Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How'd You Like To 'Relax' Your Holiday Spending This Year?

If you've got the whole "holiday shopping" thing handled, you're already done with your list and planning to avoid malls for the next 30 days, then congratulations! Bravo to you, I am duly impressed :-)

And you can STOP READING this blog post right now.

But if you're like most folks and you're planning to enter into the holiday over-spending frenzy that begins this Thursday night....then I have an EXTRAORDINARY treat for you!


Because this year -- things really CAN be different.

This isn't one of those messages telling you NOT to shop -- far from it. Holiday shopping is fun and exciting for many of us, and there's no denying that it stimulates the economy in a MASSIVE way. But we've all experienced adverse side-effects from it in the past. Namely, buyer's remorse, fear of being judged (did we buy the right gift? did we spend enough? did we spend too much? did we include all the right people? will they like it?), stress, anxiety, frustration, irritation, and perhaps worst of all -- additional credit card debt from overspending and impulse buying.

That's why I've created a special holiday shopping clearing audio, just for you.


This year, you don't have to overspend, get caught up in unnecessary impulse buys, or stress and worry about finding the right gifts within your budget (especially if that budget seems kinda wimpy).

THIS YEAR you can have fun while you shop, you can be relaxed, enjoy the holiday season fully, and relax knowing you have spent wisely on wonderful, appropriate gifts for all your loved ones.

And best of all, you WON'T have to suffer through the "January sticker shock" that you've endured in years gone past as soon as those bills start to roll in.

I've put together a 67-minute audio CLEARING called "Relax Your Holiday Spending: The Ultimate Experience in Spiritual Shopping!" for this very reason -- to help you to:

- tap into divine guidance BEFORE you set foot into a mall

- avoid costly impulse buys that add little value to your (or your recipient's) holiday experience but seem impossible to resist in the moment

- find fabulous gifts for everyone on your list -- while staying within your means or your budget

- easily attract additional CASH this holiday season

- avoid incurring additional d.e.b.t during the holiday season from discombobulated shopping

- attract the best gifts and the best deals TO YOU--saving time, gas, $$$ and stress

- shop with confidence knowing you're making optimal choices and avoiding "buyer's remorse"

- and much more.

And to sweeten the deal even more, I'm going to give you a chance to get it for next to nothing.


You're going to love this part.

This audio goes on sale at Noon Eastern (GMT-5) TODAY 11/25/08, but I'm telling you about it today for a very special reason.

Because of it's length, it's value-packed content, it's multiple clearings, and it's limited access, this audio is valued at AT LEAST $97.

But I'm making it available for only a FEW HOURS TODAY, and if you play your cards right, you could be one of the lucky ones to get it for just $1.00

Yep, you heard me right. A buck.


At 12Noon Eastern time today (GMT -5) the clearing audio will go on sale for just $1.00.

And then the price will go up by $1 EVERY 15 minutes.

So if I were you, I'd be there at 12Noon to get it for $1.

Wait until 2PM, and it will cost more like $8. Wait much later than that, and it won't be available AT ALL. I'm only offering a limited amount of these, and then I'm taking
the link down.

And I mean it.

This clearing is ONLY available TODAY, and ONLY beginning at 12Noon Eastern time.


This, my friend, is the deal of the season. Will you be there? or will you miss out?

Just think -- this audio could be the one thing that shifts your entire holiday experience this year -- and makes 2008 THE year that makes a difference.

Or this year's holiday season could feel the same as the last 5 years. Either way, it's your choice

And I can't WAIT to see what you choose!

I'll post the link here at 12Noon Eastern -- not a moment sooner, and when it's gone, it's gone!


HEY?!??! Want to be among the first to know when the next $1 incremental sale goes live? Sign up for my free newsletter Success Secrets Revealed at http://NewSuccess.org

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Now THIS Is How Movies Were Meant To Be Enjoyed!

I love my friend Tamlyn. She always passes along little tidbits of information that arrive with Divine Timing. And right now I'm not talking about words of wisdom (although I receive many of those from her as well!) -- I'm talking about cool things to explore right near my own home.

