Friday, August 31, 2007

Need a Vibration Overhaul? How About a FREE Preview?

I know, I know, I know -- you're not thinking about vibrational matches, you're gearing up for a long Labor Day weekend. And I don't blame you, if you're like most folks, you work hard all year and you look forward to long weekends.

But before you go shopping for some choice steaks for the grill, or before you fuel up your car (pretending not to wince at the price of gas) and head out for a weekend away, I thought you should know about this.

This Wednesday night, at 9PM Eastern (8Central, 7Mountain, 6Pacific), I am hosting a FREE Preview Call with my good friend and newest business partner (and Vibrational Powerhouse), Jeannette Maw.

What's the point of a preview call?

Great question.

If you've attended one of my preview calls in the past, you already know the drill. I deliver one hour of action-packed new content, designed to empower you and have you walk away thinking "Wow! I can't believe she just GAVE away all that info! Plus, it was FUN!" Then, at the end of the call, I tell you all the reasons why you deserve to sign up for the full paid teleclass, and after that I give you a kick-ass bonus.

The point is to GIVE YOU something of value, AND to INVITE YOU to participate in the full paid course.

This preview call will have all of that, PLUS a few extra surprises. (Hee, hee, hee!)

Here's some of what we will cover in the 1-hour preview call:

+ You will learn to set more powerful intentions

+ You will learn how to begin the releasing process, even when you don't know what your beliefs are, or how to release limiting beliefs

+ You will learn to start to identify your most paralyzing limiting beliefs (I call them "Kingpins," and I'll explain why)

+ You will also have access to a special bonus, only available if you participate in the LIVE call.

You might be wondering why I've waited so long to tell you about the Vibration Overhaul Preview Call?

Another great question.

The paid class is already about halfway sold out. So I don't see the point in spending 2 weeks promoting a preview call for a class that will most definitely be sold out by the time the preview call has ended.

Lots of folks took one look at this page and signed up immediately.

This preview call is for all of you "fence sitters." :-)

Maybe you like what you see, but you're not sure you want to commit, or pay, or give it a go, or whatever.

Trust me, by the time the Preview Call has ended, you will be OFF the fence. I predict you'll be off the fence by the time we are halfway through the Preview Call.

Right now, you may already know whether or not this class is for you.

But if you are interested in gaining valuable knowledge and practical tools about what I mentioned above, then don't miss the Preview Call!

You can register here -- should take you less than 1 minute! (and remember, it's FREE)

I'll seeya on Wednesday night.

QoD: On a scale of 1-10, how effective do you find your intentions to be? In other words, how easy is it for you to set an intention and then have it manifst?

If you answered anything lower than a 9, you will DEFINITELY learn something valuable by being on the Preview Call. That is my commitment to you.

Go for it!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Magic of Words...In Manifesting Results

It's impossible to over-emphasize the power of language. "I can't do that" is often followed by the inability to do something. "I never win anything" almost never results in a grand prize drawing with your name on it. "Why does this always happen to me?" usually brings more of the same.

As Florence Scoval Shinn once wrote, "Your word is your wand."

And yet, how many of us think we want something, only to hear the exact opposite fall out of our mouth? How many of us keep puking our past into our future? Far too many, I say.

If you are truly ready to make changes in your life, you've got to “get” that it all starts in language. It’s time to become ultra-conscious about every single word that comes out of your mouth, if you want to create results that are different from whatever you've been getting.

Consider that every time you open your mouth, you’re creating something. Are you creating what you really want? Or more of what you don’t want?

For starters, don't talk about anything you're NOT going to do.

This encompasses a lot more than you may think. For example, don't say, "I'm starving" when what you really mean is "I'm hungry." I am amazed at the number of overweight people who keep saying over and over "I'm starving."

You must remember that your subconscious mind does not understand sarcasm, cannot take a joke, and only understands literal words.

So what happens when your subconscious hears "I'm starving" come out of your mouth? It clings to every fat cell, because it thinks you must be starving – your body shuts down and goes into starvation mode. You'll never ever lose weight if you keep saying "I'm starving" no matter how much you exercise, because you're telling your body to hold on to everything it's got.

