Monday, July 31, 2006

Always Look for the Lesson

Lately I've taken a new approach to challenges in my life.

Instead of freaking out when "problems" arise, I look for the lesson.

This is not a new concept - Joe "Mr. Fire" Vitale talks about it, Joseph Murphy talks about it, and I think I even recall Andy Andrews mentioning it. But for some reason, lately it really started to sink in with me.

Good thing it finally did, considering what happened yesterday.

As you probably already know, my family and I are building a new home. Click here to see the short movie.

We hadn't stopped by since Friday, and we really wanted to see whether the kitchen backsplash was put in. Yesterday, we stopped by after spending the day with friends at the Colorado Renaissance Festival. Our toddler was sleeping, so I stayed in the car while my husband did the "see-if-there-is-anything-new" dash.

He came flying out of there, talking a mile a minute. What's up? I asked.

Apparently one of the workers turned on the tap (just a bit) in the master bath and the jack-n-jill bath. The tubs had not overflowed, but there was clearly a leak in the pipe, because my brand new kitchen was flooded.

And to think I was "done" with water damage after moving away from New Orleans onto higher ground.

The wood floors in our kitchen were starting to warp, the island cabinets were soaked, and the ceiling was ruined.

My husband immediately went into "responsibility" mode - turning off hte main water to the house, contacting appropriate people, etc. etc. etc. He was a fury of focused action, while I kept our sleeping sweetie company.

I started to go into my head with all sorts of confusion (have you ever done this?)

"Is this a sign?"
"Why did we attract this?"
"What does this mean?"
"Should we not get this house?"
"Will this mess up our move-in date?"

etc etc etc

Then I realized there must be a lesson and a blessing here.

I had recently started affirming this: "No one can enter my new home unless they are for our highest good."

How could someone who would (hopefully inadvertently) flood my home be for my highest good? I started looking for a blessing.

It took a couple of hours, but I found it.

There is no possibly way we could have found that leak until after we moved in and my daughter took her first bath. What a pain THAT would have been to repair once we had moved in!

Look - they must replace our wood floor, replace the sheetrock in the ceiling and repaint, possibly replace certain cabinets, and (obviously) fix the pipe.

What a hassle that would have been once we had moved in! And it probably would have taken twice as long, too! And I'm sure a paperwork nightmare would have gone along with the whole scene, had we arelady closed on the house.

So I am thankful to whomever left that water running - clearly, they WERE for my highest good.

But if I hadn't found the lesson, I'd still be pissed as hell.

And who would be served by that?

Exactly. NONE.

So here is your QoD:

What's one challenge in your life that you continue to struggle with? Where can you look for the lesson in it? What could you gain by giving up the struggle and finding the lesson? Go for it!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Site of Future Memories

I was so inspired while listening to Nerissa Oden (did you read yesterday's post?) that I created my very first video last night.

I think it took me about 4 hours to complete all 6 minutes of it. But hey, it was a first attempt - I had to learn software to make it happen.

I literally started from SCRATCH - filmed the video yesterday, dropped it down, used iMovie and added some sound (thanks to Audio Acrobat) and Voila!

So here it is - I hope you enjoy it! (And clearly, if I can do it - you can do it too)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Product Review - Part I - Portable Empire Un-Seminar

Have you heard of Pat O'Bryan, creator of Your Portable Empire?

If you haven't, it's only a matter of time until you become intimately familiar with the guy.

I recently purchased his "Un-Seminar Package." It's a $1000 package that is currently avaialble at at $99 per month. After reading the sales page, I didn't see how I could pass it up.

I am awaiting delivery of my DVD package, but I'm busy going through the "pre-training" audio downloads.

I admit, I am pleasantly FLOORED by the quality of these audios. And this even what I really bought - this is just a "bonus" while I'm waiting for my dvds to show up (which should be any day now).

It's not just the smooth and sultry southern voice of this tall, unassuming cigar-smoking dude that hooks you in. It's not the mellow guitar licks he's added to the beginning of each audio (did you know he is a formerly broke blues guitar player?) Nah, it's the actual CONTENT and the REAL-ness of it that I find enthralling.

The first audio is an in-dept interview with Dr. Joe Vitale on copywriting.

