Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Where the Heck Have YOU Been?

This morning I checked email after Andy headed out to take Sally to school. Just another day, right?

But then I read an email that stopped me in my tracks.

Sometimes the simplest questions are the most profound.

One of my readers responded to my latest message (the one about all the cool stuff that's coming soon on my websites) with this simple question:

Where have you been the past two months????

Hmmmm. I have to be completely honest -- that question stopped me in my tracks.

The first thought came from memory. "Yeah, that's a good question. People keep asking me what I've been up to lately, and I draw a total blank. What's up with that?"

Next thought was from the ego. "Well come on, I just finished my Vibration Overhaul course with Jeannette Maw, AND while that was going on, I also did a 3-week Master Cleanse AND the Cleansing for Success course for a month, AND I went to that conference in Cancun..."

But even in my own mind, that sounded weak.

So I looked again. Where the heck HAVE I been?

And this time, the answer was brutally honest and painfully clear. It came from my spirit, which never pulls any punches.

I've had my head firmly planted up my own ass.

Nope, doesn't sound any prettier here than it did in my own mind. But it's true.

I think everyone is susceptible to "hazy days" and "stagnant phases," don't you? I don't know, maybe I'm just looking for validation.

I suppose the most ironic part of the whole thing is that the whole time, I've been walking around in a self-induced cloud, wondering why I can't seem to get clear.


I think this must be how a child psychologist feels the first time their own kid yells "I HATE YOU!" and locks herself in her room, slamming the door so hard the whole house shakes.

Like I said in my recent email, there are a lot of changes coming down the pike. This blog is being moved to a faster, more powerful system, and the look is going to be a whole lot yummier. NewSuccess.org is also getting a fresh look, but the most exciting part is that I'm *finally* taking the time and effort (actually, that's crap. It's no time or effort -- it's just a matter of clearing the resistance that's held me back from taking action) to BRAND myself.

I've known for awhile that branding was the only way to reach the kind of audience I'm looking to reach.

BUT...to me, branding myself meant labeling myself. Putting myself into a neat little package. Committing that THIS is the way I want to be seen, FOREVER!

That is sooooo not in line with the way I function. Therefore, I had a TON of resistance around it.

But the resistance is what was keeping my head up my ass. If you'll pardon the expression. I think the kingpin belief that was underlying it all is that I'll have to change who I am to be massively successful.

Well, yikes. That doesn't sound very appealing at all, does it?

So I caved to the resistance and retreated to cower in the corner. OK, maybe that's a bit dramatic. But I was looking for a different way to say I had my head up my ass.

Recognizing the resistance was the first step to cleaner air and a prettier view.
Addressing the source of the resistance was next.
The natural next step was taking action, and that's where I am now.

So I am delighted to tell you that my head is now free and clear. And it smells a LOT better out here!

Thanks to a brief conversation with Ann Strong, I now understand that I can brand a site, or a product line, separately from ME, and when it comes to ME and what I represent, there's no need to commit to a permanent catchphrase, a funky logo, or anything like that -- I can just be what I LOVE being --- authentic, genuine, 100% ME (whatever that happens to look like today).

And what about YOU? Where the heck have YOU been? Are you out there, moving and shaking and making it happen? Or is your head in a less desirable space?

The good news is you can join the rest of us movers and shakers any time you like.

What are you resisting?

Monday, October 29, 2007

Was It Anticlimactic for You?

OK, is it just me, but was the World Series anticlimactic for everyone? Nothing can compare to the 2004 victory, and this time, it was such a pummeling for the Rockies that I was left feeling somewhat deflated, even though I was cheering for the Sox.

Living here in Colorado, it kind of just felt like locals were excited to even BE in the playoffs. Hmmm, maybe that's how the Rockies felt, which would explain a lot.

OR, maybe the Sox figured hey, if we can beat the Yankees, we can beat this scrawny little western team.

I don't know. This post and the last one kind of sent me off on a wild tangent. Like when I get caught up thinking about "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" scenarios.

For example, I was talking to Jeannette today and somehow we found ourselves talking about John Denver (don't ask. Seriously.)

And I was saying how much I've loved his music (yes, dammit, I am not afraid to admit it!) and I was wondering whether I wound up moving to Colorado because of all the John Denver music I listened to, or was I drawn to John Denver's music because I secretly always knew I'd end up in Colorado?

Haven't you ever wandered down that leg of the rabbit hole?

I think I've been in my head far too much recently, adn it's time to cut loose and shake things up a bit.

Oh hey -- I've been invited to beta test a new Virtual Assistant service, I signed up tonight. I'll keep y'all posted on that.