"It's killing me" is another phrase worth eliminating. Interestingly enough, whoever started that saying is probably already dead. So if you don't want to follow them, stop saying it. I admit, this was a hard one for me to stop, being a child of the late 70s and 80s, when the expression was quite popular. Were you really "dying" to go to that concert? That's when you attract things like lethal car wrecks or freak accidents, when you're constantly saying you're "dying" to do this or that. I once read a story about a man who repeatedly said he'd give his right arm to make his sick daughter well. He was in a freak accident where he literally lost his arm. He got a big insurance settlement, which paid the cost of his daughter’s required treatments.

What you speak about, you bring about. Period.

So what are you talking about all the time? Do you even know?

The interesting thing is that we don't really HEAR at least 50% of what comes out of our own mouths. And when someone else repeats it back to us, we are likely to say "I never said that."

If you truly want to know what you say, record your part of a few telephone conversations, and transcribe them during playback. I guarantee, you’ll be shocked to hear what you actually said.

Once you become aware of what you are consciously creating through your every day language, the next step is to begin speaking about only what you want in your life.

If you’re creating something every time you open your mouth, why not create what you REALLY want?

If you liked this article, please click the "Digg" button below.

You can start by signing up for the new teleclass I'm co-hosting with Jeannette Maw. This 6-week class will kick your vibration up a few thousand notches, clear out old and musty limiting beliefs (faster than you can say "why oh why can't I ever get what I really want?") and we'll all have a heck of a fun time, too. Sign up for Vibration Overhaul here.

I Didn't Know I Never Knew This

Every now and then, I learn something that makes me wonder, "How come I am just now learning this?"

and also, "what else is out there, that I don't know about?"

Now I certainly don't presume to know everything. There is plenty of information that I choose to exclude from my conscoiusness. I don't read the newspaper, listen to NPR, or watch the news on TV. If there's a major world event going on, someone always tells me about it. I never feel like I'm "missing out" on knowing anything important in that realm.

I'm talking about cool, interesting things that are going on all over the world -- things I would want to participate in or learn more about (assuming I knew about them in the first place).

My most recent better-late-than-never discovery is Geocaching.

When our friends Bill and Lisa were passing through Castle Rock a few weeks ago, they mentioned it, and I had never heard of it. It sounded like fun.

In case you don't know (like I didn't), geocaching is going on all over the world. People who have a GPS hide a "cache" (might be a plastic container, food storage container, an altoids tin, film canister, you name it) with some cool stuff in it (could be anything -- we've seen Pez dispensers, toys for the kiddies, jewelry, coins, etc., plus a log book and pencil) and then they post the coordinates for others to find (with their own GPS).

It's like a worldwide treasure hunt, and our kids are enjoying it as much as we are. Some caches allow you to take an item, and leave an item in its place. Others are just for viewing.

The surprising part to me is that this has been going on for SEVEN YEARS.

Seven Years! That is amazing to me, that this has been going on for seven years, and I had no clue. And there are a TON of caches hidden right here in my little town of Castle Rock, population 35,000.

What ELSE don't I know about?

We hid our first cache this week, called "OnTheRoadAgain." It seemed rather fitting, considering how much we travel. Andy hid the cache one evening, it was approved by the local admin within hours, and by early the next AM, someone had already discovered it. By the end of that day, numerous other people had found it, and some left foreign coins and other cool stuff.

I love that it's a give-and-take kind of thing, that people of all ages, backgrounds and occupations can participate. I love that it gets us outdoors as a family. I love the anticipation of the hunt, and the commitment to find the cache (sometimes it's hidden quite well, and hard to find, even with coordinates that may only be accurate within 15 feet).

I just love the whole thing.

And I happen to think we found out about this hobby at THIS time becaues the timing was right for us.

But that goes back to what I'm always talking about: Inspired Action.

Here's your QoD:

When you receive a gentle nudge to take action, are you more likely to take action right away, or do you tend to procrastinate or talk yourself out of it? What would happen if you began taking action as soon as you were inspired?

Go for it!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Divine Dining

I have been experiencing a remarkable change...but I didn't realize just HOW remarkable it was, until I was telling Jeannette Maw about it. (Incidentally, in case you haven't heard -- Jeannette and I are doing a teleclass together. It's called Vibration Overhaul and you can sign up here.)

It was one of those conversations where I was telling a story but the conversation took such a turn, I never finished the story I intended to tell.

Have you ever had a conversation like that?