I'll be honest - I didn't expect to learn anything new. I know, I know, that sounds smug, but I've heard dozens of Dr. Vitale's interviews, and I've bought several of his products. And this is supposed to be a beginner's guide to copywriting, and I'm waaaaaaay past a beginner (in my opinion).

But I took PAGES of notes in this short interview. It was phenomenal.

Then I found myself wondering....yeah, but that's Joe Vitale. The guy's a legend - everything he touches turns to gold. But how good will the others be? So I listened to Craig Perrine next.

I met Craig in person at the Manifestation Weekend, and I heard him speak there. He's a very down-to-earth person. Now, I'll be honest - I expected to pick up a couple of tips, but that's about it. After all, I already have a list. I'm cranking on it - it's grown by more than 50% in the past month alone. Well, I don't know whether it was my low expectations, or Pat's commitment to over-deliver, but I was again shocked at the amount of info I got in this "pre" training call. Again, PAGES of notes - not theory, but real-life practical tips.

This is getting good, I thought.

Next was Nerissa Oden.

Now you'll find out *exactly* how obnoxious I am. I nearly skipped Nerissa's audio because I thought "I don't need video. My blog and audios speak for themselves. Besides, I'm 5 months pregnant, and I don't really want to look at myself on camera, seeing as it supposedly adds 10 lbs."

Man, was I wrong again. While I only took 2 pages of notes during Pat's interview of Nerissa, they were pure gold. I could barely sleep last night, thinking of all the things I could do with my Sony camcorder - all the ways I could have fun, teach people cool stuff, and make money, too. Just from listening to Nerissa, I got one idea that could easily make me $50k in the next year alone. Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun.

And guess what? You know I'm always preaching about TAKING ACTION, and that's exactly what I did today. I got an idea for a video, thought it would be a great "first project" for me, so I shot it and took about 90 minutes learning iMovie with some help from my Mac-Genius hubby. Now all I've got to do is record the audio, add it in and post it online. Coming soon to this blog in fact!

Now I'm listening to Pat's own audios about product creation. Again, I've heard Pat speak, I've read his books, I've got a couple of products. I figured he would re-cap his freebie ebook, The Absolute Beginner's Guide. Yikes, I really can't stand being this wrong, this often. It's not at all good for my thriving ego.

But again, Pat's audio was pure gold. And I snagged another new product idea. Thanks, Pat.

Two more audios to go, Bill Hibbler and Jillian Wheeler-Coleman. Notebook ready, pen in hand, I'll tackle these and hope to high heaven that my DVD package has arrived by the time I'm done.

And you'd better believe I'll be updating you with a Part II review when those bad babies arrive, once I've had time to tear into them.

More to come....

(And in case you're wondering, I don't get a commission for reviewing this product. Pat hasn't set it up for affiliate sales....yet.)

oh, I almost forgot your Question of the Day.

If you're serious about making money with internet marketing, why haven't you bought the Un-Seminar DVD package yet? The link is here:

Monday, July 24, 2006

Law of Attraction in Action: Another Application?

What you think about, you bring about.

The Law of Attraction is a mystifying and delightfully enrapturing concept for many of us. Whether you’re enjoying playing around with the concept, or whether you’re a full-time, fully-conscious attractor in action, chances are you’ve seen some amazing results.

But how’d you like to kick your attractor factor into high gear?

I’m talking about turbo-charging your requests, your desires and your manifestations. This is not for small-time players.

The fact of the matter is, if you’re doing the inner work and the outer work for the Law of Attraction, yet you’re not receiving the fruits of your labor, there’s probably something in your environment that’s keeping you stuck.

I know what you’re thinking – blaming your lack of results on something in your environment doesn’t seem to be in keeping with the concept of personal responsibility, right?

Wrong. You are the one who created your environment, and who tolerates it every day. After all, wasn’t it YOU who decided to buy that metal bed, who forgets to water that shrub in the backyard, and who hangs onto that old broken-down stuff?

If any area of your life is not as spectacular as you’d like it to be, odds are you’ve got a Feng Shui issue.

Feng Shui is a practice that’s been around for centuries – but only recently has it worked its way into Western civilization. Nearly as mystical as the Law of Attraction and twice as powerful, Feng Shui is the art of placement. Basically, there is a certain formula to follow to ensure prosperity, health, peace and joyful relationships.

