perfect opportunity to make the big move.

I can attribute at least part of my success to this: I have learned to turn obstacles into opportunities. Definitely a key trait to eliminate stress and achieve massive success.

So my question for you today is this:

What obstacle could you begin to view as an opportunity today to create success in your life right now?

Another Success Secret?

Something interesting happened to me last night.

Remember how I said my only real Hurricane Katrina concern was my folks' safety and my cats?

Well, yesterday afternoon I found out that my folks were safe and sound. Flooding is anywhere from a few inches to a few feet (not as bad as we expected) so we're pretty certain the cats are fine.

So what thoughts come next? Thoughts about "stuff."

You know, material stuff....even 2 inches of water in the house means anything wood or electronic that touches the floor is toast. My grandmother's dining room furniture. Our 61-inch big screen TV. Sofas. Carpet. Wood flooring. Computer equipment. Books on the bottom shelves of our bookcases. My daughter's stuffed animals. Food in the pantry. All that kind of stuff.

So throughout the afternoon and evening yesterday, these thoughts crossed my mind from time to time.

Where is our wedding album? It is on a high shelf? It is on the floor of our closet? Not sure.

Where is my signed copy of Stephen Frink's photo picture book? How about my autographed Peter Max book? On the lowest shelf of the coffee table, darnit. Oh well. Both artists are still living, so there's a chance to get another copy from each one.

The maddening thoughts continued until last night when I sat down to journal (as I do every most successful people consistently do). I began relating the events of the day, sorting through my thoughts, feelings and choices.

Suddenly, I had a paradigm shift.

Instead of thinking about everything I would lose as a result of flooding from Hurricane Katrina, I started to realize that becasue I carry heavy homeowner's and flood insurance, I was going to get ALL NEW stuff.

New furniture. New flooring. New books and bookcases. We could literally get a check for $100,000 to go shopping for new home furnishings.

What's more, we've been talking about moving. We can re-do our current home even better than it was and sell it for a profit. Then we can buy a bigger, better home.

How's that for a change in thinking?

The same is true with success--the minute you change the spin in your thinking from what's wrong with the current situation to what's possible for the future, your entire world can change in the blink of an eye.

This isn't the first time I've learned this lesson. Maybe I'm what you'd call stubborn. I have to learn and learn and re-learn a lesson over and over until it becomes habit. OF course, it is habit for me - I mean, a hurricane struck my home town and it took me less than 1 day to shift my thinking. In the past, it would have taken me a lot longer. But I continue to practice so taht one day, I don't even have to shift my thinking. I can just immedately go to the happy, prosperous, solution-focused bright side without ever venturing over to teh dark side of negativity.

But maybe the touch of the dark side is what makes us Human instead of purely Divine. If that's true, it's the ability to switch from negativity to solution-based thinking must be what gives us humans the ability to be Spectacular.

See? I promised you Success Secrets for Spectacular Living. Change your thinking and that's exactly what you'll get--a Spectacular life. And you don't even have to be Divine to get it.

So my question for you today is this:

Beginning today, what 1 way of thinking can you change that has the potential to change your life?

Monday, August 29, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Update

OK, we are now in Nashville - just arrived a few minutes ago. A good friend offered to put us up for a few days until the dust (I mean water) settles back home.

Talked to my folks (who refused to evacuate) and I'm happy to report they are A-OK.

Not sure about our home and our cats, as there is significant flooding in our area. We hope to know more by tomorrow night.

Here's today's lesson:
when you know what's important to you - I mean REALLY important - everythign else is just details. The problem is that most people don't know what's really important.

Successful people, on the other hand, have achieved success because they set clear prioritieis and they make decisions and take action based on their priorities. People without success are frustrated either because they don't know what they really want, or because they are not using their resources congruently with their priorities. I have explained this to many people, and I've been asked to put together a book, a program, a DVD, something to show people what I've learned and how they can duplicate my success. So like I've mentioned before, it's in the works. Katrina may slow me down a bit, but I am pressing onward, because I know you (and thousands of others just like you) are counting on me. I won't let you down.

Today's question:
What is holding you back from achieving success today?

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Who's Afraid of Hurricane Katrina?

What's most important in your life?

In case you haven't heard, Hurricane Katrina is now a category 5 hurricane (a.k.a. 'catastrophic') and is headed straight for New Orleans, where I live. Sustained winds of 175 mph and a storm of massive proportion is headed straight for my house. Reporters are calling this as bad (if not worse) than Hurricane Camille, which was the worst storm ever to hit the U.S. To make matters worse, the storm has not yet hit the warm water close to shore, which tends to fuel a hurricane.

(Of course, if you've been paying attention, you know I'm in Phoenix right now. Obviously, we're not heading home tomorrow. A friend in Nashville invited us up to stay, so we're going to head there tomorrow. It's good to have good friends.)

But the whole thing has me thinking.

I mean, it is entirely possible that my house, my neighborhood, my entire city could be destroyed by this incredible force of nature. That thought is pretty sobering.

When we first heard teh news yesterday, we expected some flooding. The elevation of our home is pretty good (by New Orleans standards--the whole city is below sea level, whihc is why flooding is common). Although our home has never flooded, this is a storm like no one has never seen.

So with the threat of flooding, I started thinking about what is in my home. What would I be devastated to lose? Since my daughter is traveling with me, the only "irreplaceable" things in my home are my 3 cats and my photos (specifically, our wedding photos).

So we called a friend, asked him to put our wedding album on a high shelf, and put out some food and water on the countertops for the kitties. OK, right??

Howeve,r when we woke up this morning at 8am Arizona time (10AM New Orleans time), we realized that hte storm was now a category 5 and flooding was not the worst that could happen. Hmmm. Kind of put a different spin on things.

We started calling family and friends. Things no longer seemed important, and it was suddenly all about people.

At this point, a mandatory evacuation of the city has been instilled. Unfortuantely, my parents are undecided as to whether or not they will leave town. This concerns me.

My mind drifts to other things, what it could feel like to return to a devastated city. Our home ruined, all our things destroyed, maybe some people killed. It's not a pretty scenario.

OF course we know all this, living in New Orleans. But it's still scary.

I am also experiencing an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

I'm grateful that I'm not stuck at home, trying to get out of the city. Trying to figure out what to save and what to...risk.

I'm thankful that my daughter always travels with me, so I'm not worried right now about who she's with or how long it might be until I see her again. I have plenty of insurance, so I know I can replace anything material that may be lost.

We cannot control the weather. But we can control how we react to what happens to us.