I was attempting to make some point, which I can now see was completely, well, pointless, and when I gave a bit of background info (to set up the story), Jeannette kept asking me all these questions about it. And suddenly, we were no longer talking about the story, we were talking about what had led me to whatever I wanted to talk about in the first place.

I'm not sure this is making any sense at all, so let me back up a bit.

I used to be addicted to sugar.

I don't use the term "addicted" lightly here -- I sincerely mean I HAD to have candy, pie, sweets, sugar straight out of the packet, you name it.

It was like crack to me.

A day without refined sugar was like a day without sunshine. (Or sex without orgasm...what's the point?)

Yikes, that last one will probably earn me all kinds of opinionated comments. But alas, I have no internal filter. Even while typing.


Sugar was my vice.

In the past, I had tried to break my sugar addiction. I tried pure willpower (which was all fine and good, until someone said Pecan taste and I fell off the wagon.) I tried the Atkins diet. I tried Sugarbusters (if you're from New ORleans, you know what I'm talking about.) I tried deprivation. I tried self-hypnosis. I tried affirmations. I tried cutting back my quantity (that worked, UNTIL we went to the movies!!)

I tried it ALL (or so I thought). And nothing really had any lasting effect.

The time I did Atkins was probably the longest time I ever went without sweets. And it was hell, I tell ya. Definite deprivation, willpower and mind over matter.

I have been doing a LOT of releasing around body issues over the past few months, and it became clear to me that until I broke my sugar addiction -- and I mean permanently, I would never return to (and maintain) a healthy weight.

Then I was inspired to do The Master Cleanse.

And, being a person who tends to listen when inspiration speaks, I committed to completing at least 10 days of this powerful detox.

AND, being a conscious practitioner of the Law of Attraction, I set an intention for the cleanse.

My intention was to break my sugar addiction. My commitment was to complete at least 10 days.

Now I must be honest with you. There was nothing to visualize -- I really had no idea what it would be like NOT to crave sugar. I already knew what it was like to ignore my cravings for sugar, but not to DISAPPEAR the cravings themselves -- permanently. All I knew was that THIS was the key to regaining my health -- and I set the intention to break my sugar addiction.

I did not visualize. I did not do affirmations. (after all, you can't affirm NOT something.) I did not write a goal statement. I did not set a target amount of weight to lose (I've done that before, and it comes back. I figure the weight was secondary, anyway. If I could truly break that sugar addiction, the weight HAD to come off. That much I knew.)

I did perform fluency throughout the cleanse, for whatever came up. There was a lot more around FOOD itself that I had imagined, but not much around body issues, really. There was also a lot of other stuff that seemed unrelated, but I can see now that it was a total entity purge.

When I began, I was committed, but not attached. If the cleanse didn't work, I would be no worse off than I was before I started the cleanse. Probably better, in fact.

I devoured every bit of information I could get on the cleanse before I began. I did not need to throw away all our refined sugar products -- I knew I could commit to anything for 10 days. I simply asked my husband not to eat candy in front of me, until I told him I was OK with it. I did not try to convert my husband, or my daughter, and I did not ask him to do the cleanse with me.

What happened?

Well, you can go here and here and here to read my previous posts about my expeirences with the Master Cleanse.

But here's what fascinated Jeannette, when I was talking to her about my results the other day.

Today, nearly 3 weeks have passed since I ended my 16-day Master Cleanse.

I have maintained 17.5 lbs of my 19-lb weight loss. I am 2 sizes smaller on top, and 1 size smaller on the bottom (but approaching 2 sizes smaller here, too). And I have not deprived myself once. But that's not the most interesting part.

I have not once had as much as a fleeting thought about refined sugar.

This is FAR different from choosing not to eat sugar -- this is a freedom around food like I have never known.

Sugar no longer has control over me. Sugar no longer sings to me, lulling me, wooing me.

Can you imagine having your greatest lover rip your heart out? And you pine away for this person for YEARS, and every time you see this person or hear their name, you are in agony again.

And then one day, you wake up and say, "Who? You're telling me I used to be in love with this person? I have no recollection of that whatsoever." And you pass them on the street, and you don't even know it because it's like they have been removed from your consciousness. You are finally free of the addiction of pain and longing.

THAT is how it feels to be free of sugar.

If you've never had issues with food, good for you. We all have our crap, and if yours isn't food, well, then you probably haven't even read this far.

