Friday, March 31, 2006

Master Manifestor

So if you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you are most certainly someone who understands that YOU are the one responsible for whatever results you have in your life right now.

And hopefully, you're using some of what we discuss here regarding hte Law of Attraction to attract whatever you want into your life. Personally, I have been the Master Manifestor lately.

What I mean by that is this:

For some time now, I have known that I can attract into my reality whatever I focus on -- good and bad. But in the past couple of weeks, I am doing this at lightning speed, which is exhilarating.

Literally, I can think about something intensely for a few seconds, let it go, and it appears like magic within a day or less. Yes, it really is that simple, despite the fact that I've spent years convincing myself otherwise.

The latest 2 accomplishments:

1 - we are currently leasing a home (remember, we wanted to see if I could handle Colorado winters, plus we wanted to sell our home in New Orleans before buying here) and our lease is up June 1st. My husband has been pushing to extend that lease to September 30th (since we were told the new house we are building would be finished in October). I have been pushing for August 1st, then requesting to go month-to-month afterwards. This week we got a call from the builder (we have been waiting on permits for weeks now)....not only did they break ground on the homesite yesterday, but the house is going to be completed 2 months ahead of August! Yeah, I am good.

2 - I have recently realized that I am being called to write children's books. This is an idea I've toyed with for years, adn the topic and storyline are flowing to me as though I'm channeling God directly (which I suppose I am...after all, we are all Divine, even when we forget this Truth). Of course, despite the fact that I am a spectacular writer and visionary, I am only a so-so cartoonist. Last night, I was sharing this insight with a friend of mine who is an accomplished artist who just completed a children's book and already has found a publisher. She was jumping up and down when I told her my book idea and she wants to handle hte illustrations. How spectacular! How Divine!

OF course, 'ordinary' people would call this luck, coincidence, happenstance, serendipity. But I no longer care what 'ordinary' people think. You won't either, when you're focused on living an EXTRAordinary life.

ORdinary people do not see themselves as cause in the matter. When things go wrong, they blame luck, circumstance, the weather or other people. When things go well, they claim to be lucky, fortunate, or 'blessed by God.' As though God picks adn chooses who gets blessings and when. Such rubbish!

YOU are the driving force in your life! Even when you take your hands off the wheel. YOU are hte responsible party in your reality! Even when you choose to shirk that responsibility and give your power away to circumstances and other people who are just as clueless as you.

When YOU take control and get powerful, YOU can get whatever YOU want. Seriously.

Man, that is powerful.

So I gotta go...I'm off to get more of what I want.

In teh meantime, here is your QoD:
Where in your life are you not taking responsibility? What stories are you telling yourself about why things are the way they are? What could you gain if you recognized the power you hold to create whatever results you want, after first accepting that you created whatever mess you're in right now?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

When Will You Sell Out?

HEre's an interesting topic: selling out.

Just so we're clear, everyone sells out. Everyone. Even superstars, who may seem to persist beyond all odds, but I can assure you that somewhere, in some area of their lives, they sell out. How do I know this? Becasue they are H U M A N.

Look at Anthony Robbins. Sure, he's successful. Sure, he's helped millions of peopel to learn to live extraordinary lives. And yet, after releasing his new "relationship" program, he is caught cheating on his wife. Hmmm...interesting.

Even Oprah who proclaimed to the world that she had licked weight problems forever managed to pack on some pounds and struggle some more, yo-yo'ing her weight up and down.

This is not about attacking people, it;s about recognizing the truth: everyone sells out.

The question is WHEN do YOU sell out? and do you actually admit that's what you've done?

Most people blame their choice to sell out on "circumstances" or on other people. They sell out on their dreams by convincing themselves that they didn't really want that anyways. It wasn't really "meant to be" or all sorts of other such nonsense.

This isn't about making yourself "wrong" about selling out, either. Have you ever heard the expression "the truth will set you free" ? THAT is what we're talking about here. When you tell the truth about the way things are, you free yourself up to choose somehting different.

Let me say that again.

When you are honest and authentic, and you tell the Truth about the way things are, you free yourself to choose something else.

Hmmm. Interesting.

This brings up another issue of integrity.

So let me just own up to a place where I've been out of integrity with you in this very blog. I just looked back and realized I've only entered 4 or 5 entries this entire month! I am completely out of integrity, and today I am recommitting to post at least five quality entries per week.

And while you're being in integrity, you will see all sorts of obstacles pop up. Which is great, because it allows you to see what stops you in all areas of your life.

For example, you may not even be willing to try this exercise right now. After all, I'm just some internet chick, what do I know? Or maybe you don't like being told what to do. Or maybe your life sucks and you're mentally insisting your integrity is just fine, thank you. Or maybe you don't have time. Or you didn't really mean it. Whatever it is for you,I can assure you that this is a redundant theme that stops you in all areas of your life. Just take a look and see if there's any truth in what I'm saying here.

Here is your question of hte day:

What's worth giving up your excuses for to maintain your integrity and live an extraordinary life?

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Success Is Like Skiing Blind

I had a unique opportunity this weekend. I skiied blind (well, nearly blind). Hold on, let me back up a bit.

I am reading an oustanding book called "Take off Your Glasses and See." The guy who wrote it is an ophthalmologist who didn't buy the traditional medicine beliefs that say "your eyes are hte only organ that can't heal itself" and "vision just gets worse, you'll get used to it." He didn't buy that and started looking for a better way. In fact, he found it.

He also discovered that wearing corrective lenses (contacts or glasses) actually makes your vision worse. Sound crazy? You owe it to yourself to check out this book.