As of right I worried? Yeah, a little. I'll feel better when I hear that my parents are haeding out of town and away from the storm. But I know it will turn out all right in the end - life has a way of working that way. Part of being a success includes learning to handle stress and how to adapt when the spit hits the fan.

So my question for you today is:

If you knew your home could be destroyed, and you could only take 1 thing with you (apart from family adn pets), what would you take?

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Authentic Conversations -- Meaningful or Taboo?

Something interesting happened to me the other day.

I crossed paths with an old friend who I hadn’t seen in about 10 years or more. We weren’t particular close in the “old days” but we belonged to a common organization that brought us together a lot back in the day.

On this occasion, after so many years with no contact, we exchanged the usual pleasantries…but then suddenly the conversation got serious. She began telling me about the personal road she had traveled over the past several years, and the challenges she faced, and how she had grown from the experience. It was a heavy conversation for a chance meeting between old friends.

She was authentic. She was unabashed. She was open and honest.

She literally poured out her heart to me.

As I listened intently, I felt honored that she chose to share all that with me. ME, this person who hadn’t made any contact in over a decade.

I was so inspired, in fact, that I shared one of my major breakthroughs with her. It’s something I’ve only told 2 or 3 of my very close friends. Yet I felt very comfortable sharing this with her, since after all, we were on the topic of personal growth.

Then the really interesting part happened.

We part ways, and agree to keep in touch (which in this case, I was sure was more than just a nicety) and an hour or two later, I get an email from her.

She was APOLOGIZING for telling me all that she did. She hoped I didn’t think she was crazy for pouring all that personal information onto me, since we hadn’t spoken in so long.

When did it become “taboo” to have a heart-to-heart conversation? Why does our society insist that we hide behind chit-chat about what we saw on TV last night, or the latest disaster that the media is exploiting, or constant complaining about our lot in life?

Think about the last really deep, meaningful conversation you had. Who was it with? How long did you have to know that person before you felt comfortable opening up to them? How many useless conversations about pointless drivel did you have before you really got to the good stuff?

How would your relationships change if you really started being authentic in your conversations?

Wouldn’t they be more fulfilling? Wouldn’t you invite more intimacy? At the very least, wouldn’t life be more interesting?

Think about it. Change one thing, and your whole life can get better.

What one thing can YOU change today???

Success Quote for the Day

Today's sound advice is from the Napolean Hill Foundation:

In achieving the goals you have set for yourself, there are only two alternatives: Either you are moving toward your goal, or you are drifting away from it. Choose your purpose in life and attack it with a vengeance. When you have the courage of your convictions, when the choice is one you’ve made for yourself, you will have the strength to persevere until you succeed.

(Copyright Napolean Hill Foundation)

Friday, August 26, 2005

An Interesting Success Article

Here is an article I wrote for the More Heart Than Talent newsletter (for Jeff & Erica Combs at It will appear in the September/October issue coming soon.

Here is a sneak peek for my blog fans. May you find it as interesting an enlightening as I did.



You’re Not Wearing THAT, Are You?
By Amy Scott Grant

Today I had an extraordinary experience. I was meeting some old friends for High Tea and during the course of the morning, each one of these women called to ask me what I was planning to wear. As I hung up with the sixth and final caller, it suddenly occurred to me that I was the only person in the group who hadn’t asked anyone else’s opinion before choosing an outfit. I also realized that up until recently, I would have been one of the girls calling other people to find out what to wear. As silly as it sounds, I am proud of the fact that my tremendous personal growth has empowered me to dress myself.

However, the incident raised a question in my mind: why do women do this?

Some may argue it’s a waste of time to understand why women do what we do, but my curiosity was piqued and I was determined to find an answer. Unfortunately, asking the question “why” typically raises more questions. Why do women base such a simple decision on other people’s opinions? Can we truly be that insecure? Are we completely unable to make a decision on our own? Are we so desperate to fit in with the crowd that we worry about looking too nice, or not nice enough? What does that say about our self-esteem?

When we ask for advice on what to wear, we’re really saying, “Please tell me what to wear because I am not capable of making this decision by myself. I lack the self-esteem to choose an outfit that makes me feel good, because it might not coordinate with those around me. Please ignore the fact that I am special and unique; I just want to look like I belong here.”

Ouch. If you’re thinking that sounds harsh, you’re not alone. But if you’ve never even questioned why you ask other people what they’ll wear, maybe it’s time you got a wakeup call. If certain feelings surface as you read this, you have the opportunity to learn about yourself right now by evaluating your reaction. You may be angry if you’re feel you’re being attacked or judged. Perhaps you feel hurt because my comments struck a chord of truth. Maybe you feel weak, as though you are doomed to carry out a life sentence of asking others’ opinions so you can follow the path of least resistance.

Yes, the truth may hurt, but it can also set you free. Think about the ridiculousness of the situation. What if no one could decide what to wear? Would everyone stay home? Would we all go naked? Would we be shamefully banned from fine establishments as punishment for our personal choice to wear diamond-studded heels or shabby flip flops?

Consider this: everyone around you is searching for someone else to tell them who to be. This is why people in our society crave leadership. At some point or another, we’ve all played the game called “Where do you want to eat?” “I don’t know, where do you want to eat?” I’ve even been known to ask a waiter whether I should order the shrimp or the chicken. How in the world would the waiter know what I want to eat? He doesn’t even know my name!

Calculate how much time you whittle away each day worrying about what other people think of you. How much time have you squandered during your life, asking everyone around you who you should be, what you should do and where you should go?

When will you stop collecting opinions and start being you?

At some point, you must decide enough is enough. If you can’t dress yourself without taking a poll, how will you be able to write a book, start a business, or be the leader that people are looking for? The truth is that you can do all of those things and more. Right now, you are capable of magnificent feats without asking everyone’s opinion. In fact, you’ll probably get more accomplished in less time by ignoring opinions and taking more action. Who better than you could decide what’s best for you?

Today, you can decide to start being YOU. Simply realize and accept the fact that you are a powerful, talented leader who is capable of amazing things. Now be that shining superstar.

And wear whatever you want.

Defining Success...and another thank you

Today was an amazing day. I'm still in Scottsdale, AZ and nine of my friends rented a super-stretch limo today and we took a 2-hour road trip to visit some friends who live in Tuscon (we just got home!). They have an incredible home up on the mountain and the view is insanely beautiful. Truly stunning. I think their home is like $2mil or something in that range. These are successful people. It's a young couple, entrepreneurs, with very diverse backgrounds.

However, they were able to use the Be-Do-Have principle (remember the license plate formula from a few days ago?) to create teh life of their dreams. He just bought a Maserati and she has a new BMW. Of course, it's not just about the money. They have made tremendous physical changes during the past year--she went from a size 20 to a size 6 and he now has biceps like concrete blocks.

