Thursday, March 20, 2008

It's Not Laziness...It's the LAW

You know, I'm all about doing as little as it takes in order to produce tremendous results. It's part of why I love fluency so much.

Some people call me lazy. They think that's an insult, but to me, it's a compliment. I mean, really -- to accomplish all I've accomplished in a lazy way? That's magnificent!

"Stress cures" would be obsolete if everyone lived life that way.

Other people criticize me because I expect results to show up immediately. I used to get frustrated with such people, but now I realize that they probably just have hangups around TIME.

I have no issues with TIME. (If you don't believe me, feel free to check me using muscle testing or your pendulum).

And I have very few issues remaining with SPEED and VELOCITY.

I like things to happen quickly, and I expect extremely fast results. And because I've cleared much of my resistence to it, that's exactly how my results tend to show up: FAST.

But back to this laziness idea.

I was cleaning out my home office today and filing away some old conference notes and I came across a page that said this:

Ways to Simplify My Life

- get a laundry service

- get a personal assistant to do research, web stuff and proofreading

- prioritize nightly for the following day

- fluency and meditation daily

- use the law of least effort

Now there was no date on these notes (how unlike me!) so I can't tell you how long ago I had this epiphany. But I can tell you that I now have a laundry service, a personal assistant service, a web designer, a prioritized daily to-do list (FAR shorter than they used to be for me!) and I use fluency nearly daily.

But I was curious about this "Law of Least Effort"

Sure, I could surmise what it most likely meant from the self-explanatory name, but I wanted to know more.

And a simple google search for "Law of Least Effort" took me straight to a Deepak Chopra article that explained the whole concept in great detail.

Deepak says:

"The fourth spiritual law of success is the Law of Least Effort. This law is based on the fact that nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease and abandoned carefreeness. This is the principle of least action, of no resistance. This is, therefore, the principle of harmony and love. When we learn this lesson from nature, we easily fulfill our desires."

Oh yeah, I'm liking the sound of this!

Deepak goes on to say:

"Nature's intelligence functions effortlessly, frictionlessly, spontaneously. It is non-linear; it is intuitive, holistic, and nourishing. And when you are in harmony with nature, when you are established in the knowledge of your true Self, you can make use of the Law of Least Effort."

"Least effort is expended when your actions are motivated by love, because nature is held together by the energy of love."

I don't know about you, but I TOTALLY resonate with this message.

So maybe I'll stop calling myself lazy...and instead I'll call myself a law-abiding citizen of the Universe.

Nah, I'll stick with "lazy" -- it's shorter and easier to say, LOL.

If you want to read the whole article by Deepak Chopra, click here.

What are you "efforting" over? How can you simplify your life by employing the Law of Least Effort?

If you have limiting beliefs that sounds like any of these, you deserve to coach with me so we can get them clear and you can stop working so hard!

Life is hard
Anything worthwhile takes effort
Life's a bitch
It takes hard work to get what you want
Results take time
These things take time
I've got to work hard to be the best
If I can just work hard, I can achieve any goal
There's no easy way out


Friday, March 07, 2008

Closet Victims: You're about to be "Out"ed

Yesterday my friend Ann and I made a shocking discovery.

For goodness knows how many lifetimes, we've been living as "closet victims."

What's a closet victim?

I'm so glad you asked -- I never even heard of it until yesterday, when we received the term fluently.

I'll give you a hint -- it has nothing to do with moths, having nothing to wear, or being stuck with that funky wire shelving. Actually, it has nothing to do with your closet at all.

It has to do with the deepest, darkest secret you've been hiding -- the one you've gone to any and all lengths to hide.

If you're a closet victim, you put forth a noble front as a powerful, in-control person. Yet inside, you are secretly craving SUFFERING. So much so that if you can't get anyone else to make you suffer, you'll handle that yourself.

Closet victims are addicted to suffering...but they don't talk about it because they believe everyone should "suffer in silence."

Closet victims are practically addicted to positive thinking, new thought, the Law of Attraction and personal development.