But if you HAVE had some kind of sick relationship going on with food, of which you had no knowledge whatsoever that you could even alter, I am here to tell you that IT IS POSSIBLE.

Am I saying that I will never again eat refined sugar?

Nope, I'm not saying that at all. In fact, I have probably had a bite of 3 or 4 different desserts since coming off the cleanse nearly 3 weeks ago.

I'm not telling you I WON'T have sugar...I'm telling you I don't HAVE to have sugar.

It's no longer a battle -- there is no resistance for me. If I want it, I eat it. But I'm finding that when I do taste it, it's not very appealing to me. I would much rather have a raw honey stick, or a super-fresh medjool date, or a handful of macadamia nuts.

Interestingly enough, I have also lost my cravings for dairy and meat. And this is coming from someone who used to eat cheese like it was the foundation of my nutrition pyramid. 4-8 servings PER DAY, no kidding. And meat was the second tier, tied with refined sugar and fats.

I never set out to become a vegan, and that is still not my intent. I absolutely adore seafood, and would prefer not to give up honey.

Heck, I would prefer not to "give up" ANYTHING-- I want to enjoy it ALL, and if I don't enjoy it, I simply won't eat it (now THAT'S a switch from my "old self.")

But I am finding that I prefer to consume mostly raw foods. Which I suppose makes me a semi-raw, sea-bee-vegan.

I also have the mental clarity to see that breads, crackers and chips STILL have a grip over me, perhaps a bit more so since I no longer crave sugar. Ooooh, especially those artisan breads, with the olives and sundried tomatoes baked right in! and multigrain crackers and corn tortilla chips.

So when I do my next Master Cleanse, my intention will be to break my addiction to those kinds of carbs.

One of the factors I did NOT expect to receive during the cleanse was a drastic increase in the "flow" of my business and my life. Money started flowing in from unexpected sources, new clients were showing up, and I was mentally crafting my 2-year plan, without any effort or intent to do so.

Words cannot adequately explain the mental clarity that comes with this kind of prolonged detox.

Can you imagine what life would be like if the volume on your "monkey chatter" (that persistent, ever-present inner voice?) was turned down drastically...or often times, SHUT OFF altogether?

I'm telling you, it's one of the most profound experiences of my life! No exaggeration.

Some of you have expressed an interest in doing the next cleanse with me, and I welcome the opportunity to connect with you in this way. This type of commitment is certainly easier with friends and supportive colleagues surrounding.

After compiling your feedback, I have decided to offer all of the following for a one-time fee of $45 (includes all of the following for one month):

+ Unlimited email support directly from me for 30 days, related to releasing, detox, and body issues
+ A weekly live teleclass where we will release body issues together (related to weight AND health) using a variety of powerful releasing techniques
+ MP3 recordings of each teleclass
+ Daily pick-me-up emails designed to encourage and support you throughout your cleanse, for as long as you choose to cleanse
+ Access to a private forum/community where we can support each other, and I can support you in your releases
+ Access to my personal list of resources for cleansing, as well as for consuming "living" foods

Some folks asked me why I would charge anything? My response is simple -- I am charging "enough" to keep people motivated -- if the program was in fact free, there would be a high dropout rate, because there would be no perceived consequences for dropping out. For most people, a commitment of $45 is enough to keep them going, at least for 10 days.

I am inspired to charge FAR less than I typically receive for this kind of releasing work, as I know I will surely benefit from the group interaction as well.

Because I am offering unlimited email support directly from me, I must limit participation to just 10 people. Otherwise, I'd be sitting at my computer, doing nothing but answering emails all day!

If you are ready to commit to a 10-day minimum detox beginning in mid-September, you can click here (SORRY - CLASS IS FULL, SIGNUP LINK HAS BEEN REMOVED) to reserve your spot in my Cleansing for Success group.

There is one book, which is required reading for this class (you can get it from your local library, or buy it here from Amazon, or go get it from your local bookstore, it sells for around $11). I have read this book, and there are far too many details you could screw up if you don't read the book, so that's why I'm making it mandatory for all participants.

Your QoD: What comes up for you when I invite you to participate in the Master Cleanse with me? Does it seem impossible? Boring? Scary? Pointless? Exciting?

What do you think those feelings mean?

What's the worst that could happen if you took the plunge and joined me in the Master Cleanse?