They spend their working time assisting others in becoming wealthy, and in their free time they like to contribute to animal rescue programs. On top of that, they're just kinda fun to hang out with. Really cool people.

So what separates them from teh rest of the herd?

For starters, I noticed they have personal development books in every room of hteir house. Even the bathrooms (all 5 of them) have some personal growth reading avaialble for all who enter.

Talk with any highly successful person and they can offer you a list of ten books that changed their life.

Ten books is a lot to digest, don't you think? That's why I'm working on one, fool-proof method to find success in every aspect of your life. I'm not supposed to talk about it until it's finished, but we're getting really close to launching it, so I wanted to give you a heads-up.

I've taken my own expereinces and success story, and the stories of those I've assisted, adn I've combined it with teh best information I've learned and that's what I'm putting into this method. OK, seriously, I really can't tell you any more than that. Just suffice to say it will rock your socks and change your world. If you choose to let it.

By the way, I want to thank everyone for reading -- my alexa ranking shot up to 707,690 today from 1.5million. Together we can help people change their lives and find success!

Your question for today is this:
What does success look like in my life?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Do YOU Create Unnecessary Stress?

Don't shake your head "no" until you REALLY think about that question. Do you create unnecessary stress in your life?

This week I am becoming more aware of how much useless stress we create simply by keeping our feelings to ourselves. we bottle up the tiniest of emotions until we finally erupt into a tornado of emotion and leave those around us wondering "what was THAT?"

Why is it so hard to just say "please stop that" when someone is bugging you? Sounds like an easy thing to do, but for so many of us, it's more comfortable to just keep quiet, try to forget about it (which, incidentally, is nearly impossible to do because we draw more attention to it by 'trying' to 'forget' about it) so we squash it down inside with the other unvented stuff.

What if we just said (with KINDNESS): "Would you mind stopping that? It's kind of bugging me."

I mean, what would really happen?

My guess is the person would stop.

Hooray, right?

Well, interaction among human beings is just not that simple. The person would stop, but instead of saying that THEY were bugged by the fact that YOU asked them to stop, or something else that YOU do really bugs them but THEY were polite enough to keep their mouth shut, or some other such nonsense...either way, they would probably bottle up that feeling and seethe about it and you might pick up on that and then it causes tension in your relationship and there's friction and eventually you have a huge fight over something silly because of all the other things you've been suppressing.

Does any of this sound familiar?

I decided to see what would happen if I started to tell the truth.

At first, it was scary. My friends didn't know how to take me. Some of them were honest and told me things about myselkf that I didn't necessarily want to hear. Things I was perfectly happy either denying or not knowing at all. Apparently, I had a little growing to do. Ouch.

Plus, there was some fallout. See, not everyone is willing to do a little growing, unless it's on their terms. Some people can't handle the truth, and they choose to opt out and stay in denial. That's fine for them, but if I'm committed to tell the truth adn they're committed not to hear it, it can put a damper on a relationship. In some cases, we decided it was better to part ways. It happens, and I think both parties are better off sometimes.

On the upside, I've experienced tremendous growth in the relationships that stuck it out and were willing to challenge me and be challenged by me. The rel;ationships have elevated to a higher connection - no more b.s. talk about who did what and where are you going this weekend and what did you buy while shopping today. Well ok, there's still a little of that...but for the most part, conversations have gotten more meaningful and more fulfilling.

To be honest, I like my friends better now.
I like myself better now.
It's a whole different dynamic with a lot less stress. Because no one goes looking for a friend who can create more stress in their life. "Gee, I'm feeling pretty relaxed. Let me see if I can go find a new friend who canstress me out and make me want to scream."

Now, don't get me wrong - if a friend asks me whether her ass looks fat in a certain outfit, I'm going to be honest but not blunt. The key is to be honest with KINDNESS, remember? I may say "I like the black skirt better" or "maybe with a different top?" But I'd never just say "yeah, you look like a house, maybe you should start working out again."

That's the difference between challenging someone and being a jerk.

Although I admit, it's a fine I've mistakenly crossed more than once. But you live and learn, and when you can sincerely apologize (that took some growing for me, too) your true friends will forgive you.

So my question for you today is:

What would happen in your life if you started to tell the truth?

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Stress Management for Cats

I've never seen a book titled "Stress Management for Cats" but if you own a cat, it's easy to see why a stress reduction plan for cats just wouldn't sell. Probably not even to pet psychologists.

I saw a book once about cats and yoga or zen or something. How cats sleep (a LOT) in weird poses and they stretch all day long. They rarely get stressed and they always land on their feet. Seems to me they might be on to something. But then again, they do lick their butts. In public.

Yes, I'm back on teh cat thing again. But seriously, doesn't it seem like they may have something figured out that we don't quite understand? Cat-like reflexes, the cat's pajamas, cat's eye, cats can see in the dark, cute as a seems like we have a thinly veiled admiration for cats.

Here's your cat-thought for the day:

If you could sleep 16 hours per day, would you? Why or why not?

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Sleep: Essential for Success?

I am just not at my best unless I've had a solid night's sleep. We're visiting some friends in Scottsdale, Arizona (yeah, I know -- the desert in August, I must be insane) and we're sort of house-hopping a bit.

It amazes me to see the differnce between my mood, my posture, the feeling in my muscles and my overall demeanor when I'm well-rested vs. not getting enough sleep.

Last night was the best night's sleep I've had since we left home--comfy bed, nice quiet room, perfect temperature and soft bed linens. I feel GREAT today! what a difference a single good night's sleep can make.

How well did you sleep last night?

It's intersting because how well you slept doesn't only affect the way you feel--it also affects the way you perform throughout the day.

Here is a great article I found at the Franklin Institute Online

Sleep Enhances Brain Connections in Early Development-Study

Animal studies show that sleep dramatically enhances changes in brain connections during a period of early development. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, examined the effect of sleep on brain plasticity in young cats that had just experienced an environmental challenge. The animals that were allowed to sleep for six hours after the stimulation developed twice the amount of brain change, compared to cats kept awake afterward.

"This is the first direct evidence that sleep modifies the effect of environmental stimuli on the development of new brain connections," said Marcos G. Frank, Ph.D. The finding has broader implications for plasticity in the brains of adult animals and people.