Anyhow, I decided to do a little experiment. So we went up to the mountains for a ski-weekend, and I decided to ski without contact lenses.

Oh, and I should probably mention that my vision tests at 20/160. In case you're not aware (I wasn't until I read this guy's book) that means that at 160 feet, I can see as well as somone with 20/20 vision can read at 20 feet. So my vision is 80x worse than someone wiht perfect vision.

It was snowing, and fortunately we brought our low-light goggles. As soon as I put them on, I knew I'd be OK. Could I read signage? No way, but I could see other skiiers, I coudl see trees and I could see where the lift lines started, so I figured what the hell.

It was my intent to put my glasses in the pocket of my ski jacket, just in case I chickened out and needed them, but I forgot to do this. So I was literally skiing blind.

Now here comes the amazing part....

I skiied better than I have ever skiied in my life.

Seriously, if you don't beleive me, just ask my husband. He's the speed demon and I'm the "cautious" skiier (well, formerly cautious skiier) and I kept telling him he was going too slow.

It was phenomenal. We got daring. In fact, we cut thorugh the woods, we jumped a couple of small jumps, we went "off-road" and we had an absolute blast.

And I didn't fall or spaz out once. Which you should know is a record for me.

So what happened? Surely there is a lesson here, I thought. Well, I am nearsighted, so when I wear my contacts, I tend to look only at what's right in front of me. When skiing, this is disastrous - it means I look down at my skis and what is right in front of me instaed of looking where I'm going...down the mountain. When I wear my contacts, I stop at every little ledge, I bypass every patch of ice and every pile of powder and I try to stay on the smoothest track possible. I panic. I freak. I am a green-run skiing spaz.

But without contacts, I am free to see only whta's necessary...trees, other skiiers, snowbumps--er, I mean snowboarders, and hazards. Without contacts, I don't see the tiny patch of ice (which isn't going to affect me anyways) or the pile of powder (who cares?). All I thought about was turn left, turn right, turn left, turn right, turn left, turn right and "this is fun!"

I went fast, fast, fast, faster than I'd ever gone before. It was so much fun. I've never before had this much fun skiing.

You'd better believe I'll be doing it again.

And as a result of going fast, my husband was able to have fun too (he usually hates having to go so slow to keep an eye on me) AND I was not sore hte next day at all. Of course, because I didn't do all that silly starting and stopping that I normally do.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not recommending that anyone who normally wears corrective lenses NOT wear them while performing a dangerous sport like skiing! But read the book adn see what you're missing...also, I had been without contacts for 3 days before I tried skiing sans lenses.

So what does this have to do with success? Everything!

When we are short-sighted about what we intend to accomplish, how easy it is to see the obstacles! Or perceived obstacles for that matter! When we are short-sighted, we lose sight of why we're here (to have fun, or whatever) and what our goal is (to get down the mountain safely) and instead we focus on stupid, meaningless things like "what did he mean by that remark," and "what if I can't afford to do that?" and "I don't think I can."

This is exactly how people get stuck in teh same job for 30 years, even though they don't like it and don't think they make a difference at all. This is how people get stuck in marriages that don't work, and how they stay in abusive relationships. They simply can't see beyond what is so, right now.

So your question of the day is:
What are you focusing on? Where are your sights set? Are you focused on "getting by" each day, or are you keeping your eyes on what you really want to accomplish? How can you shift your "vision" to get the whole picture instead of just what's in front of you?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Magic of Words

It's impossible to over-emphasize the power of language. "I can't do that" is often followed by the inability to do something. "I never win anything" almost never results in a grand prize drawing with your name on it. "why does this always happen to me?" usually brings more of the same.

As Florence Scoval Shinn once wrote, "Your word is your wand."

And yet, how many of us think we want something, only to hear the exact opposite fall out of our mouth? How many of us keep puking our past into our future? Far too many, I say.

If you want to make changes in your life, you've got to get that it all starts in language. You've got to be ultra-conscious about every single word that comes out of your mouth if you want to create new results, different from whatever you've been getting that you're not happy with.

For one thing, don't talk about anything you're not going to do.

This encompasses a lot more than you may think. For example, don't say, "I'm starving" when what you really mean is "I'm hungry." I am amazed at the number of overweight people who keep saying over and over "I'm starving."

You must remember that your subconscious mind does not understand sarcasm, cannot take a joke, and only understands literal words.

So what happens when your subconscious hears "I'm starving" come out of your mouth? It clings to every fat cell, because it thinks you must be starving and it shuts down into starvation mode. You'll never ever lose weight if you keep saying "I'm starving" no matter how much you exercise, because you're telling your body to hold on to everything it's got.

"It's killing me" is another one. Interestingly enough, whoever started that saying is probably already dead. So if you don't want to follow them, stop saying it. I admit, this was a hard one for me to stop, being a child of the late 70s and 80s, when it was quite popular. Were you really "dying" to go to that concert? That's when you attract things like lethal car wrecks or freak accidents, when you're constantly saying you're "dying" to do this or that. I once read a story of a man who always (repeatedly) said he'd give his right arm to make his sick daughter well. He was in a freak accident where he lost her arm. He got a big insurance settlement, which paid the cost of her required treatments.

What you speak about, you bring about. Period.

So what are you talking about? Really?

The interesting thing is that we don't really HEAR at least 50% of what comes out of our own mouths. Adn when someone else repeats it back to us, we are likely to say "I never said that."

But more about that in a future post. I've alreayd rambled on too long today. (Or have I?)

HEre is your QoD:

What are you consciously creating through your every day language? What word or phrase do you deserve to banish from your life forever?