It sounds odd, but you’ve got to try it yourself. The results will amaze you – much like when you attracted your first “miracle” with the Law of Attraction.

The trouble is, Feng Shui is a pretty confusing topic, and not everyone can afford $300 bucks an hour to hire their own Feng Shui consultant. Sure, there are plenty of books on the subject, most of which are highly confusing and severely contradictory.

Fortunately, there is a solution.

Amy Scott Grant and Karrie King are hosting a 10-week live teleseminar series called Cracking the Feng Shui Code: Unlocking the Keys to Wealth, Health and Happiness beginning in early August. Space in the series is limited – visit this link now to secure your spot:

Friday, July 21, 2006

Want More Money? Go Feng Shui, Baby

Last night's preview call was a smashing success. (IF you missed it, go here while the link is still up - it's near the bottom).

We've been getting emails all day long from people who are so excited about the 10-week teleseminar series that's starting August 3rd (a few spots remain - go here to lock in your spot).

We really only scratched the surface last night, talking about 12 things you can do in your home or office to increase the flow of money (it was supposed to be 11, but I spontaneously threw in one more - I couldn't help myself, I was having so much fun).

Even people who've had their homes professionally 'feng shui'd' or who have been studying feng shui for years told us they learned new things. Who knows? You might even learn a thing or two just by visiting the website.

Now THAT'S exciting.

We threw in a short-time bonus (it ends tonight!) which is only available at Of course, that's in addition to the $2400 bonus package we put together for the participants.

Yep, it feels really good to spread knowledge about how to attract more prosperity. I can't wait for more testimonials to start flowing in as people apply what they learned - now THAT is even more rewarding than getting paid!

My favorites are hte ones that come from "former skeptics" - they get really excited when they find out how simple it is, and that it really works. I mean, I thought it was pretty kooky when I first started doing it, and then once I saw how fast the results came, I was HOOKED.

Anyway, I'm rambling now.

The point is, go see it. Feng Shui is an easy way to attract more money into your life - quickly, easily, and in addition to (or in spite of) anything else you may have tried.

Your QoD:
What if something in your home is what's holding you back from extreme wealth? 99% of the time, when people are doing the inner work and the outer work for prosperity, but they're not getting the results they want, it's an issue taht can quickly be resolved wiht a little Feng Shui. So why not go take a look?

AFter all, it's not like you WANT to stay stuck, right?

Monday, July 17, 2006

A Breakthrough in Generosity

Did you know that you can set an intention for a breakthrough?

In other words, if there is an area of your life that is causing you grief, you can simply choose a breakthrough in that area.

I recently decided to declare a breakthrough in generosity.

As many of you know, I read a lot - A LOT - and almost every book I find on prosperity consciousness talks about generosity.

So I started to notice where in my life I was NOT being generous. With my time, my money, my love, my information, my talent, you name it - whatever I have to give.

And I began to understand that by being stingy with these things, I was only hurting myself. I was slowing the flow of abundance in all areas of my life.

When things are good, they can always get better.

But here in my world, "better" just doesn't cut it. We're going for EXTRAORDINARY.

So how did I actually get this breakthrough? Three steps:

1. First I declared it. Read previous posts to discover the power of your spoken word.

2. Next, whenever I felt like holding back, I recognized that it came from a place of lack and was blocking flow and ease.

3. Then I took action that was congruent with my declared breakthrough.

For example, I spent 2 days working on a gift for Joe Vitale. I wanted to thank him personally for the Manifestation Weekend (yes, it was THAT amazing, and if you haven't bought the audios yet, you're wacko!) My friend Karrie King and I put together a mini-Feng Shui kit, personalized for Joe.

I also bought my friend a plant. He has been working on his own prosperity, and I helped him Feng-Shui his cubicle, so I bought him an appropriate plant for his prosperity corner. (Not surprisingly, his financial situation improved within 48 hours of placing the plant in his prosperity corner). If you want to put Feng Shui to work for you, check out our free preview call: CLICK HERE for FENG SHUI.

I bought two $25 cigars for my coach (is that a lot? again, it's all relevant) and I've been giving gifts like there's no tomorrow (since there really isn't).

The result?

A phenomenal influx of good, flowing to me, easily, constantly, in perfect timing.

I highly recommend this.