Go for it!

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Successful...Caterpillar?

I'm ticked off.

I've been dreaming about a salad caprese for 3 days now.

You know the kind of salad I'm talking about? Fresh, ripe tomato, freshwater mozzerella, fresh chopped basil, drizzled with extra virgin cold-pressed premium grade olive oil and a bit of sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Delicious! And oh-so-refreshing on a hot summer's day.

I was practically drooling as I sliced the fresh mozzarella and tomatoes. I whipped out my olive oil drizzler-thing (whatever you call those bottles with the tiny hole at the top of the pour spout), my Celtic sea salt, my pepper grinder.

And I walked out onto my deck with scissors in hand to obtain the piece de resistence: fresh organic basil.

It was then that my heart sunk.

My basil was ruined! Nearly all of the leaves were missing, and those that weren't were virtually shredded.

And then I saw the culprit.

A big, fat, hairy caterpillar. Hanging on the underside of the last juicy leaf.

He had not touched my sage, my rosemary, my cilantro, or my oregano. But poor, poor basil.

I removed the one remaining whole leaf, caterpillar attached, and shared some choice words with the plump critter. Then I cast him off my balcony.

Karmically, it may not have been the smartest thing to do, but man, I was STEAMED.

I inspected my poor basil plant, collected the tiniest of leaves that were still intact, and went inside to finish creating my salad.

I must admit, SOME basil is better than NO basil, and it was a delicious salad caprese. (Andy said it was too salty, but what the hell does he know? He's not even Italian.)

I enjoyed every mouthwatering bite.

By the time I had cleared the table and picked up the dishes, I was no longer pissed at the caterpillar. But I got to thinking about WHY I had attracted this. Especially after I'd been looking forward to it for a few days.

And then it hit me -- there was the answer!

The minute I first thought about that delicious salad, I should have gathered the ingredients to make it. But I procrastinated, and the caterpillar got to enjoy the best part of the whole salad (arguably. Actually, it's pretty much a coin toss between the mozzarella and the basil.)

I was first getting the message about the IDEA of the salad, because the time was right (or ripe, depending on how punny you want to get.)

But I said no, no, let's go out to dinner instead. And 3 days went by, before I thought about it again.

The moral of the story is simply this: Strike while the iron is hot.

When you get an inspired idea, TAKE ACTION.

No matter what the inspiration is for -- a meal, a new product idea, a book to read, an old friend you think of calling, whatever.

Today I had a conversation with my buddy Craig Perrine, and that's EXACTLY what we were talking about: taking Inspired Action. (nope, I checked. The domain name has already been taken.)

What's funny, is I've been having a LOT of conversations about "inspired" stuff lately.

Yesterday I was talking with Colette Streicher about this same topic, and I've been in constant conversation with my buddy (and newest business partner) Jeannette Maw. Jeannette has some amazing insight on the topic.

(In fact, I'm not supposed to do this yet, but I'll give you a sneak peek at what Jeannette and I are planning. It's called a total Vibration Overhaul. Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone else yet!)

But I don't mean to confuse the issue. The point of this post is not "are you taking inspired action or not" (although that is a good one). Today's post begs the question: what are you hesitating on, that you could be reaping rewards from?

Where are you dragging your feet right now?

Stop procrastinating. Listen to your inner voice and GO FOR IT! (not later...NOW)
You'll be glad you did!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

All Talk, No Action

Yesterday, I was meeting with my mastermind group and I made a confession.

It absolutely infuriates me to no end when people complain about their current situation, but they refuse to DO anything about it.

This has me asking...


So I started where everyone deserves to look -- within myself.

Why do I procrastinate over something I say I really want?

It could be any of these reasons:

1 - I don't think I deserve it
2 - I don't know how to get started
3 - It seems too daunting of a task
4 - I don't know if it will really work
5 - I am afraid of failing
6 - I am afraid of succeeding
7 - I don't really want what I say I want
8 - I have some hidden limiting belief that's holding me back, but I can't see it (blind spot)

There may be other reasons, but everything I came up with fit into one of those basic categories.

If these are the reasons I might procrastinate, it stands to reason that others might use the same excuses not to move forward.

So what's the solution? What is it that successful people do, that sets them apart from the chronic victim?