"I think it's likely to be true that other areas of the brain, higher areas of the brain, have their critical (developmental) periods later in life," said the study's senior author Michael P. Stryker, Ph.D., "and some of them, in the highest areas, the critical periods never close until senility."12

What's more, the amount of plasticity (connections between nerve cells) in the brain depends on the amount of deep sleep, which is indicated by large slow brain waves. This is the sleep that a person falls into when they first go to sleep, and accounts for half of sleep time in young animals and human babies, (who get up to three times more sleep than adults). Stryker said this is precisely the time in life when the brain reorganizes its connections to attain the perfect precision it needs as an adult.


Here's your question for the day:

Are YOUR KIDS getting enough sleep?

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Myth of Time Management

My earlier post may have confused some people, so I want to make the following crystal clear:

Time management is a myth.

You can't manage time any more than you could manage God or a sunset. Put simply, time is what it is and it can't be altered, controlled or managed by you (or me, or that guy over there). So if you're attempting to manage time, you're only fooling yourself.

OK, so you're probably wondering why people pay me to help them organize and balance their lives if I can't even manage time. Well, here's the's all in the way you look at it.

You CAN'T manage time...
but you CAN manage yourself within the restraints imposed by time.

(Ah, a technicality. I love to exploit loopholes in the Universe. How fun!)

You can use time to your advantage and get more done in less time, conduct more meaningful activity and be happier. All this leads to personal harmony and balance. And without any meditation or yoga (unless you want to. I mean, I'm not against the stuff, but I definitely take a more practical approach to problem solving and the time management thing is one problem that a lot of people want help solving).

So here's today's ponderable:

What is one way in which you can effectively manage yourself within time today?

OK, gotta allotted time fo rthis activity is up! (haha, just kidding...I'm not quite that rigid).

Sunday, August 21, 2005

No Patience for Change?

What a fun little article I found today. It reminds me of a conversation I had with someone just the other day. Check it out:

Why, Oh Why Haven't I Changed Yet? by Jason E Johns

“I attend courses, read books, listen to CD’s, yet I am still not living the life I want to and am unhappy with the life I have. How can I have the life I want to have?”This is a surprisingly common dilemma. There are many people out there who could be called “Seminar Junkies”. They go from course to course, book to book, guru to guru desperately seeking answers, yet never finding them.They watch the people around them have magical transformations in their lives, and feel frustrated and resentful that they are not getting the same results. These people typically continue to attend course after course until eventually they give up and live a life of quiet desperation.Now, I’m going to share a huge secret with you, though you have to promise not to tell everyone else, because otherwise all these people who make their living from self help seminars and books will get very upset at me for sharing this secret.The majority of people who attend self-help seminars, read the books, listen to the CD’s are all desperately looking for someone else to change their lives. They refuse to take responsibility for their lives and firmly believe that the only way they can change is if some guru waves their magic wand and blesses them. Then, and only then, will they have permission, and the ability, to change.Here’s a newsflash.No guru, no self help book, no seminar, no CD is going to change your life.The only way you are going to change your life is if you decide to change it.You can attend the courses, listen to CD’s and read the books, but if you are not willing to take responsibility for what you have in your life and accept your own power and ability to change it, you are never going to get the changes you want.That’s right. You’ll just stay the same.People are far too willing in today’s society to give away their personal power and responsibility for their lives. They are always jumping from diet to diet or from health fad to health fad or whatever, hoping that one of them will actually make a difference for them.If you want to change your life you need to follow these 5 steps:

Make a decision right now that you are going to change your life. There are many different ways to do this, and I teach a number of motivational techniques on my courses and in my workbooks you can use to help you make this decision.

Take responsibility for everything that is in your life, no matter how good or bad. You created and accepted it into your life, and as such, you can change it.

Decide what you do want in your life, what you are going to accept and what you are not going to accept. If you don’t know what you want, look at what you don’t want, and the opposite of that is what you want. Decide on who and what you want to be.

Create an action plan for change. Create a plan for how you are going to make these changes.

And the most important step of all, DO IT. That’s right, do it and make the changes. This is the step that separates the achievers and successful people from the dreamers living a life of mediocrity. If you have been attending all these seminars, reading these books and you still haven’t managed to change your life, then look inside yourself and ask this question.“Am I taking responsibility for changing my life?”If the answer is no, then take responsibility and start changing your life today. Whether you work with someone else, or you work with me, take responsibility and use the knowledge of the “guru’s” and the courses and the books and implement them into your life and create the life of your dreams; the life you deserve.You can wait for an eternity for someone else to make the changes for you, and it’ll never happen. YOU just have to DO it yourself. Stop putting things off now, because the more you put things off the more painful and difficult it will get.P.S. If you are reading this and saying “I tried” or “I can’t” or something similar then you absolutely need to re-read this article right now two or three times and implement it into your life. It is time to stop trying and start doing.

About the Author
Jason Johns is a personal coach, dedicated to achieving success for his clients. He produces a wide variety of audio programs and courses on everything from weight to confidence to abundance to past lives. Visit his website,, for more information and to discover how you can live the life of your dreams.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Tell Me What You Think!

I'm creating a new website as a resource for articles, tips, tricks, tools and techniques related to success, but I need your help!

Tell me what you think by taking this survey. No time? No worries! It will literally take you about 7 seconds to tell me what you think.

I'll take the information you give us and use it to pack New Success with the kind of information YOU want to see. We'll have a couple more surveys over the next two weeks or so, but this one could be the most critical, so don't delay in sharing your thoughts with me.

Your opinion counts! Take the survey right now, while it's on your mind.

The Remaining 5 Tips

For those of you who are paying attention, a few days back I promised to give the remaining 5 tips for taking care of you. I was supposed to post them the following day, but OOPS I went off on another rant. It happens.

Anyway, here is a refresher of the first 5:

1. Book a massage (make it an hour, at least).

2. Schedule a pedicure.

3. Buy your favorite magazine or a new book and read the entire thing, but only at times when you are alone and can really get into it. Just before bed, on your lunch hour, in the bathroom or during your precious bubble bath.

4. Get a housekeeper. Weekly is best, but if you can't afford regular help, schedule some cleaning assistance just once! And not so you can run more errands.

5. Enhance that bubble bath with a glass of wine or two.

And here are the remaining 5 in this top-10 favorite:

6. Make yourself a CD of your favorite songs.

7. Practice saying "no" to additional responsibilities. Try these on for size: "I'd love to but my schedule just won't allow it this time." "Can't right now, but ask me next time for sure." "I'd love to help with that, but I'm a bit overextended. Keep me on the list for future opportunities." "That sounds great, you should do it!"

8. Clean out or organize something that's really been bugging you.

9. Buy yourself a beautiful expensive new journal....and use it.

10. Go to the park alone. Do whatever suits you--walk, sit, lie down. Just relax and enjoy being one with nature.

Happy pampering!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Do You Need Time Management?