So if you want a breakthrough in generosity (or anywhere else, for that matter), just use these 3 steps:

1. Declare your intention for a breakthrough.

2. Recognize when you're not congruent with what you declared.

3. Take action that was congruent with your declared breakthrough.

QoD: Where in your life would you LOVE to have a breakthrough? Will you declare it today and follow steps 2 and 3?

Go for it!!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Simple Secrets to Prosperity

What the Heck is Feng Shui, How Do You Pronounce It, and Most Importantly, Does It Really Work?

Although it’s been prevalently used through China and much of Asia for centuries, Feng Shui (pronounced "fung-schway") is finally catching on in the Western hemisphere. But what is it? Put simply, Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of arranging furniture and designing the home to facilitate fortune and prosperity, and to diminish misfortune.

Perhaps the most interesting fact about Feng Shui is that it works, whether you believe it or not. This mysterious method is always in force, regardless of your personal belief and independent of the power of suggestion.

Which means, if you don’t know anything about Feng Shui, it could be working against you.

In fact, the Feng Shui "rules" are so consistent that a trained Feng Shui consultant (typically hired at about $300 an hour) can walk into your home and pinpoint which areas of your life are causing you struggle. It’s creepy, really.

More importantly, such a trained person can show you exact remedies to rectify whatever ails you - be it your bank account, your love life, your career, your health, etc. What's really fascinating is how quickly those upsetting circumstances can reverse themselves as if touched by a miracle once the appropriate Feng Shui principles are applied.

To learn more about Feng Shui and what it can do for you, join the freee preview call hosted by Feng Shui consultants Karrie King and Amy Scott Grant (that's me!) on Thursday, July 20th.

To register for the call and reserve your space, sign up HERE.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Is $600K a Lot of Money?

Well, I suppose that depends.

As some of you know, we're building a new home here in Colorado. The house itself is going to be about %500k but then there's rear-yard landscaping, interior painting, and finishing the basement. So we're looking at pretty close to $600k when it's all said and done.

If you could get a yacht or a private jet at $600k, you'd be so thrilled, you'd probably get 2 of them. But if, say, a hamburger came with a $600k price tag, you'd probably rather starve. Or eat your own shoe.

So when people tell me they'd like to make lots of money, I'm always interested in what that means to them. In most cases, they have no idea - like no specific dollar amount in mind. And if you've been reading this blog for more than, say, a DAY, then you know I preach that you can't achieve your goals until you set specific goals. Period.

But I digress.

At any rate, it's interesting to watch people's reactions to money.

You know, I've noticed - some people will come right out and ask us how much our house costs. Others would flip out if I asked what they paid for their car. It's funny how people are around money.

Especially considering it's just ink on paper.

I can remember when I was growing up, we never talked about money. "Never sign ANYTHING without reading it" it about the only business advice my dad ever gave me. Good advice, but I could have used a lot more, I think. Don't worry, I've already started passing along my pearls of wisdom to my 2 1/2 year old. I give her 3 more years till she owns her own business. The other day, she walked into my office and said "Mommy, I need an office." I was surprised, but I got her a toddler-sized table and chair, and I set it up in a spot in her room (her Career gua, for those of you Feng Shui enthusiasts). I gave her a notebook and a pen (it seems a WEE bit premature to get her a laptop just yet) and she put her little fisher price phone on her desk. It's quite inspiring to watch.

But I digress.

We were talking about money and how peopel get wiggy about it. Especially about talking about it.

I have no problem talking about what things cost, what I paid or how much I make. Assuming hte person wants to know....I'm certainly not a braggart and I'm not obnoxious about it.

but some people are really uncomfortable around money.

Let me give you an example.

The other day, I was talking to someone, and they were telling me about their goals. They want to make enough money at their internet business to quit their job. So I asked them what that looked like - how much *exactly* would they need to make to give their notice at the job?

Not only were they flustered that I was basically asking them how much they make, but they didn't even know -they couldn't answer hte qeustion! "Well, I don't really know - there's health care to consider, and benefits, and stability, and, and, and..."

Do you get that this person is NEVER going to leave their job until they get clear about what it's going to take to leave their job?

And they'd better start getting A LOT more comfortable around money if they want more of it. You can't get rich if you're afraid of money! And even if you could, you'd lose it just as fast.

So it's interesting to see the way people react about the $600k price tag of our new house.