QoD: When is the last time you've really cut loose? Isn't it time you did it again?

Go for it!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What's Responsible for Success?

What exactly is the essential ingredient necessary for success?

There are certainly a lot of people with opinions and postulates out there, and I certainly have my own ideas, but I'm not sure I could narrow it down to just one.

I'm watching game #1 of the World Series tonight, and in case you haven't seen or heard, the Red Sox are absolutely massacre-ing (spelling?) the Rockies. Sure, I live in Colorado now, but shhhhh...don't tell anyone here I'm a Red Sox fan. It might cause a riot.

The Sox are totally dominating this game. I don't think there's a Red Sox fan alive who doubts the team's ability to win the World Series -- especially after they broke the "curse of the Bambino" in 2004 and annihalated the Yankees (go Sox!) A lunar eclipse certainly enhanced the "spooky" effect.

Personally, I kind of wonder if that movie "Fever Pitch" had anything to do with it.

Look, you talk about a so-called "curse" enough, and folks start to believe it. But you start putting powerful images of a die-hard Sox fan's dream come true, and you're planting a mighty powerful seed of thought.

We all know the concept of Be-Do-Have...we must first BE what we choose to become, then we will naturally be inspired to DO what that kind of person would do, which will therefore lead to our ability to HAVE what we desire.

The Red Sox had to BE a winning team long before they could beat the Yankees.

I heard one of the announcers say tonight that during the 2004 playoffs, the Red Sox players were actually wishing the Yankees good luck in the World Series. And then they came back and kicked their ass something like 4 games in a row (I'm not a baseball statistician).

That could be construed as something we "in the know" call "detachment."

It will be interesting to see how they do against the Rockies. Stay tuned....

QoD: Are you envisioning the thing you most wish for, as though it's already accomplished? Are you successfully doing this without attachment? What kind of expectations do you have about the results, and are you able to see yourself as "ok" if your expectations aren't met?

Go for it!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Master Cleanse: Before & After Photos

As promised, here are the before and after photos of my most recent Master Cleanse (Read this book: Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days)

The first photo (me in the blue t-shirt) was taken on September 17th, the morning I started the cleanse. The second photo (me in the pink t-shirt) was taken on October 6, at the end of 3 weeks of heavy detoxification.

This last photo (me in the light green t-shirt and dark green hoodie) was taken yesterday, nearly 2 weeks after completing the cleanse and returning to "normal" food (although I'd hardly consider what I ate last week in Cancun to be "normal" for me!)

(FYI, I am not wearing makeup in any of these pictures.)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The New Glamourous Me: Part II

PART II: The Right Stuff

OK, today was day 1 of "glamourous hair"

I decided I would work with hair for awhile and master that before attempting makeup. I don't want to get myself overwhelmed. My hair consultant (Julie Anne) concurred.

Today was the first day, and it might sound silly, but I was excited. I had bought a bunch of new product (the only sticker shock I experienced was $15 bucks for a can of hairspray. Especially since that's a product that's mostly air and container. But hey, it's called "Big Sexy Hairspray" so how can you go wrong?) At any rate, it's a small price to pay for looking fabulous as far as I'm concerned.

Since today was day 1, I decided to set my expectations fairly low, to give myself some breathing room. No point expecting perfection from the get-go -- this is a process. That's what I told myself.

I detached from any specific outcome, and decided to call today "training."

But I was remarkably delighted.

In fact, I was downright shocked at how easy it was. Even despite frequent interruptions and the awkwardness of getting used to the feel of a new hair dryer, it only took me 25 minutes to completely do my hair. And I figure I'll get faster with practice. (And since I don't wash my hair daily except during the hottest part of the summer, half an hour every couple of days is a minor investment as far as I can tell).

I must say, I was delighted that it was easier than expected, and that my hair looked far better than normal, only took a bit longer (but that will decrease with time), and is most definitely shinier and sexier.

And SOFTER. I was in shock that my hair could look this great ALL DAY LONG, without being crispy or stiff. I literally couldn't keep my hands out of my hair, it felt so fabulous.

I'm calling today's post "The Right Stuff" because my most surprising discovery today is about the importance of having the right "stuff" -- meaning TOOLS. No matter what you're out to accomplish, it certainly helps if you have the right tools. A new hair dryer and $60 worth of hair product (and a HEAP of sound advice) were all I needed to create the look I've wished for, for so long!