We'll go to any lengths to ensure that we're never "found out."

All the while punishing ourselves, suffering, and dying inside.

Am I being overly dramatic?

If you had been on the phone with Ann and I last night when we were "getting" all this and clearing it, I highly doubt you would say I'm exaggerating.

In fact, you probably would have had goosebumps the whole time, or a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, because you were resonating with everything we said.

Ann and I cleared 102 limiting beliefs around pain, suffering, victimhood, and power.

And holy crap, do I feel like a NEW WOMAN today!

We also "got" that we were clearing not just for the two of us, but for closet victims around the world.

Right now, you might be wondering whether or not you're a closet victim.

Here's how you can tell:

You're still reading this.

If you weren't resonating with this message on some level, you would have surfed away long before now. But you're practically in a trance right now. It's like that song "Killing Me Softly." You're reading these words and thinking I'm in your head right now.

I'm not in your head. But up until last night around 5:30PM, I used to have the same crud in my head that you have right now.

Fortunately, it's not permanent. You can let it go. You can release your addictive need to suffer.

And Ann and I can show you how.

If you've ever thought about becoming a coach -- or if you're "trying" to right now -- or if you already are, then you MUST sign up for our teleclass. It starts Wednesday the 12th.

Yes, there will be a little suffering at first. But you need that anyway, right? Of course you do. It's like crack-cocaine to you.

And then you can set yourself free.

I know you're scared. I was terrified -- and I didn't know why, until I saw the truth.

I thought that suffering was tied to my very identity. I was afraid that if I stopped suffering, I would cease to exist.

And to make matters worse, I had apparently taken a vow of silence about the whole thing several lifetimes ago.

but the silence is now broken.

I'm OUT of the victim's closet.

and I AM FREE.

and you can be too.

Just take our hand and join us. Set yourself free. You can do it, I know you can. And Ann and I will be with you every step of the way.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Get Ready for The Success Method -- LIVE !

On March 13, I'm going to do something I've never done before.

I'm creating a live teleclass program to accompany The Success Method.

Why is this so monumental? What's the big deal, anyway?

Well, let me ask you:

How's it going with your New Year's Resolutions?

I mean, after all, we're still in the first quarter. We're only 1/6 of the way through the year.

Are you making great headway?

Still motivated?

Still on track?

OR have you completely forgotten about those resolutions, filed 'em away in a drawer somewhere (or in "file 13") and you've resigned yourself that life is just too damn busy to fool with any of this nonsense anyway?

Yeah, that's what I figured.

The vast majority of people are "done" with their New Year's Resolutions (and by "done" I don't mean "accomplished") before Valentine's Day and it's just another big letdown for anyone who was really counting on themselves to pull through this year.

That's why I'm so passionate about The Success Method.

The Success Method isn't just a goal-setting program. It's not a rah-rah feel-good program. It's a simple, practical method for accomplishing whatever YOU want. Period.

So don't lose heart -- don't give up on your resolutions for 2008. There's still 10 months to go in this fabulous year! You can accomplish PLENTY, I know it! All you gotta do is get off your duff and take action.

Do something DIFFERENT -- the same old thing is only getting you the same old results. It's time for a shift. It's time for The Success Method.

For five weeks, I'll be serving up the kick in the pants you've been needing to break out of your old routines and get serious about achieving those goals and resolutions. Week after week you'll get the straight scoop directly from me, and I'll be available to you in the member's only forum for coaching, guidance, and a bunch of other support that my coaching clients pay me $275 per session to get.

But you won't pay anywhere NEAR that much.

Plus, I'm also offering a HUGE discount on The Success Method AND the Powerhouse Package for all those who sign up for the teleclass.

Already own The Success Method? No worries! You get a deep discount on the price of the teleclass, (naturally, we'll verify that you've already purchased the ebook). Plus, you'll also get the Powerhouse Package (included!), regardless of whether or not you uprgraded originally.

Get ready, The Success Method Boot Camp starts March the 13th. Click here to register, or to get more info.

What are YOU waiting for?