Tamlyn was the one who told me there was a very cool walking labyrinth tucked away just 7 miles from my house -- of which I was totally unaware, and have enjoyed visiting several times since learning of it.

She's also the one who told me about the new Landmark Theatre in Greenwood Village.

This is about 25 minutes from my house, yet we've driven past it countless times. But yesterday Tam mentioned to me how very cool it was, and her timing could NOT have been better -- our kids were scheduled for a "parents' night out" at MyGym, and although that had already been arranged, my husband and I had no plans as of that morning-- and I talked to Tam at 8AM, which is when she delivered the tidbit of info about this new theater.

So what's so great about a movie theater? You might be asking. It's true, seems like they're constantly throwing up new theaters every time you turn around. Because the movies don't seem to be hurting the way other industries might be right now.

But THIS theater is special -- truly the way movies were meant to be enjoyed.

We purchased our tickets online (the only film showing at the time that worked for our schedule was "The Duchess" and while I had low expectations, I absolutely LOVED it. I laughed, I cried, and the biggest compliment to the film is that Andy actually stayed awake and alert throughout the entire film. Can't recall the last period piece I could say that about!) Prepurchasing tickets which was pretty normal for us, but when we arrived at the theater (gorgeous, by the way, and plenty of very close parking available in a garage which was great because it was REALLY cold last night)...

... we asked for the VIP treatment.

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!

It was only a few bucks more, and after being adorned with a VIP pass on a lanyard that kind of reminded me of a back stage pass for a concert, here's what we got:

+ special reserved seating in the front 2 rows (not the neck-cramp section -- the front of the main part of the theater)

+ had there been a line (we were there pretty early, because of the timing of the Parents' Nite Out event where we dropped off the kids) we would have skipped the line entirely with our VIP status

+ oversized leather chairs, paired in twos for cuddle-ability, and they REALLY recline (not that pseudo-recline most theater chairs have, where you've got to throw all your weight back just to budge an inch)

+ personal wait staff service -- yeah, you heard me right -- they bring popcorn and sodas directly to your seat -- and these were included in the purchase price of our tickets (with unlimited refills of both)...and without having to walk a half-mile to wait in line to get a refill

+ expanded menu -- our server brought us a menu that included gourmet snacks (I have no idea what I actually ate because it came while the theater was dark, but it tasted like pistachios, pepitas, golden raisins and some other stuff in a crispy honey-wasabi coating), sandwiches, desserts, pizza, etc. YUM! Andy ordered empanadas and cheesecake and since I'm off wheat at the moment, I ordered a bratwurst without the bun. Andy also ordered some kind of imported chocolate that was very decadent.

+ a wine list. Hell yeah!!! Why not have a beer or a glass of wine while you enjoy the movie? and brought right to your seat, no less! And the folks next to us ordered a bottle and 2 glasses. Hmmmm, that's a thought for next time.

By the time the movie started, I was already feeling so pampered and relaxed, the movie could have totally sucked and I still wouldn't have cared. Hey, as far back as the seats reclined, I could have slept well if I didn't like the flick.

But I DID love the film, and this only enhanced the experience.

Can you guess where my new movie theater is? Oh yeah, I'm totally hooked on this one.

And there were plenty of seats remaining in the VIP section -- which begs the question:

Why would anyone, ANYONE -- NOT get the VIP experience?

I just don't get it. But perhaps a more probing question is this:

Do YOU ever pass on requesting a VIP experience? If so, why? These are questions worth exploring, and if I can assist you in permanently clearing whatever blocks may arise, please do give me a shout at http://AskAmyAnything.com

Till then -- I'll seeya at the movies...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Where are YOU putting your....

I had an epiphany as I was riding the ski lift today at Loveland, Colorado. (What a great name, right? Love + Land. So cool. But that's not the part that struck me today.)

I was riding the lift to make a couple of runs while my husband Andy was on a break, and I was enjoying the serenity of the trees, sky and snow when I suddenly noticed something about the lift.