I don't discount the advice I got -- I am quite certain I NEVER would have chosen these hair care products on my own. I would have done something silly (and in the past, I have), like ask my hairdresser what to buy (answer: whatever she gets the biggest commission on) or try things on my own (huge mistake -- I would have bought an entire line of the same brand, and would have completely missed the mark). But instead, I chose to stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before me.

In other words, there's no need to be a pioneer when the trail is already blazed. Just find out what works from someone who already knows what works, and go get those tools, and follow that process.

(Are you clear that we're NOT just talking about hair, here??? I certainly hope you can see that this applies to dang near ANYTHING you are out to accomplish. If you want a simple system for making money, look at this simple home-based business. It works, period. No need to be a pioneer.)

And since I promised photos, here you go. The first is one of me in Sydney with Bob Proctor -- my old routine of blow drying and flat ironing. Yikes. The second photo is me today, after Day 1 of the new hair regime. Glamorous? Heck yeah. (FYI, no makeup in the "after" photo.)

You know, I've always wanted sexy hair, but I put it off because I thought it was too much work AND I hated to admit that I didn't know what to do with my own hair. It seemed silly to have to ASK someone for help with MY hair. Especially someone who isn't my hairdresser! But once I asked, I found out that my myths were unfounded. It doesn't take longer, and the person I asked was delighted to help. The only silliness I felt was over the fact that I had waited so damn long to ask.

So what are YOU putting off, that you've always wanted? What reasons or excuses are you hiding behind? What one step can you take TODAY that will put you closer to having this thing you've always dreamed of?

Now go for it! Me and my sexy hair would love to hear all about your great adventure.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The New Glamourous Me: Part 1


Wouldn't it be fabulous if you could just choose to reinvent yourself any time you liked?

Well, I've got great news -- YOU CAN.

Of course, I'm not just talking about doing it, I'm actually doing it.

The personal development conference I attended last week in Cancun, Mexico was spectacular. I've already told you about one of the speakers, and I could post a lengthy summation of the other speakers, but I'd rather just tell you what I'm creating as a result of what I learned.

Hey, you know me-- I'm all about ACTION.

So once I realized I could reinvent myself -- completely free from the confines of the past, I found myself sitting there thinking, "so what do I REALLY want to be?"

I came up with a lengthy list of adjectives and characteristics and qualities, but there are two in particular that I took immediate action on.

In the past, I've always been somewhat fearful of playing full-out in terms of my appearance. So I decided that the newly invented me would be SEXY and GLAMOROUS.

Of course, since I've never actually been sexy or glamorous, I had no idea how I would create such a thing. So I relied on my old friend, the Be-Do-Have principle.

In other words, I took the position that if I were to BE sexy and glamorous, then what would I DO?

And it all fell into place.

The first thing I would DO is learn how to apply makeup properly.

Anyone who knows me knows I am not (well, I'm talking about the former me, anyways) a "girly-girl." Eye liner (always black) and lip gloss comprise my entire makeup regime. Well, I do add mascara for special occasions and maybe a bit of body glitter around the eyes. But that's about it.

Since my mother is extremely conservative, and my only sister is 16 years older than me (and SHE didn't learn how to do makeup until 2001, when she started working as a flight attendant for Southwest Airlines -- did you know that part of the training for flight attendants includes how to properly do your own hair and makeup?) and throughout my life I've had far more guy friends than girl friends (and very, very few "girly" girl friends), I simply never learned how to apply makeup.

Pity, isn't it?

Fortunately, I'm pretty decent looking, so it's never really been a problem. But reinventing yourself isn't just about solving problems -- it's about becoming whoever (and whatever) you dream of becoming.

And I'm dreaming of sexy and glamorous, which (in my mind) requires a makeup lesson or two.

OK, so back to Be-Do-Have.

If I'm BEing sexy and glamorous, then what I'll DO is learn to apply makeup properly.

Now I realize this is the part where a lot of people get hung up. It has to do with ASKING for help.

If you know me, you know I'm not shy about asking for what I want. And once I decided I would become sexy and glamorous, I knew I needed help with the whole makeup thing.

I don't know any professional makeup artists, but I do know a few sexy and glamorous women.

So I added my friend Rhonda to my board of directors, and I put her in the category of all things sexy and glamorous.

In case you're not familiar with the board of directors comment, let me explain (skip ahead if you already know this one).

Andy Andrews, speaker, author and humorist (must read: The Traveler's Gift: Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success) talks about creating your own Board of Directors. He reasons that, if you're the CEO of your own life, there's no need to manage it all on your own! You can create your own personal board of directors to advise and guide you. So look at anything you desire to accomplish, and then seek out people who have accomplished this (or are currently accomplishing this). The best part is, you don't even have to tell them they're on your Board of Directors. They don't even have to be alive -- you can study the lives of others who have gone before you, and you can learn from them.