Have you ever sat down and figured out where your time goes?

If you're like most peoeple, the answer is not just no but heck no. Who has timefor that?

Unfortunately, if you're not evaluating where you spend your time, odds are you're spending it on the wrong things. Which means you don't have the time to do what you want to do. In which case the answer is yes, you need time management.

I'm working on a method for determining where your time goes and evaluating where you can "trim the fat" to make room for more meaningful activity. Don't worry, I'll let you know when it's avaialble.

Of course, part of the problem is that a lot of people don't know what they'd rather be doing. That's kind of why you watch TV in the first place, isn't it--so you don't have to be alone wiht your thoughts. You won't have to figure out what you'd really rather be doing.

I used to think boredom was a fate worse than death. Then one day, I was put in a position where I had to be alone, by myself, without transportation, in a strange house, for 36 hours.

It was excrutiating.

But also enlightening.

I realized that the reason I was always afraid of boredom is because I couldn't stand the thought of being stuck alone with myself!

Ouch. Truth hurts. But once I got over the initial shock that I didn't really like myself, I was able to change that by looking for things about me that I rea;lly did like. And you know what? I actually found a pretty good-sized list. In fact, I'm still adding to it.

Liking yourself is an essential key for success. More about that on another day...but for now, here's your question:

Do you like being alone with you? Just you--no TV, no books, no treadmill. Just sitting and being quiet with yourself.

If not, how come? I don't even know you and I'm sure I could talk to you for 5 minutes and find at least 3 things to like.

Think about it (if you can find the time)...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Success Blog Climbs the Charts


I am so excited that I just have to report to you that our alexa ranking for New Success has jumped from 4,069,044 to 1,469,618. OK, so the ranking is still pretty pathetic, but you gotta admit, it's a huge improvement!

Which just proves my point, that people are always looking for quality information about success.

Statistics may disagree, however. I'd lay odds that for every person searching for success, there are at least five people whining and moaning about the current situation in their life, maybe more than that.

Remember the license plate formula we discussed a few days age? Be-Do-Have? Well, isn't it funny that whatever you are BEing attracts more of the same.

It's like the old saying, misery loves company.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Be careful who your friends are.

Obviously, it rings true even here - I saw a couple of people posted comments to my entry regarding license plate wisdom and one of them even has THE SAME license plate (in a different state, I assume. Mine is Louisiana.) He has the same exact phrase on his license plate, what are the odds of that???

The odds are pretty high, actually. Truly successful people are aware that they create their reality: one thought, one decision, and one action at a time. Truly successful people rarely chalk up their successes to "luck" or "coincidence" or "serendipity." Then again, the truly successful people aren't blaming other people for their occasional lack of success either. They know that everything they have (including friends adn business associates) is a direct result of who they are BEing.

That's right, we're talking about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

But I'm not here to lecture. Well, not today anyway. No, today I am packing for a trip to Phoenix. We have lots of friends down there, and we're lookign forward a relaxing trip. Sure, it's hot in Phoenix in August, but it's hot AND humid here in New Orleans so being hte optimist that I am....I'm looking on the bright side. We're not heading to the desert for the heat, we're escaping the humidity of hte South. Well, for a couple of weeks, anyway.

We were actually going to vacation ON the sun itself, but it was booked so we got the next closest place, Arizona. Haha, only kidding. They've got swimming pools, air conditioning and ice cream in Arizona, so all is well.

But I digress. Now back to this license plate thing.

While in Phoenix, I fully expect to meet other successful people who possess a radiant outlook on life. Why? Because that's who I'm BEing, of course. I anticipate a smooth flight with a perfectly behaved toddler (possibly other people's children are well-behaved too) and a great trip with wonderful friends. Because I expect that, it's exactly what I'll get.

Don't believe me?

How many times have you said, "I KNEW that would happen!" about something? did it ever occur to you that it happened because you expected it?

Now I'm just talking crazy, right? After all, there's no possible way that we can affect the world around us to that degree. That's stuff and nonsense, to quote Lewis Carroll.

Hmmm. Well, if that's what you believe, I suppose that's what you'll get. (How's that for a comeback?) If that's who you're BEing, then that's what you'll do and have, I suppose. Which further proves my point.

Fortunately, I never get tired of being right. Or maybe I do and that's why I'm wrong sometimes. I'm all about both sides of the coin todya, aren't I?

I can't help it, I get excited about traveling. New adventures, fun with friends and family. New things to eat adn see and do, it's all very excitign stuff. Anyway, don't worry because I'll still have my laptop with me, so you won't miss a single day of our success secrets.

I went on a quite a rant there, but I really just wanted to thank you for reading and helping my site ranking. I'm in the process of building the site, and I want to make it useful, informative and fun. So I'll be posting a survey here in a couple of days, and I'd love it if you'd take the survey (and tell all your friends about it. Because people like you are bound to have awesome friends and associates, just based on who you're BEing).

For now, here is your question du jour:

What is the one thing that is standing in your way and blocking you from your success? (Hint: Whatever it is, it's not outside of you)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Clarification of the License Plate Success Formula

OK, just to be clear--I didn't invent this Be-Do-Have principle. I may well have been the first person to put it on a license plate, but it's not like I made it up.

What I have done is I've put this principle into action in my life and had extraordinary results--personally, professionally and financially. In other words, I know it works.

Who invented the BE-DO-HAVE success formula? Good question.

The ancient philosophers batted it's evident throughout the Bible...Napolean Hill talks about it in his famous "Think and Grow Rich" book. I don't know that anyone "invented" it per say, it's more of a discovery than an invention.

Put simply, it's the way the Universe works.

We have 2 choices:

1. We can ignore this basic Truth and continue to struggle and wonder why we can't seem to catch a break.
2. We can apply this principle in our lives and reap the rewards.

Which will you choose today?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Is Your Cat Smarter Than You?

Have you ever seen a cat get stressed out?

I don't mean for a fleeting moment when she's startled or irritated, I mean like a really bad day at work followed by a really bad day at home kind of stressed out.

I have 3 cats and I've never seen any of them stress out for more than 2 seconds. We had to bathe one of my cats today (whew - bathing cats, that's a whole other topic) because we found several fleas on her. So we bathed her in the tub (intense howling) with a flea soap, then we towel dried her and held her down while we extracted about 100 fleas, then we towel dried her some more while my 18 month-old tried to pet her.

Here's the interesting part--this cat (BTW, her name is Malibu) was only stressed for the first 15 minutes, during the bath. After that she got completely docile and she simply surrendered. It was almost like she knew we were doing it for her own good and she stopped struggling.

