Has Gratitude Been "Done to Death" ?
Seems like every time I turn around, somebody is talking about the benefits of gratitude.
And yet, how come so many people are acting grateful, yet still broke?
The recent "gratitude movement" may have started with the movie "TheSecret" but it certainly isn't a new concept.
Yet like so many other good ideas in that movie, most folks just aren't applying it in the most optimal way to produce tangible results.
If you ever feel like you're "so over" the whole gratitude thing, you've likely approached it from a less-than-optimal angle.

Now you can check me (that's not me in the pic, BTW) on all this of course (if you don't have a Truth Testing method you can rely on, RUN -- don't walk -- to this site and grab the how-to course for free) but here's what I get about this topic:
1 - Gratitude is a BE, not a DO.
If your gratitude journal, letters of gratitude and top-3-list-of-things-to-be-grateful-for-today become items on your to-do list, you're missing a key element here. Gratitude is a state of BEing...it is a BE item, NOT a "do" item. Now, in being grateful -- really living into gratitude -- you may find that you are naturally inspired to DO certain acts (such as writing a heartfelt thank you note, or journaling, praying, etc.). But it does not work the other way around. DOing gratitude does not cause you to BE more grateful. Gratitude is a state of being, not a chore. Think about that.
2 - Be specific in your gratitude.
Using gratitude as a tool to raise y our vibration? Then be very specific in your appreciation. Instead of just being grateful for nature, be grateful for the tree that stands in your front yard, providing shade in summer and beauty in other seasons. Be
grateful for every penny you receive, no matter how small. Be grateful for the wonderful way you feel when you are with someone you love, instead of just being grateful that you know them. Be specific in your gratitude -- hone it down to the teeniest, tiniest detail, and revel in that -- and then just watch what happens!
3 - Be grateful for the sake of being grateful.
Let's face it -- BEing grateful (as opposed to DOing gratitude) just feels good. Do it because it feels good, because it lightens your load and makes you happy. Do not DO gratitude in an effort to get more things to be grateful for. This is one system that you just can't "work." Can't fake-it-till- you-make-it with gratitude. But it does feel WONDERFUL and that may be inspiration enough to be grateful.
And of course, as a result of being grateful, you will likely attract more good to you -- but doing it without attachment to a specific outcome (or any outcome at all, other than feeling good) is the key point here.
Write me or post a comment! I look forward to hearing about your experience with this alternative perspective on gratitude.