At the conference last week, I marched right up to my friend Rhonda Swann, and I told her all about my newly invented self. I told her she was officially on my board of directors, in the position of "Glamour Goddess." My intention was to find out from her where I could go to learn about makeup. Rhonda is stunning -- absolutely gorgeous. What's more, she has what I consider to be a "normal" female body (she's not a size 2), and she has a style and flair all her own. And of course, her makeup is always flawless, but not over-the-top.

Rhonda was delighted to be on my board of directors. And before I could even ask where I could learn about makeup, Rhonda was directing me to Nordstrom, to the Trish McEvoy makeup counter.

Wow! I thought. So far, this is really easy.

Next, I decided to tackle hair. I walked up to a girl I didn't know very well, but I wanted to talk to her because she has the MOST gorgeous hair I've ever seen. Hands down, THE best hair of the 1,200 people in attendance at this conference. Her name is Julie Anne Morrison.

I told Julie Anne about my newly invented self, and I admitted that I was completely clueless how to do my own hair, and I asked if she would help me out. I also explained that I am EXTREMELY lazy, and I know I won't spend a lot of time on my hair, but I'm willing to be coachable.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone more delighted. I grabbed a notebook and pen as she detailed every product, every tool, and every step necessary to turn my hair from a daily battle into a gleaming mane. Her cohorts Ivy and Hope chimed in (who, incidentally, also have fabulous hair. Important note: Don't ever take advice from someone who hasn't already accomplished what you're setting out to accomplish. In other words, don't take hair tips from someone with yucky hair.)

And if you're wondering where I meet all these beautiful, fabulous, ready-to-assist people, then you should definitely check out Andy's home-based business. We're all over the place now -- U.S., Canada, Australia, UK, and the list goes on.

So I'm going shopping for a new hair dryer (got the exact make and model from Julie Anne) and some product, and I'll post photos here to document my progress.

And I'm sure you don't even have to ASK what looking sexy and glamorous has to do with SUCCESS! But really, it's not about how you look -- it's about choosing who you want to be...and then BEing that.

QoD: Have you spent much time deciding exactly who YOU want to be? If not, why not? Why not start now? Make a list of 10 attributes your newly invented self will have.

Go for it!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Happiness Factor?

Sorry I haven't written lately, but I am in Cancun right now and I just HAD to write and tell you guys about the speaker I heard yesterday.

Day 1 of the personal development conference I'm attending was absolutely phenomenal.

Shawn Achor is a young hot professor who teaches a course on Happiness at Harvard. (Huh? That's what I said. When they first launched this course, there were over 1200 people who showed up on day 1. Pretty impressive since the average enrollment for a class is 30 students)

Shawn has performed and studied extensive research on happiness, in a test-able, scientific capacity, and the results were absolutely extraordinary.

I was blown away, and I've seen HUGE speakers at these things -- Bob Proctor, Lynne McTaggart (from down the rabbit hole), Bill Phillips (the creator of Body for Life), etc. I'd never heard of this guy until yesterday

Here are some cool points I learned during his entertaining, informative and fascinating presentation yesterday:

1 - In order to be effective, gratitude journals do not have to be long or elaborate. Simply taking 45 seconds a day to list 3 things you're grateful for, and doing this for 21 days straight, can have a LASTING impact on your level of happiness, AND can create a significant change in the makeup of your brain's neural net (mental re-wiring).

2 - taking time to make a phone call, a visit, or write a letter, to thank someone (living) who you feel you owe a debt of gratitude -- any ideas how long this can single one-time act impact your baseline "happiness factor" ? SIX MONTHS! Now THAT is what I call a lasting impression. Imagine being significantly happier and all you did was sincerely thank TWO people per year who made a positive impact on your life.

3 - If you stick a pen in your mouth (sideways, gripping the pen in the middle iwth your teeth), you get the EXACT same mental benefits as SMILING. Your brain does not interpret -- when the corners of your mouth turn up, the same areas used in smiling will light up in your brain. What a great trick! So any time you don't feel like smiling, why not stick a pen in your mouth? It's a double-benefit, you won't have to worry about saying something you'll regret later...

