Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thinking Abundance

For most of us, this time of year is a time of plenty. Gratitude is something that just seems to come naturally during this holiday season.

Well, I'm taking it a step further...stay tuned, because in the next day or so, I'm going to reveal my latest, greatest endeavor.

And it won't cost you a dime -- this is something I wanted to "give back" to the world, as a token of appreciation for all that I have received, and continue to receive.

Ooooooooh, this is gonna be good. Stay tuned. I'm just putting on the finishing touches.

QoD: In what ways have you always dreamed of giving back? What's stopping you from actually taking action? Go for it, life's not getting any longer, you know...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Adding the Personal Touch Back to the Holidays

Do you ever get the feeling that Christmas time is getting less and less personal each year?

It seems like each year, the Christmas cards we receive change a little bit. Lately, I notice that the number of unsigned photo cards is increasing, as well as the dreaded "here's what we've been up to form letter." Don't get me wrong, I love to get any mail that isn't considered "junk" or "bills" but something tells me I'm gonna receive a heap of SendOutCards this year.

If you want to add that personal touch -- I'm talking REALLY personal, you've got to see what my friend Aimee Perrine has put together.

Aimee Perrine is a talented artist -- she also happens to be a wonderful mother and a thoughtful friend.

But her new Christmas Cards are simply fabulous. Go see for yourself: Hand Made Cards

And when you order, tell her Amy Grant sent ya.

QoD: What one thing could you do differently this holiday season that would make a difference for you or your family? Practice relaxing instead of stressing? Exercise self-control so you don't feel over-stuffed at the end of Turkey Day? Hand-write a personal message on each Christmas card? Spend time with someone you haven't seen in awhile? Commmit to 1 thing you will do differently and then DO IT.

Friday, November 17, 2006

New "Happy Feet" Movie = Lessons for Success

Today we took our toddler to see the new "Happy Feet" movie (you know, the animated one about the penguins) that just came out today.

As someone who constantly slams the media for its poor fear-based messages, I was pleasantly surprised.

In fact, I just loved this movie, and I highly recommend it for people of ALL ages.

Here's just some of the lessons you'll see in this movie (BTW, the following list can also be adapted into excellent discussion points for you and your kids. Why pass up the opportunity to provide a life lesson?):

First off, the movie powerfully exhibits (in a not-so-subtle way) the dangers of "Groupthink." In network marketing, it's called "herd thinking" and my mother used to call it "people who act like sheep." The movie proudly promotes the inherent power in just being yourself, and refusing to change or hide your true colors (or true talents).

Secondly, Happy Feet offers some very strong examples of leadership, commitment and perseverence. Being willing to stand out from the group means you may catch some flack, but can you be unstoppable in the face of that? You absolutely can, when you're committed.

Third, there's a clear message about the environment of success. Be very careful who you surround yourself with -- you become who your friends are. Mumble never bought into the Groupthink, and I love that he never judged anyone else who did. Live and let live -- most people are so concerned about what other people are doing, that they forget to live their own lives, and our hero certainly did not fit that mold.

Finally, I love the way the main character's heart and authenticity gets him into trouble AND gets him out of trouble. Just like in life -- and no matter what, he can't help letting his true self shine through. Now what better message can you imagine sending to children?

On another note, I just sat down to watch part 2 of Larry King's show where he featured speakers from the movie The Secret. I think our friend Joe Vitale did quite well for himself, and Jack Canfield really shined as well. Can the media really be shifting to more "positive" messages? It's a slow change, for sure, but it's reassuring to know that people are demanding more of it.

So here is your QoD: Are you carefully guarding what you feed your brain? Or are you just watching any old thing to pass the time? And given that your time here is finite, what exactly would you be passing time until? All you've got is right NOW, so what will you do with it?

P.S. I highly recommend "Happy Feet" without reservation, for anyone of any age. You will be inspired. You will love the music (which is remarkably diverse and hip, and lacks that "Disney-fied Andrew Lloyd Webber" style that I grow so tired of). You will probably tap your feet. Oh, and your kids will like it too.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yes, today is my birthday and I wanted to take a moment to thank all of my readers.

This past year has been a wild ride -- relocating after Hurricane Katrina, creating new businesses and new products, new friendships and new partnerships, and dealing with the variety of feelings that comes with moving away from one's home and family.

The next year is looking extremely bright -- I am having a blast creating new interviews for and creating new products, teaching people to shift their wealth mindset. What's on the horizon for next year?

Well, all I can tell is it's going to rock your socks. We're considering live seminars and much more. Things are really smokin' right now and the future is looking better and better.

In a way, it's challenging to focus on me today (even though it IS my day!) because of all that's going on here at New Success and beyond (and the fact that I'll be bringing a new little life into this crazy world just 20 days from today!)

But thanks for reading, and thanks especially for all the wonderful comments I receive from you. The cards, the gifts, the emails, the thank-yous -- every time I receive another one, it's like it's my birthday. :-)

Many blessings to you and a prosperous year ahead for us all!

Amy Scott Grant

(P.S. Here's a fun QoD: How old do you think I am? Be NICE!!!)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Lots Going On - Here's the Nuts and Bolts of It

I apologize for not posting in over a week -- there's so much going on that I got a bit wrapped up in it all.

You know, you can make sure you're always in my loop by subscribing to Succes Secrets Revealed here.

First, let me say Happy Halloween to everyone. I don't know about you, but I had a blast last night with my husband and toddler.

Now, let's get down to business with point #1 -

HEre's what's up -- if you missed the $297 10-week Feng Shui live teleclass I did with Karrie King, you can take advantage of the audio program (the recorded calls, learning guides and answer keys) for only $147 by visiting this site. People simply cannot stop raving about this program.

This brings me to point #2:

Tonight, Karrie and I will be joining none other than Mark Joyner for a special conference call: Super-Simple Secrets for Prosperity. It's officially a Simpleology Live Learning Event and you can get access for free by signing up here. Then, log into Simpleology and you'll get all the details of tonight's free call. (If you're reading this after teh fact, you can use the same link to access the recording of the call.) It's gonna be a great call, and trust me, you'll want to be there!

Now for point #3 -

If you haven't seen my latest free resource, you MUST go there now. We're getting FABULOUS feedback on these candid interviews, and we've got a lot more up our sleeves. When you sign up, you ensure that you won't miss a thing.

Speaking of "don't miss" - point #4 -

The latest and greatest, and truly the most comprehensive wealth mindset course available is finally ready for you to sign up: This is a no-holds-barred 90-day multimedia extravaganza. OK, maybe extravaganza is a strong word, but you must at least go check out the guarantee, which is virtually unheard of in this industry. Go there now!

I was thinking of giving you a little break, cutting you some slack by skipping today's Question of the Day. Then I thought, what kind of service would THAT be for me to provide? so here ya go:

QoD: What's the #1 area you struggle with around money mindset? What would it take for you to bust through that imaginary barrier? Perhaps you can find the answer here.