Wednesday, March 25, 2009

When Did We Stop Telling Children "No" ?


I'm noticing an interesting phenomenon lately amidst parents and children.

It seems that it has become highly unfashionable for parents to tell children "no."


I do believe it's true that using the words don't, not and no tend to have the reverse effect in communication. For example, because your brain cannot process the words don't, not or no, when you say things like "don't run in the house!" the message that often speaks loudest is "run" and if you don't believe me, just visit your local swimming pool and watch how long it actually takes a kid to slow down when the lifeguard yells "no running!" as opposed to "walk please!"

But in this post, I'm not referring to forward-thinking parents who are taking the time to rephrase their words in order to get what they want.

I'm not talking about the parents who use phrases like "please speak softly" instead of "stop yelling!" because they know the 1st phrase works better than the 2nd phrase when it comes to producing the desired result.

I don't know about you, but the more I look around, the more whiny brats I see.

Kids who are so lacking in discipline that they are hanging from the rafters with nary a parent in sight.

Now answer this question honestly:

If you saw your child climbing on top of your car -- walking and jumping on top of the family vehicle -- which response would it elicit from you:

a) shouting: "Get down from there RIGHT NOW!"

b) softly requesting: "Sweetie, I would prefer that you come down from atop the car."

c) it would never happen because my kid knows I would beat his ass if he did that

I'll be the first to admit, my answer is "a." I'm not saying any one of these answers is better than any other, and I'm not particularly proud of being a yeller, I'm just telling you what I would do.

My own parents' answer would definitely be "c" and I would say that is true. It would never have occurred to me to climb up and walk on top of our car and had I done that, a spanking would surely have ensued.

I'm not necessarily condoning spanking either. It's hard to teach a kid not to hit his sister when the punishment is a spanking. Although I can tell you that when my now-5-year-old was younger and she wouldn't stop biting, I bit her back once. It so surprised and shocked her, and I explained "THAT is what it feels like when you bite someone else." I don't think she ever bit anyone after that.

Not exactly a textbook approach, I know. But it worked.

So what happens when a parent uses response "b" (the soft-spoken request) and nothing happens?

These parents seem to be the anti-yelling, anti-spanking parents, and when the first line of defense doesn't work, what do they resort to next?

In my experience, it appears to be a second gentle request. Something along the lines of (in JUST as sweet a tone as the first request) "darling, I've already asked you once to please come down from there. I would appreciate if you would listen."


If your parents had talked to you like this, would you have one ounce of respect for them? Would you have listened or heeded their request?

Nope, me either.

And when the 2nd request doesn't work (keep in mind, it's already given the child plenty of opportunity to fall, get injured, or set a dreadful example for other children nearby, who are watching and waiting to see what the parent will do), reasoning seems to be the next line of defense.

Only challenge is, I rarely see these subdued parents follow through on their threats to take away a beloved toy.

So what does the child learn from this experience?

Apparently that it's OK to climb on cars. And if it's OK to climb on the family car, wouldn't that mean it's OK to climb on other people's cars? And the highest risk of continuing to do it is the slim possibility of losing a cherished toy for a few minutes.

Hmmm. Interesting.

I'm always looking for parental examples that I admire -- so that I have role models to emulate.

My friend Jen is one such example.

Jen's approach to parenting is similar to mine. Only I think I yell considerably more. But if you met me, and you met Jen, you would know why. :-) I think it's at least partly a personality thing.

Like Jen, I try to find ways to say yes, without giving in to every outrageous whim. Because kids are kids, and they will always push the boundaries to see where the limits are.

"Mom, can I go outside?"

"Not right now, honey - it's night time. But you can go out in the morning before school."

or maybe:

"Mom, can I have some candy?"

"Right after dinner, if you eat all your veggies."

and then:

"Mom, can I ride my sled down the foyer stairs?"

"No sweetie, that's far too dangerous. Why don't you play with your trains instead?"

Giving children options is different from giving children overwhelming decisions to make.

"What would you like to eat?" is a question that puts far too much pressure on any small child (including some 7-year-olds I've met).

What appears to work much better is "Would you like a banana or an orange?"

But seriously, what is wrong with (at least sometimes) telling a child:

"This is what's for dinner. We're all eating together tonight, and this is what we're having."

And if the child refuses to eat (assuming it's not something icky, like liver & onions with brussel sprouts or gluten-free turkey meatloaf with steamed spinach) then there's nothing more to eat.

One of my favorite sayings (and my kids' faves, too) came from a preschool schoolteacher last fall.

"You git whatcha git and you don't throw a fit."

That about sums it up sometimes.

I agree that this new batch of babies requires a new and not-yet-seen-before style of parenting, but I have checked in and I DO NOT get that telling them "Yes" to whatever they want is the answer.

Our children are still looking to us to provide boundaries, guidance, structure. Certainly, too much structure can stifle creativity and cause frustration and angry outbursts. But too little structure makes it impossible for the child to socialize appropriately, accept that they may have to wait to get what they want (or not get it at all), and it can cause kids to become whiny and have meltdowns when they don't get what they want (which must inevitably happen at some point).

We are not serving our children by saying YES to everything they want.

And if you don't believe me (and I'm not actually asking you to!), just use your truth testing method to check in.

In fact, this is the BEST way we can serve our children -- to check in, use our intuition and universal guidance and see what they TRULY need. Then give them that.

Maybe it doesn't take a village to raise a child...just an enlightened parent or two.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Money Game - Playing to Win

My friend Chad Cameron sent me this today in an email and I LOVED it so I called him up and got permission to share it with you on my blog (I added the images). May it cause you to THINK!!