4 - Shawn also explained why "scientifically" another person can actually CHANGE and TRANSFORM, simply when we change our expectations and beliefs about them. I knew this worked (from my training with Landmark Education) but I never really understood WHY. Fascinating stuff. Here's one example: a study was done where a teacher was given a class of new students (very young, sorry I can't recall the exact age), and the teacher was told that all the students were tested and 3 students had tested exceptionally high, like, off the charts. But the students were NOT told this, the teacher was NOT to tell these students, and she was to treat all students the same. They video'd here to ensure she did not tell the students about the tests. At the end of the study, they watched the videos to ensure she had not told the students anything (she hadn't) and that she had treated all students equally (she had). Can you guess which 3 students outperformed the rest of the pack by the end of the study?

Now here's the interesting part. What was told to the teacher was not true. ALL the students tested about the same, and they were ALL slightly below average. No 3 were exceptional.

Consider the ramifications of this --

We can all see that if a child is told they are special, intelligent, beautiful, gifted, etc., they were surely take on those characteristics. But what if just 1 influential person in that child's life BELIEVES those things, even though they never say it to anyone, including the child, the mere belief is enough to impact the outcome.

Holy crap! That's amazing!! (Can you see why I LOVE attending these conferences?)

5 - You CAN raise your baseline happiness, and people who choose to do this expeirence better job stability, better careers, better relationships, are 3x more creative and have less stress. I know that seems obvious, right? Yet still worth mentioning.

6 - If you think of your happiest memory prior to completing a task (doing a puzzle, solving a problem, working, etc.), you can expect to complete that task TWICE as fast as if you had begun the task from a neutral state. It's called "priming for happiness" and it works on children, adults, people of all ages.

Those are the ones I'm thinking of off the top of my head. To my knowledge this guy doesn't have a book, or any products, but if you want more info, you can research the "Positive Psychology" movement to learn more about Shawn Achor.

And to learn more about a business that can put you in front of extraordinary speakers and transformational information, in a community of like-minded people from across the globe, click here to learn more.

QoD: What could you do TODAY to increase your personal happiness? Will you do it?

Go for it!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

An Invitation for Those Who Act Fast

You know, I talk a lot about taking immediate action and acting fast. Here's an opportunity for you to be a part of something extraordinary -- if you act fast.

I'm about to do something I've never done before.

This Tuesday, October 9th, I'm holding a single-session, one-time only 90-minute live teleclass.

I should warn you -- this is NOT for Law of Attraction beginners, or for people who are brand new to personal development. (This is also NOT a pitch to "sell" you on something else.) This is a full and complete course, designed to be completed within 90 minutes.

I'll be honest with you...This is next-level stuff. (How else would it hold MY attention for more than 5 minutes?)

I have been using a technique called fluent communication that is absolutely extraordinary. In fact, I'm using it right now, as I write this blog post. It's all about connecting with a wealth of information -- past, present and future -- and getting a higher perspective than what we can normally see, while connecting with Source at a deeper level, which may have seemed downright elusive until now.

Have you ever had a flash of inspiration or intuition? It's a perfect moment, isn't it? Divinely timed, deliciously delivered, and clearly designed just for you.

The only downside of inspiration and intuition is that they seem to only come in brief flashes, and they seem to come on their own -- in other words, "accidentally" with no invitation or conscious creation from us.

But what if
you could step into the stream of inspiration and intuition, and stay there as long as you liked? What if you could turn it on and off, as easily as turning your faucet on or off? What if you could LIVE in the space of divine guidance, perfectly in tune with the Universe?

You CAN.

This is exactly what I'll be teaching during the PowerCoaching small group session on Tuesday.

During this live 90-minute teleclass, I'll be showing you exactly how I use fluent communication to release limiting beliefs, access information about my current situation or future choices, and experience a deep and satisfying connection with Source energy.

Yes, I realize it sounds far more "woo-woo" than my normal stuff, and that's why I'm telling you this is an ADVANCED course. It goes far beyond anything I've taught before, and the experience is absolutely exquisite.

Space for this class is EXTREMELY limited, so if you feel inspired, I recommend that you sign up RIGHT NOW.

Here are the class details:

Course Name: PowerCoaching 90-minute Session: The Easy Button
Course Date/Time: Tuesday, October 9th at 7-8:30PM Eastern (4-5:30PM Pacific)
Course Cost: $97
Course Delivery: Via interactive teleclass, accessible by phone or webcast
(NOTE: if you're outside the U.S., you can avoid long distance charges by using the live webcast. Actually, you can also do this if you're inside the U.S.)

If this is exactly the kind of thing you've been looking for, I invite you to sign up now and join me for Tuesday's unforgettable live session. I'd be delighted to have you in our circle.

Click here to sign yourself up and join me to learn all about your own private "easy button."