Truly, my seat was barely hanging on.

As I looked down the 20 feet or so below me to the ground, I realized I had put a tremendous amount of my faith in something without any consideration, research, or forethought.

This giant metal chair I was sitting on, riding across the sky, was connected to a steel cable by nothing more than a small metal piece sitting on top of the cable.

And the metal piece that connected it all, which I was trusting to hold me up and keep me safe -- doesn't even go all the way around the steel cable. It's kind of gripping from the top.

Holy cow. This got me thinking.

Sure, there's plenty of evidence that it might be safe, right? I have ridden it many
times before, without incident. I have never heard of a lift chair simply falling out of the sky at Loveland, but then again, I don't read the paper or watch the news, so would I really know if that had happened? Other people weren't worried -- they were riding the lift, laughing and having a great time, blissfully unaware that they had put so much faith into a small piece of steel, a bunch of pulleys, and some kind of engine to keep it all turning (not to mention, a handful of late teens running the whole mechanical show).

What else had I put my faith into so readily, so willingly, so blindly?

A tank of air came to mind. Many tanks of air, actually. How many times in my life have I been scuba diving? Around 300. Can you get the magnitude of this?

300 TIMES in my life, I have willingly strapped on a bunch of equipment and descended to 100+ feet below the surface of the water with nothing keeping me alive but the tank of air and the apparatus to breathe from it.

And that's just one activity...truth be told, we are putting tremendous trust into things every single day...if you work at a job, you trust that your boss will have enough $$ in the business account to pay you when it's time.

When you eat in a restaurant, you trust that the kitchen staff washed the food, prepared things properly, and didn't use any bad meat or other ingredients.

Did you drive a car this week? Use public transportation? How much trust did you instill in those modes of transport to keep you safe and get you from A to B?

But why then, is it so hard to simply trust in the Universe to provide for us? Trust that yes, there is a plan, and yes, your best interests are the primary concern.

If you so readily and easily trusted in the Universe to support you, give you what you need, and keep you safe, don't you think you'd truly be able to "set and forget" your intentions?

Now what would THAT look like?

Mmmmmm-mmmm delicious.

My husband was marveling at my manifestation abilities once again today. We were filling up the car en route to the mountains, and I said, "Wouldn't it be great to pay $1.80 per gallon for gas today?"

Last time we filled up (a few days ago) it was closer to $1.87.

Can you guess what the price was at our usual gas station? Yup, $1.80.

Then later, on the way home, I was thinking about how gas has gone down every time I've filled up over the past several weeks. And I was thinking, "Wouldn't it be great if the next time we filled up, we paid just $1.75?"

And as we exited the interstate to head home, we passed our usual filling station
and Andy turned in. "We're half-empty now after the drive. Might as well top 'er off."

And sure enough, in the SAME DAY, gas had dropped a nickel, to $1.75 per gallon.

But see, when I play this game, there is no sense of need, no sense of doubt. I could afford to pay $3.00 or more per gallon for gas. But I love to pay less and less and less. So I treat it like a game. And I expect to win.

And so I win.

I remember years ago, the first time I went skiing. I was so excited the night before, I could barely sleep. And a seasoned skiier friend, trying to be helpful told me, "Skiing is 90% confidence and 10% skill."

and I remember thinking, "Oh, crap. How can I have any confidence if I don't have any skill?"

but that was before I understood the Universal laws, like Be-Do-Have. Man, did I do things the hard way back then! But it's oh-so-different now that I can trust, and trust, and trust. Faith is a beautiful thing.

This is why I'm a master manifestor. I trust the Universe to provide for me. I trust that my best interests are always considered and prioritized. And this makes it so much easier to maneuver through life.

Just like riding a ski lift. Up up and away, without a worry or a doubt that I'll be
taken just where I want to go, safe and sound.

Why not adopt this perspective the next time you place a request with the Universe? Then you can sit back and enjoy the ride...and the scenery.

