Friday, November 30, 2007

How to Move Beyond Writers Block and Step Into Freedom

In case you haven't heard, I'm launching a new teleclass.

Now if you've been on any of my classes before, you know that I always over-deliver. And I certainly intend to do the same with this class.

But this one is definitely different.

In this class, I have only the slightest idea what I'll be teaching.

Yep, you heard me.

The class is all about Fluent Writing...which has very little to do with planning and forethought, and a whole lot to do with letting things flow.

Which is exactly why we're structuring the class the same way. Instead of pre-planning each session and planning an outline for the entire course, we're letting it flow and meeting the needs of those who sign up.

I keep saying "we" because I'm co-leading this teleclass with my buddy Ann Strong. Ann is one kick-ass coach, and a helluva writer. And I'm extremely excited to be co-hosting this class with her. And I love our relationship -- it's completely fluent, which is definitely the way to go in my book.

You might be wondering what I mean by fluent...excellent question. You can read about the Fluency movement here, but if you're like me, you'll finish reading the whole site and think to yourself, wait a minute, I still don't know what the heck it is!

Put simply, fluency is a way to open yourself up to receive information. If you attended my one-off class "The Easy Button" earlier this fall, you learned all about it and how to incorporate it into your life. (If you didn't, you should definitely sign up for Fluent Writing because you get a FREE copy of the 90-minute teleclass when you register.)

Fluent writing is all about releasing the blocks you have about writing, publishing, creating a book, or procrastinating about any/all of the above.

Fluent writing is all about putting an end to Writer's Block -- for good.

Fluent writing is all about the easiest, most efficient way to write -- effortlessly.

Sounds yummy, doesn't it? Yep, it's delicious!

You can sign up for the Fluent Writing 7-week teleclass here, or you can go here to register for free to receive the link to the recording of the Preview Call. I'm told it was "outstanding."

Either way, you deserve to be able to write fluently...doesn't everyone?

QoD: Are you writing as much as you'd like? Have you talked about writing a book, but not taken any action in that direction? What would life look like if writing was easy, effortless, and fluent?

Go for it!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

How I Cleared 177 Limiting Beliefs in a Single Session

I realize I haven't written in about a week, but things are moving at lightning speed. Yeah, I know that's the way I like it, but sometimes it makes it hard to keep up with a blog when things happen this fast!

I would be remiss if I didn't mention what I've been into lately.

It's called Fluent Communication and if you were in one of my last 2 teleclasses (The Easy Button and the Vibration Overhaul), you got a little taste of what it is.

But things just keep getting better and better --

This week, in a single session that lasted approximately 70 minutes, I cleared 177 limiting beliefs.

In a client session (I do have a limited number of private, one-on-one coaching spots available at this moment in time) earlier this week, I assisted her in clearing 155 limiting beliefs. And the kingpin at the core of it was (are you sitting down?): I hate myself. I hate my life. I wish I were dead.

Holy crap.

It's funny, when I start a session with someone (or even with myself), I never know what's going to come up. That's part of the excitement, I suppose.

So how did I do it? How did I clear all those beliefs?

Well, the interesting part is I've been attempting to explain what I do. I've been teaching small groups how to do this, and I find that the smaller the group, the more effective the explanation is. I suppose I'm still learning to make a heart-to-heart connection wtih more than a handful of folks at a time.

But the one-on-one stuff is remarkably powerful.

I have successfully taught a number of people to clear their own beliefs, and I'm about to teach a whole pile of people how to do it.

Here's what's really cool -- whatever I clear for myself or for a single client, I also clear for ALL my private coaching clients.

How's that for added value? When you sign up to coach with me, I'm clearing FOR you almost every day -- even when we haven't spoken.

Unlike ho'oponopono, where you're constantly clearing adn you really don't know what you're clearing or wehtehr it's really working, this is pointed and poignant. You know exactly what you're doing and why you're doing it. Fascinating.

OK, so I can hear you asking again "but HOW do you do it?"

If I tell you, you'll think it's too simple. You'll think I'm leaving something out. You'll think I'm holding out on you, or that you need more info.

but none of those things are true. Once I tell you what to do, all you need is practice. (Or, if you're really lazy like me, you'll just pay someone -- me -- to clear it all for you. Seriously! What could be cooler?)

1. Identify what you want.
2. Identify the beliefs that have you blocked. (This is where a coach can be REALLY helpful. Often times, my clients are so blocked, I wind up identifying their limiting beliefs for them. Fortunately, I teach them ways to check me, to check hte Truth, to make sure we're identifying the correct beliefs.)
3. Listen to your inner guide for instructions how to clear the beliefs.
4. Clear the beliefs (follow instructions).
5. Check to see if it's all clear and integrated.

Yep, it's that simple.

Now, becasue that's the best way I can explain it in a blog post(you know me, I'm a talker! Much better on the phone), that's really all I can say here.

But I WILL tell you that I'm putting together a new teleclass, and I'd like to invite you to attend the preview call for free.

In this new teleclass, I will teach Fluent Writing.

This class is for anyone who has always wanted to publish a book, but they:

- haven't gotten started
- haven't finished
- don't know what to write about
- wrote it, but haven't published it
- get writer's block
- think it's too hard

In this class, I'll teach you how to tap into fluency and let your book (or blog or newsletter or anything else) write itself.

Yep, it's THAT cool.

Anyone who has or ever has had a block about WRITING deserves to be in this teleclass.

Go sign up for the preview call here (preview call live spots limited to 200 guests): Fluent Writing

I'll see you on November 29th!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Celebrating My Birthday!

Today's my birthday and a friend and colleague of mine recently asked me if I was planning a "birthday sale" for my subscribers.

Nah, I thought. That sounds pretty cheesy.

But it also seemed appropriate to do SOMETHING for my birthday, so I decided to share a blessing.

In much of my writing, I use a technique that I like to call "Fluent Writing." It's most definitely the easiest thing on the planet -- which is great news for most people who freeze up any time they sit in front of the keyboard with the intention "to write."

Fluent writing is all about allowing words to flow through you. At times, I often feel more like a transcriptionist rather than a writer, as I am clear that what I'm writing is not from Amy the person, but from Amy's Highest Self.

I apologize if this all sounds a bit cryptic -- it's not necessarily something I can explain in a quick blog post, and I'll actually be hosting a teleclass on this subject -- how to get out of your own way and let your book write itself. (Stay tuned for info about a free preview call on this very topic, coming later this month).

At any rate, this came to me this morning and I would like to share it with you as my birthday gift to you. Enjoy!!

Celebrate the Birth of Each Day

Each morning, when your eyes open to receive the first light of the day,

Smile and think of me.

As you rise from your bed and begin to stretch and move,

Smile and remember to give thanks for the gift of mobility.

As you prepare and enjoy your morning nourishment,

Smile and be grateful for the freedom to choose what you'll
eat and drink.

As you begin your day, with or without to-do lists intact,

Smile and remember to make time for fun and games.

As you move through your day,

Smile and remember that you are never alone.

Smile, smile, smile,

Not only to uplift your own spirit,

But to bless and transform everyone around you.

As you move through life, remember to watch for the many signs -- small and large -- that continue to show you how very much you are loved and cherished.

You are never alone.