So that kind of got me wondering--are cats smarter than people?

I mean when the @#$ hits the fan, people don't normally freak for 10 mins and then figure ah, what's the point, I'll just let go and see what happens. That's just not normal behavior, right? Are you with me here?

No, on the contrary. I mean, I've gotten much better than I used to be. It's gotten easier for me to ignore little stuff (even what I used to consider big stuff--perspective baby, it's all about perspective) and when it's something major, I am usually over it compeltely in less than 30 mins (often a lot lesS). It's all a matter of how fast you can switch out of freak-out gear and into solution-finding gear. That's what I've been practicing.

But it took me awhile to get to this stage, where I can let it go quickly. That's part of what's going into this product I'm developing--a method for downshifting from stress to success. (hey, maybe I'll call it that--From Stress to Success).

Here's your thought for the day:

When a stressful situation arises, approximately how long do you spend freaking out before you shift into productive problem-solving mode?

Monday, August 15, 2005

License Plate Formula for Success

My car has a vanity license plate that reads: "BDOHAVE."

I get asked about it all the time. And I love to see the look on people's faces when I answer their question. The conversation goes something like this:

Them: You have an interesting license plate. What does it mean?

Me: Be-Do-Have

Them: Mmm-hmm. What is that?

Me: It's my philosophy.

Them: OK, but what does it mean?

(by now, they're practically drooling they want to know so badly!)

Me: Most people think if they could only HAVE this one thing then they could DO what they really want to do then they would BE happy, successful, or whatever they want to be.

Them: ???

Me: Unfortunately, that's not the way it works.

Them: It's not?

Me: Not at all. You must first BE what you want (happy, successful, a good mother, a great husband, generous, whatever). By BEING that, you will naturally DO what that kind of person would do, which will lead you to HAVE what that person has.

Me, still: For example, if you want to HAVE wealth, you must first BE a wealthy person in your mind. By thinking like the rich and successful, you will naturally DO what a rich and successful person would do, which will naturally lead you to HAVE wealth adn sucess.

Me again, with the kicker: Nothing exists in reality which did not first exist in your mind's eye.

Them: Interesting.
(This is the part where the look on their face is priceless, and it tells me how the rest of the conversation is going to go...or not go.)

Most people are perplexed and sort of walk away in a cloud. But I'm sure they grab a latte and forget all about it wihtin a few minutes, chalking it up to esoteric babble or some such thing.

Others think about it a bit but don't quite get it. I mean, they've been taught HAVE-DO-BE all their life, so they can't just go reversing it, can they? And none of their friends or family know about BE-DO-HAVE (of course none of them are wildly successful either) so maybe it's just a bunch of bunk. Most of these people return to their HAVE-DO-BE lives and wonder why they aren't getting what they really want.

Then there's a small percentage of people who are absolutely fascinated. They continue to ask questions and they want to know more about this mysterious formula. "Teach me" they say. And of course, I am happy to oblige.

So my question for you today is:

Who are you BEing?
If you continue to BE what your BEing, what will you ultimately DO and HAVE?
Is this what you really want?

If not, you could always try the BDOHAVE license plate philosophy and see what happens. What have you got to lose?

P.S. No one needs to know your success principle came off a license plate!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Why Don't Single Women Vote?

Did you know that only about 52% of single women vote?

I was reading an article that talked about how 68% of married women vote, but just about half of single women make it to the polls. Naturally, being the inquisitive person that I am, I had to ask why?

But the article didn't talk about why, it only talked about the concerns of single women and how they would swing hte votes if they participated, etc. And I was thinking, how do you know what their concerns are if they aren't voting?

Why don't more single women vote?

Probably because they're too busy being superwoman. Who has time to vote when you're furthering your career, raising children alone, trying to prove you're as good as a man (even though maybe better), dating (yikes), trying to forgive your mother for ruining your life and attempting to keep up with Martha Stewart? No, there's simply no time for voting.

I'll bet the #1 reason more single mothers don't invest in a good time management program is because


Yes, I realize it sounds ridiculous. Of course, if you're a single mom, you know what I'm talking about. Your idea of success means surviving another day without killing your kids, your boss, yourself or your mother.

I hear what you're saying. I understand your needs. Right now, I am working on something designed just for you. You're gonna love it, adn I'm making sure it's something you have TIME to do. I'm going to revolutionize your life, if you'll let me.

This is really exciting stuff. How do you define success? Think about that seriously, because you'll want to have your answer before I rock your socks with this new program. Plus, even though my business partners tell me I'm insane, I promise to make it affordable and easy to use. It's got to work for busy people, otherwise you won't use it--I know that!

I get it.

I get YOU.

That's why you're gonna love it. My advisors tell me I'm not supposed to disclose any info yet, but trust me, I'm as anxious as you are to get it finished and start getting it out there into the hands of people who deserve to have it. I can't wait to see the success stories start flowing in from single moms, working women, single dad, stressed out parents, and everyone in-between. But it's gotta be good enough before I release it because I don't put my name on anything unless it works. That's how I've built my phenomenal reputation--that's why women and men flock to me for coaching and assistance and that's why my seminars are such a huge success.

Wow, I really got on a soapbox there.

Forgive me, I get excited! But this is what it's like to do what you love, and this is why I help people find ways to do just that. Imagine jumping out of bed each day with enthusiasm because you can't wait to get started working! Seriously! My dad used to say "Find a way to earn money doing what you love and you'll never 'work' another day in your life." Unfortunately, he didn't take his own advice, but it taught me a valuable lesson, and I'm living proof that his words are true.

Here's your thought for hte day:

What would your life be like if you got excited about your work every day?

Once you get a handle on that, it's time to start thinking about how you can make money doing something that you love.

Friday, August 12, 2005

What's your idea of fun? Your answer may surprise you...

Every time I travel, it becomes more apparent to me that people have differing ideas of what's considered FUN.

I was talking to a single mom the other day who swears her idea of fun is taking a bubble bath after all teh kids are in bed. Huh? I thought...

Do you think maybe--just maybe--she's setting her sights too low? I mean, come on. If a bubble bath (alone) is your idea of fun, maybe you need to get a little more.

I think the thing about single moms is they're constantly giving, giving, giving. They give their all at the office, they give their all at home, and what's left over is what they keep for themselves. Most of hte single moms I talk to simply think that's their lot in life; that's just the way it has to be.

That's crap!!

