I received some very pertinent information about marketing today, and thought I would share it with you.
A client asked me today why marketing can't be as simple as "vibrational marketing." She said, "I don't really feel like doing an elaborate marketing campaign. Can't I just vibrationally attract people who want to coach with me?"
When I started to answer, I got a whole rush of information that confirmed that what she had described is PRECISELY how marketing works.
What I heard was something along the lines of this:
- All marketing is vibrational. When you read a sales page, and it doens't feel good, it's because the sales page wasn't designed for you. It's not a vibrational match, so you don't buy.
- When marketing doesn't work AT ALL, it's because there is some incongruency between you and your message. Align the message with YOU, and the marketing will be come effective. Or, if you truly believe your message, then align yourself with the message (i.e., clear all the beliefs that are standing between where you are now and what your message says you believe).
- Sleazy marketing techniques will work on people who choose to be victimized. They get the "reward" of beating themselves up when they make a purchase because they think they've chosen poorly, or allowed themselves to be duped or coerced. If you're looking to attract buyers who are empowered, you can use "by the book" marketing techniques and still find yourself wondering why they didn't work, or where you went wrong.
- Forget the "rules" of marketing. Do what feels good and right and present a proposition that's aligned with who you are. Be truthful and authentic and congruent. That's what works. Trust me, I speak from experience.
And the timing of this is so perfect because just last week, Craig Perrine and Joe Vitale released a book called
Inspired Marketing
. When Craig interviewed me for the book (my chapter begins on page 27), that's exactly what I talked about. And then some, of course.
You can pick up a copy of
Inspired Marketing