IT's not like successful people don't have the same 8 issues I mentioned above. Successful people (even ultra-successful people) still have fears, deservability issues, confusion and hidden beliefs that hold them back from achieving new levels of success.

The difference is that successful people take action anyway.

You could literally sit there and run through the list above, experiencing all 8 reasons to hold back.

But if you stuck your neck out and took action ANYWAY, you would almost certainly succeed.

If you don't believe me, why don't you just try it?

Hey, I'm all for releasing limiting beliefs. But I also know that I don't NEED to release anything in order to take action.

I don't have to get caught up in "analysis paralysis" and neither do you. When the monkey chatter starts going, I can just say "OK, I hear you. But I'm going for it anyway." and then I can take action.

Action does it.

Where in your life are you "all talk, no action"? Which of the above 8 messages seems to play the loudest in your mind? What action could you take TODAY to move yourself forward, in spite of the messages that attempt to hold you back.

Oh heck, just GO FOR IT!

(you'll be glad you did)

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Breaking the Fast on Day 17

This weekend, I'm headed back to Vegas for a quick trip (national training event) for Andy's home-based business.

As you probably heard me mention before, Vegas is not necessarily one of my favorite places. But we're staying at the Paris hotel, which is nice, and the event is sure to be inspiring. Plus it's always great to see our colleagues and associates. I love excuses to write off fun weekends as business trips.

This is the first time we've left our 8 month old for more than just a day out. We're just zipping in and out -- we leave tomorrow and return Sunday night. Yippee! A grown-up weekend.

And today is Day 17 - I survived a whopping 16 days on the Master Cleanse (my friend Ed went for like 21 days) and today was my 1st day to break the fast. It's juice only today, and even that seems to heavy to me, so I'm just sucking on some orange slices today. Yes, folks, you really CAN live without food for more than 2 weeks and still feel fabulous!

Here's the sum total of my Master Cleanse Detox:

- 16 days, no solid food
- 20 lbs. dropped
- 2 sizes smaller (top) and 1 size smaller (bottom)
- inches lost? no clue, I didn't measure
- dry skin disappeared
- nasal congestion/sinus problems disappeared
- skin looks fabulous
- increased mental clarity
- dramatic increase in energy and self-confidence
- sleeping better at night
- wrinkles appear smaller, less noticeable
- people are asking me if I'm pregnant -- that's how much I'm "glowing"

I highly recommend this cleanse (and let me just say, I have absolutely nothing to gain from this recommendation, except to know I am making a positive impact on your life).

I will *definitely* do it again, probably before I head to Cancun this October. The worst part about scuba diving when I'm overweight is the amount of lead I have to wear to dive. The leaner I am, the less weight I need, and the more efficient my breathing is (which means the longer I can stay underwater and watch the fishies!)

I'm delighted to be wearing smaller clothing, and I look forward to purchasing even SMALLER clothing than I'm wearing now.

Believe me -- the master cleanse is not a cure-all for weight loss. I did a LOT of clearing around body issues before it even occurred to me to do the cleanse, and I have continued to clear a LOT of body issues even during the cleanse. I'm sure I will continue to clear even more and more.

Clear out the mental crap before you clear out the physical crap (and I mean that quite literally).

The results can be extraordinary!

What mental clutter could stand to be cleared out in YOUR head?

Go for it!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Time to Simplify

It's time to simplify life, don't you agree?

Somehow I misplaced my copy of the 4-Hour Work Week, which is a bummer, since I haven't finished reading it yet.
But I know there is quite a bit of simplification that could be done in my life.

For starters, I'm sick of doing laundry. Really, do you know anyone who gets excited about doing laundry? Nope, it's just one of those necessary evils.

But it doesn't have to be.

I'm looking into a laundry service to help me out -- it's less expensive than you might think, and it saves a heap of time.

I'm thinking, if I can outsource my laundry, what else can I outsource?

I signed up for a virtual assistant through GetFriday services (the site recommended by Timothy Ferriss in 4-Hour Work Week). The good news is they are extremely affordable...the bad news is that they have a 3-week waitlist to get started. I've got about 2 more weeks to go, and I'm already making lists of what I can hand off as soon as I've got someone assigned to me.

I'm thinking I spend waaaaaaaaaay too much time online, and I'd like to cut that time in about half (for starters, then maybe half again soon).

I'm also realizing what I'm passionate about...and what I'm not. And I made a vow this week -- no more wasting time and effort on stuff I'm not passionate about.