Fact is, you'll get what you settle for, and if you settle for the occasional quiet bubble bath, that's all you're gonna get. If it's time alone you want, why not take a vacation, have a spa day or go to the library on your lunch hour. There are a million ways to take care of yourself. In case the single mothers out there are shaking their heads, here's a top 10 list to get you started:

10 Ways to Take Care of You

1. Book a massage (make it an hour, at least).

2. Schedule a pedicure.

3. Buy your favorite magazine or a new book and read the entire thing, but only at times when you are alone and can really get into it. Just before bed, on your lunch hour, in the bathroom or during your precious bubble bath.

4. Get a housekeeper. Weekly is best, but if you can't afford regular help, schedule some cleaning assistance just once! And not so you can run more errands.

5. Enhance that bubble bath with a glass of wine or two.

OK, so you'll get 5 today and the other five tomorrow. In the meantime, get to work on these 5 and check back tomorrow for 5 more. You deserve it!

Fear of Public Speaking? "Not I" Said the Fly

Have you ever heard of Toastmasters?

It's an international organization dedicated to helping people improve their commnuication skills and public speaking. Which is a great service, since most people have a fear of public speaking that's stronger than their fear of death.

I happen to be president of my local Toastmasters chapter.

I gotta tell you, it's one of my favorite ways to give back to the community. I am a mentor for several members in our group, and to see them advance--to see the fear of speaking in front of a group actually dissipate over time is just amazing. I admit, I'm one of those freaks who has never been afraid to speak in front of a group. I was presenting to adults when I was 13 years old, and it's one of my great passions. But then again, I'm not exactly "normal."

Anyway, our Toastmasters group has it all: entrepreneurs, single moms, sales people, students, you name it. It's a great way for people to come together and empower each other through feedback adn constructive criticism. Plus, they're just fun people and I love being around like-minded individuals who aspire to be great. Anywhere you can find good people is a good place to be in my book.

So if YOU would like to improve your speaking and communication skills (and you can't afford to hire me personally), I highly recommend finding a Toastmasters club in your area. Big cities may have several clubs, so it's a good idea to visit a few clubs so you can join the one where you feel most comfortable. Dues are super-cheap (like $6 a month). You can also start a club at your office or within an organization.

What are you waiting for? Get crackin'!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Does Success Mean Long Hours?

Today I saw a cartoon depicting two businessmen dining in a restaurant. One said to the other "I'm successful beause I'm lucky. Of course, I didn't become lucky until I started working 90 hours per week."

I laughed when I saw this. Not because it was funny, but because it was just sad.

I agree that we create our own luck. Absolutely that's true.

But really, how long will our society continue to stress ourselves out by perpetuating the notion that you have to be a workaholic to be successful? That's just stupid.

Some of my friends are millionaires, adn they only work a few hours per day. No, they're not lucky and no, they weren't born rich (although if you believe what Bob Proctor says, we were all born rich...but that's another topic for another day). They've simply figured out how to work smarter instead of harder.

The media puts outrageous expectations on parents today. You're supposd to have a career adn work 90 hours per week to get ahead (which you'll never truly be able to do as long as you work for someone else), plus be the perfect parent, work out and eat right (whatever that means) plus do tons of stuff for other people in your "free time." What about YOUR needs? When do you get to take care of those?

When is it OK to take time for YOU?

I'll tell you right now, I don't care what you do for a living, a 90-hour workweek is a heart attack waiting to happen. You simply can't sustain that kind of breakneck pace forever. It's not healthy.

So what can you do?

Well, for one thing you can hire me to help you get things sorted out. If you could figure out what you truly want and go after it with the same gusto that you put into your job, you could move mountains. Change the world. Make a million dollars. Whatever you want! I have helped hundreds of people find ways to make money doing what they really love. (But I'm not cheap and I'm very selective about who I choose to work with.)

In fact, because I'm not able to work with eveyrone who wants my assistance, I'm working on a top-secret project. I'll be sharing more about it in the coming weeks, but suffice to say this thing is going to revolutionize the way you think. You'll see me on Oprah wihtin six months after this thing hits the streets. But I've probably already said too much. All in good time, all in good time.

In the mean time, think about this:
Why are you here?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Success is all in your head...well, at least to start with

Today I was coaching another wonderful woman. She was recently burned by a business partner who was doing some nasty underhanded stuff. Without going into hairy details, I'm sure most people can appreciate what it means to have someone take advantage of your trust. It feels pretty crappy, so say the least!

Anyway, she is starting a new business venture and she wants to really kick it up a notch, you know, hit the ground running. The company has a training event coming up in a few weeks and her advisor has told her it's importnat for her to go, but she is stuck in "I don't have the money" mode.

It got me thinking about a time when I myself was stuck in "I don't have the money" mode and I couldn't seem to break free. I felt paralyzed and helpless. When I shared that with her, she immediately connected with feeling paralyzed.

Life can throw some pretty crazy curve balls your way, adn you just can't be prpared for everything, no matter what you do. But if you can open your mind to possibilities instead of staying put in circumstances, you can really change your situation.

Until I was able to change my mind, to look for solutions, I had to remain paralyzed where I was. I shared this with her, and reminded her that she is on the verge of a M-A-J-O-R breakthrough, right now, at this moment.

If you are in a position where you're feeling paralyzed, start by changing your mind. Interrupt thoughts that remind you where you're stuck and imagine how you will feel to be free of this situation. Imagine what it will be like when you're successful, looking back on what you overcame.

Success is 90% mind games and 10% action. All the action in the world won't mean squat if your mind is still stuck in the past. Change your mind and break free. Right now, you could be on the verge of a major breakthrough.

So, what's it gonna be? Stay stuck where you are or change your thinking and move forward? The choice is entirely up to you.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Back Home in New Orleans

We just got back in town, and it feels gooooood to be home again. (Well, at least until we leave for Scottsdale, AZ in about 10 days!)

Here's a cool fact: my daughter is only 18 months old and she's already been on 11 trips by plane. I can't help but laugh when I meet people in the airport and they ask if it's her first flight. Ha! In most cases, she's flown more often than the person asking! She's so good, though, it's easy to bring her along. It's great to have the flexibility to do that. In some ways, I'm probably overcompensating a bit because I never went anywhere as a child. I got my first taste of travel with some friends in college, and then I was hooked.

Here's your "ponderable" for the day: If you could visit any place in the U.S. (where you haven't already been), where would it be and why?

Until tomorrow, keep dreaming of fabulous travel adventures!

Monday, August 08, 2005

It's Great to Work From Home...or from the Pool

I admit, I love working from home. I love the freedom that comes with being my own boss. It's been a little over a year since I "retired" from my full-time (more like doubletime) job to start my own business and be home with my daughter.