It seems perfectly fine to me. I suppose if it made me nervous, I'd have no business getting into a mortgage that size. My friends who own $1million+ homes, are like "Great! That's so great - good for you."

My friends who own $100k+ homes are shocked, and dare I say, appalled. Who knows why they're so shocked? Well, for one thing, we don't exactly dress like we have money. So maybe they just didn't know how much we make. Or maybe they can't believe someone their age can afford a house like that. Or maybe they think the money would be better-spent elsehwere. Or they don't understand why we require 4,000 square feet (although I certainly understand why we do - and yet, I don't feel the need to justify it here, which is refreshing for me).

I suppose there's a lot of things going through their head when they hear "$600,000 home."

But it all comes down to 1 thing:

People put meaning on money.

Money has no meaning, other than what we attach to it. None. If you met a homeless person in some teeny-tiny little country (I won't show my geographic ignorance just now) and gave him a $100 bill, I doubt he'd be excited. He'd probably throw it away. Or wrap a wounded finger in it. Or fuel a fire to keep warm. Or use it to wipe his butt. I don't know.

But if you handed a $100 bill to a homeless person in Detroit, he'd probably poop a brick.

Meaning. It's a killer.

If you're thinking "but wait, money really does have meaning - just look..." then you deserve to practice these:

1 - Practice saying "it's only money." Say it long enough and you'll start to believe it. THEN watch what happens.

2 - Practice affirming "My every need is met instantaneously, with ease and velocity."

3 - Practice generosity only for the sake of generosity and watch what happens.

4 - Practice blessing money you send forth in the form of paying bills, paying the check at a restaurant, buying stuff you want and need, and giving freely. Bless it as it goes forth and see it multiplying and returning to you in unexpected ways.

5 - when you balance your checkbook, remember that it's only numbers. It doesn't mean ANYTHING except what you make it mean.

No QoD today - your homework is the 5 practice exercises above...I can't wait to hear what you create!

P.S. It really is only money. Just ink on paper. And there's enough for you, for me, for everyone on the planet to have as much as they can stand to receive. REALLY!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Where I've Been...

Yes, we all know it's not where you've been, it's where you're going that counts. But I thought you'd be interested in why I haven't posted in a bit.

First, I've been extremely busy with everything that's been going on with the new product launch I'm doing with Marna Goldstein. As you may already know, Marna and I are holding a special teleseminar series called where she will reveal "Secrets of the Naturally Thin." The preview call was a smashing success, and I'm learning so much about this easy way to lose weight. In fact, since we did the preview call a week ago, I've already dropped 2 lbs. And I didn't even do much of anything! I certainly didn't diet, that's for sure. We have a few spots left for the series (starts on July 11th) so sign up here if you haven't already done so. The special price won't last long, and neither will availability.

We're also ramping up for a Feng Shui promotion with certified Feng Shui consultant Karrie King. I absolutely adore Feng Shui, and I'm so excited to be able to offer it to people all across North America. Karrie is fabulous to work with, you're just going to love her. Be sure to mark your calendar for 9pm Eastern time on Wednesday, July 12th (one week from tomorrow) for hte free preview call. If you're on my newsletter list (if not, go here to sign up for Success Secrets Revealed) you'll be among the first to know about it.

Good news: I am hiring a personal assistant, as I have worked WAAAAAAYYY too many hours the past couple of weeks (I can't handle working 20 hours a week - it simply does not fit with my lifestyle, my 'wifehood' and my 'motherhood') so you'll be seeing a lot more of me in the coming months. At least until the baby is born, some time after Thanksgiving...

Today is July 4th and it's a day to celebrate our Independence. I personally am giving gratitude today for being independent from a job, oppressive employment, and a wasted life spent on meaningless drivel.

I give thanks today not only for our forefathers who had the vision and the drive to create this United States of America, but also for the men and women who fight to keep our country safe and protect our freedoms, but I also give thanks for free enterprise.

I feel very fortunate to live in a country that allows me to create my own destiny, to shape my own future, to own my own businesses and to earn what I'm worth. Even if I do have to pay a boatload of taxes each year. But hey, that's kind of a good problem to have. :-)

God bless America.

Your QoD:
What are you most thankful for today? How you can make an expression of that gratitude and encourage others to think of their blessings as they enjoy a hotdog and fireworks today?