How to Eat Stuffing at Thanksgiving Without Getting Stuffed

My friend Marna Goldstein Thall wrote this article, and I wanted to share it with you:

Everyone loves Thanksgiving, don’t they? Yet there have been plenty of holiday meals where many have felt like large rolly pollies complete with hands on our aching, protruding bellies. Pants are stretched out to maximum capacity by the time the end of the holidays roll around, from all the stuffing, turkey, cranberries, and pumpkin pie -- just some of the fabulous delicacies that make holiday meals absolutely scrumptious.
What if this holiday season you could enjoy all these delicious foods, but not overdo it? Yes, eat and enjoy, but know that by January 1st you won't be looking for a weight loss plan to take all that holiday weight off. This holiday will be different for you. We know t it can! Here are five (5) tips to keep you feeling in tip-top shape both mind and body:

1. Differentiate between loving food and NEEDING food.

It’s critical to get a handle on holiday foods by making sure you do up-front mental and emotional clearings before walking into a whole house full of “trigger-foods”. Turkey, stuffing and pecan pies are delicious - but if you are feeling physically, emotionally, or psychologically drawn to these foods, then you must get these balanced out so you enjoy these without HAVING to devour every single morsel.

2. Have you ever noticed that you overdo your eating out of habit, even when there is no logical reason for it?

For example, every holiday season you absentmindedly overeat at Aunt Selma’s house and it’s just the way it is. It’s as if you set yourself up to fail or overeat just because it’s the thing to do. What if it weren’t? What if the thing to do was to stay in harmony with your body – feeling totally confident that you would eat what your body needs and not an ounce more? This automatic way of overeating during the holiday season is due to your cellular memory around this time of year. Your cells have become accustomed to overeating out of habit - it's what we call you "cellular memory". This memory is entirely unconscious and both your mind and your body will continue to repeat these old holiday patterns because your cellular memory is literally in the groove of having it this way. As you change your cells and their vibration, then you change this memory and your holiday eating outcome.

3. Begin clearing your holiday food triggers on ALL levels: the physical body is where you hold childhood and adolescent food triggers.

The physical body cares primarily about keeping you protected and safe. The emotional body holds on to foods for comfort and soothing; mainly anything that is missing from the emotional body. The mental body holds on to food for either frustrated or boredom. Frustration being a conflicting emotion between what you desire and what you should do; like when you really want to go to sleep, but it's 3:00 in the afternoon and you have tons on your plate so you can’t. As you begin identifying which body the craving originates from, you can clear the source of the craving and by clearing on ALL levels, you can have permanent results.

4. Find a program that will help you achieve permanent results. YOU are an individual, and YOU need an individualized method for tapping into why you lose focus and ultimately end up eating too much.

Tapping into your OWN infinite wisdom or finding someone to help you do so can be extremely helpful in finding exactly what works for you and your body this holiday season. Using a technique that goes directly to the original source -- the exact moment when you created the craving or need for these trigger foods (even if you aren't consciously aware of when that was!) And going back to the originating event is what helps you to clear it permanently. EFT and other clearing practices can be a great way to see permanent or semi-permanent results. This holiday season make sure you find a program or strategy that sticks.

5 . Recent research has established that overweight people overeat because their food cravings are controlled by the same part of the brain that control drug cravings in addicts.

This brain circuitry located in the hippocampus is the part of the brain that is also involved with emotion. It's no wonder that during the holiday season your brain circuitry is driven wild by all the foods that are constantly being placed in front of you - whether it's a holiday meal, massive amounts of extra food at the office, or commercials everywhere encouraging you to buy, buy, buy. These powerful findings acknowledge and reinforce the fact that dealing with emotions is not only powerful, but necessary. Using energy work along side cognitive and behavioral coaching to conquer food cravings will help you eliminate and clear blocked food cravings so you can experience the holiday season with freedom, joy and thinness.


Non-Diet Diva Marna Goldstein Thall and Belief-Shifting Expert Amy Scott Grant have teamed up to create a powerful technology to permanently clear food triggers and addictions. Learn more about the “Free From Food” audio program by visiting this site: http://thinwithin.com/freefromfood.htm