Why am I bringing this up today? Well, like I mentioned a couple of days ago, I camehere to sunny Florida for a little R&R (Revenue and Relaxation), adn we decided to visit some family while we were here. We had booked flights to return home tomorrow, but last night we decided we'd like to stay another day. After all, we have no boss to report home to, no worries, so we changed the fare and now we're headed out on Tuesday afternoon.

So we spent the day with my great aunt who is 94 years old and sharp as a tack. She has excellent hearing, pretty good vision and she walks better than some of my 70-year old relatives (I won't name names). It amazes me that she can keep up with her great-great neice, (my daughter) who is now 18 months old. She is so impressed that my little munchkin already knows her colors, her shapes and she can count to three. Plus she has a vocabulary of about 100 words, and the list is constantly growing. Not that I'm bragging, but I like to think I had a hand in that.

I mean, if I wasn't home and she was in daycare, do you think they would be giving her as much attention during her most impressionable learning years? Doubtful. Not to knock daycares, some are good, but with so many kids and responsibilities they simply don't have the time for intense one-on-one attention.

One of the most rewarding things about my work is helping people to "leave their job and live their dreams." (and don't think you can snag my catchy tag line, because I've just had it copyrighted!) I like to think I'm helping to create stay at home families (prosperous ones, at that). Seriously, what better gift can children have than a life wiht their parents and the money and freedom to grow up and be whatever they want?

Here's a toast to everyone who values the importance of teaching our children: Hip, hip, hooray!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Who Nurtures Nurturing Women?

I love success breakthroughs. I really do. Naturally, I love my own breakthroughs best, but witnessing someone else's breakthrough runs a close second. Especially when it's a single mom.

Today I was coaching a wonderful woman. She was having some trouble setting powerful goals. Her goals were just plain weak. I don't mean to sound heartless or anything, but she wasn't setting her sights on anything she was really passionate about. The whole point of seting goals is to choose somehting you really really want and then state it in a powerful way and take steps to get what you want.

Anyway, this woman told me she has spent her whole life caring for other people. Her mother was very ill when she was growing up, so she took care of her mother and her brotehrs. Her entire life has been about other people.

Actually, I see this a lot in my personal coaching. Women are constantly put into the nurturing caregiver role, sometimes whether we want it or not. When someone is put in that role long enough, they start to forget all about their wants and needs. In fact, they even may go so far as to feel guilty when they take time for pampering or buy things for themselves.

But how can you share from an empty cup?

As women, we have to learn how to take care of ourselves. We have to treat ourselves and love ourselves enough to meet our wants and needs. By fulfilling these basic needs, we are better able to serve others. This is the same advice I gave her, and she is starting to get it. So she begins by picturing what her life would look like if she gets to come first. What an exciting time for her! I could practically hear the gears turning in her head as she started to ponder a life of her own creation, without all the "have to's" and "gotta do's".

Here's a thought to ponder (not just for women, but for anyone!):

What would you do if you REALLY loved yourself?

I've heard all kinds of answers to that question. I've heard people say they'd get a massage every week, they'd quit their horrible job, they'd leave their abusive husband, they'd go back to school and get theuir degree, they'd take a vacation, they'd take a bubble bath, they'd get in shape, they'd move closer to their kids, they'd make amends with their mother, and any other thing you can imagine. But what about you?

What would YOU do if you really loved yourself?

I have the best job in the whole world. I get to help people get what they want. I can't imagine any better way to spend my days. (Plus, I get to be a stay at home mom, which I absolutely love.) What I really want is to be the best mom for my baby. And I know that everything I do is setting an example for her. So I strive to be the best person I can, to set an example for her. So she will learn to take care of herself before trying to assist others. That makes me feel pretty darn good.

Anway, if I can help *you* get what you want, feel free to drop me an email.

Until something nice for yoruself. Success is a life of your own design.

Talk to you soon!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Masterminding with Leaders

Today I talked with one of my mastermind groups and whew. Things are just about to explode. I don't even know where to begin to explain.

When I decided my purpose was to help people, to truly empower them to change their lives, everything changed. I mean, I didn't set out to be Mother Teresa or anything, but there's no reason why i can't learn and improve my own skills and help peoiple at the same time. I mean, everybody wins, right? Stuff just started coming together and now I meet so many amazing people in my line of work. I swear, I just love my life. Does it get any better than this?

Incidentally, this blog is just me, you know? No editors, no spell check (n case you hand't noticed) just thoughts flowing from my nonstop stream of consciousness.

Anyway, I was talking with this group and some of these people are ultra-successful. I mean uber-successful. There's a guy who is only like 26 years old and he's made beaucoup (that's New Orleans - speak for TONS) bucks. I'm talking in the past year alone. it's just crazy what I'm learning from these guys. I feel really lucky to be in my shoes right now, you know?

Which reminds me--did you know that your income is an average of your five closest friends' incomes? Not to say that money is the only way to measure success. If you earn a good living, but it's killing you to do it, what kind of life is that??? However, money is definitely a tool and it can be used to facilitate lots of things. So it's intersting to think that our income is related to our friends...hmmm. Remember what momma used to say about choosing your friends wisely? Guess she was right.

You know I've lived without money adn I've lived with money, and I like the WITH better. Definitely. Most people would agree with me, I think. (You're probably thinking Well, DUH!)

Anyway, a bunch of us are going to dinner, so I better get going.

In the meantime, here's some food for thought: How do you define success?

Here's to your success,

Success is a constant learning process

Today I'm in the middle of one of my seminars. Teh beach is really beautiful, but I've hardly had time to see it. There's so much to teach, and so much to learn. Success is a constant learning process, did you know that? But it's so much fun to share my experiences with other people and to hear about theirs.

HAve you ever noticed that you learn a lot by teaching someone else?

It's so interesting, but it's true. Every time I teach someone something, I learn a little more about it myself. I heard an expression once (I think it was in the book Illusions by Richard Bach) that says "We teach what we most need to learn." Or maybe it said "Learning is remembering what you already know." Hmmm. Maybe I need to read that book again, because I think I forgot.

One quote I know for sure is "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." This has proven true throughout my life. Sometimes I'm the teacher, and sometimes I'm the student. Funny how that works.

Until next time, here's to your successs!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Welcome to New Success

Welcome to New Success!

There's no telling what you will find here in our corner of the Universe. Many of the postings in this blog will likely involve day-to-day unusualities, mysterious ponderables and hilarious anecdotes.

I am a writer, speaker and creative consultant, which simply means I have an unusual way of looking at the world and I have a knack for explaining my insights in an interesting and entertaining way.

Enjoy the ride!