I've got a couple of ebooks in the hopper, but I doubt you'll hear about them here. Why? Because I'm just not passionate about them. Maybe I can find someone (or they'll find me) who IS, and THEY can market the ebooks and just give me a cut, but I'm not interested in selling you anything that doesn't knock my socks off.

How's THAT for authenticity?

I am very clear on my purpose, and I know that when I am following/fulfilling my purpose, the money always comes. That's just how it goes.

So that's how I'm planning to simplify.

(Oh, and I'll also be clearing any beliefs I have around things like "life has to be hard" and "easy come, easy go" and stuff like that)

How will YOU simplify your life? Or are you too addicted to turbulence to allow life to be simple?

Go for it!
(with ease and velocity)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Master Cleanse, Day 13

Well, I've decided to go 16 days on the Master Cleanse. Some are more tortuous than others, but today is definitely a detox day. Cranky, irritable, hungry, and bored. I am quite tired of drinking the lemonade mixture (and switching back and forth between lemons and limes no longer suffices for me). Oh, and did I mention I miss food like it's a long lost friend?

Every day, my 3 1/2 year old asks me if I'm eating today. When I respond, "Nope, not today," she says, "Mommy, are you doing your detox today?"


I'm sure all this begs the obvious question: Why continue?

Well, let's look at the upside of this Master Cleanse thing.

1. I've dropped 15 lbs so far, and counting.

2. My skin looks fabulous. No kidding, my eczema is gone and my wrinkles are getting smaller (my friend Suzanne swears that every 72 hours of cleansing reverses a full year of aging. So far, I've taken 4 years off -- even Andy says he can see it. When I'm done, I should theoretically look 5 years younger. Hmmm, that makes it worthwhile to do it once a year, in my book)

3. Apart from cravings, hunger, and my excessive whining on detox days, I really do feel great.

4. I am gaining a new appreciation for food. Today we went to teh local Farmers' Market, and I found myself completely disiniterested in the gourmet breads and pastas, and much more intrigued by the fresh herbs, the gorgeous fresh produce, and the raw honey guy. I got a couple of books about raw food un-cooking, and I'm looking forward to trying some new stuff. I even ordered a dehydrator today.

5. My life is flowing in a way I have never experienced.
I was talking to my coach about it and it's pretty clear that it's all some function of this cleanse.

So that's why I'm going to keep going. But believe me, I'm still counting the days until "real" food again.

I'm also thinking of choosing a new indulgence...somehow M&Ms are losing their appeal (although thank you Richard, who sent me a bag just today).

But this is a good thing -- after all, my intention in doing the cleanse was to move toward a healthier body and to break my sugar addiction. So there you go.

Are you treating your body the way it deserves to be treated? I lived in denial for years, and it's only now that I'm starting to see the abuse it's taken. Why not do something nice for your body today? Even if it just means getting a massage or having a fresh piece of fruit.

Go for it!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Got a Paper Clip? Get a House

Today my friend Kathleen Gage told me the most bizarre story about a guy who traded a paper clip for a house.

Truth be told, he made several trades, but still, this thing has "succcess" written all over it.

Click here to read the whole crazy story.

QoD: So if he could trade a paperclip for a house, what could YOU do with the resources you have right now?

Go for it!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

For those of you who voted...

A short while back (BTW, have you noticed that I make vague references to time in the past? It's because I focus on the present, which means a poor short-term memory by most standards, which means I really have no concept of time!) I sent out an email, asking folks to vote for my alma mater (Archbishop Chapelle High School in New Orleans) so they could get a huge grant from Burger King.

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who voted! I sincerely appreciated it, and so does the school.

I thought you might like to know how your efforts paid off, so to speak.

This is the email I got today:

The results are in. With your support we won 3rd place in the campaign for your cause contest. This afternoon we were awarded $11,000 from Burger King for securing the 3rd place spot. This could not have been possible without your support.

The prize money will be used to enhance the technology at our school and for curriculum materials that will benefit all of our students.

Thanks for your continued votes each day and all that you do for Chapelle. We appreciate your support. Please thank the many family and friends for us that voted and let them know we appreciate all of their efforts and the good news of our award.

Best regards,

Constance Buisson
Director of Institutional Advancement
Archbishop Chapelle High School