The Money/Abundance Game
by Chad Cameron

Some people never have money issues. Some people always have money issues. Have you ever seen those shows on TV where they check in with lottery winners a few years later? The vast majority of them have spent (lost) all their money and are in a worse predicament then before they won the millions.

Then there was that social experiment: What would happen if we gave a homeless man $100K...What would he do with the money? How would his life change? We all think money will fix all our problems. Will it fix his? They did this and his story made Oprah. The man finds a briefcase with $100K in cash in it with a note that says something like: We have been watching you and know you are homeless. This money is yours free and clear with the one catch. If you take it you are agreeing to have us follow you and monitor you to see how you spend it and what changes in your life.

What happened was he bought lots of stuff and “friends” came out of the woodwork wanting and needing things. Within a short timeframe he was broke and told Oprah that all the “friends” who so desperately needed all that stuff had vanished. He ended up owing more than he did before the experiment and was far from happy. In fact, he wished he had never taken the money.
Think about that the next time you think more money would solve a problem you have.

So what’s the deal? Here is an analogy that might shed some light on the abundance game:

Consider that people who do well with money are like toddlers who know how to walk in a room full of toddlers who haven’t figured it out yet. The ones that can walk around wondering why all the others start to get up and then fall right back on their butts. The ones that can’t walk look to the ones walking toddlers like they are something special and they are amazed.

Let’s look at the interesting similarities to The Money/Abundance game:

In order for a toddler to be able to walk they must have:

1. Given up their story that they can’t walk.
2. Not let the fact that the others can’t walk affect their ability to walk.
3. Learn how to walk them self - no one can teach a toddler how to walk. They don’t have language. There are no courses to teach them. No Dummies books to read. Nothing to download from the Internet.
4. Spent lots of time, energy and effort into figuring it out for them self.

With regard to the money game have you:

1. Given up your story about money and how you never have it?
2. Been letting others who don’t have money consciously or unconsciously affect you? There is an old saying (I’ve not heard this saying – can you cite the source?): Your income is within 10% of the income of people you spend high quantities of time with. Sounds harsh but if you want to change your income you may want to consider who you spend your time with. Sounds crazy. It might be piece of the puzzle.
3. In the end you will need to Leap beyond your perceived lack of money for yourself. No one can help you. No one can do it for you.
4. Spend a lot of time thinking about it for yourself. Put the books down. Don’t sign up for anymore seminars. Nothing "out there" can save you. It's all up to you to undo what you have done to yourself.

I love what Jed McKenna says, “Think for yourself and figure out what’s true. That’s it. Ask yourself what’s true until you know.”
I really think this is true of the money game. Sure you can read books and listen to other people but have you ever noticed that everyone’s experience is unique? Donald Trump could tell you all about what works for him but since we are all such different creatures what works for him probably won’t work for you. If it could be boiled down and taught in a seminar then why aren’t there seminars that turn people into millionaires in 3 months flat with a 90% success rate? If you could do that think of all the money you could make….seriously you could charge $1M per student and have them pay you with their first million. Who wouldn’t sign up for that program? The proof that it doesn’t work like that is there are no seminars like that. I have only seen seminars where they get your money upfront BEFORE the seminar starts and they don’t offer refunds that in itself should tell you something.

Here is the Werner Erhard style cold hard truth that no one wants to hear:
You are 100% responsible for your money situation. In the storyline of your life there are lots of form world explanations for why you are in the situation you are in. You can rationalize and justify it all you want but at the end of the day the responsibility sits square in your lap. There is no money “out there” to get. There is nothing to attract or manifest. The more you chase it the further it seems to flee. No amount of visualization will do you any good. If the Law of Attraction really worked we would all have Ferraris by now. Instead luxury car sales were down 13% mid year 08. (I couldn’t find a more recent statistic). Toyota and Lexus were down 48% in Feb 2009. I can only assume it is just as bad for all car makers. As of March of 2009 12% of mortgage holders were either behind or in foreclosure. Do you think 12% of the people were visualizing NOT paying their mortgage?

What will work is you changing your perception about it. One thing to do is to stop judging it. It is what it is and the rest is just your crappy ass story about it. You know the story you have been puking out to anyone who will listen about why you don’t have money. If you don’t have money all there is to get is in this moment of now you don’t have any money. As Werner would say: Now the game is play the game with no money. The opportunity you have is to realize that this moment of now will pass into the next moment of now and the next and so on until you croak and most likely be many more moments of now for you and in each moment all kinds of options (possibility) will be there for you. The other opportunity you have is to participate in a thing called community. You could always ask your community for help. So many of us don’t ever want to ask for help and that is just silly. Here is a newsflash for you….the people close to you want to contribute to you. Don’t you want to help your friends when they are in need?

Take all this for whatever it is worth and while I can talk about this all day long, know that only you can figure out what will work for you.
It may take some trial and error on your part but keep at it…. Keep doing the “undoing” and if my story is not unique there will be some heart burn and some ass kicking along the way…..and it might help to know that you wouldn’t want it any other way.


Thanks Chad!!! You can learn more about Chad Cameron and check out The Leap Movie by visiting

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How to Get Rid of a Blister Quick

I can't help it. I always seem to buy new shoes right before a vacation or trip. And I travel a lot. And yet, I still seem to hurt my poor feet with brand new shoes every frickin trip.

I'd love to tell you that this trip to Acapulco was different, but no can do amigo. End of day 2 and I've got colossal blisters in the bottom of my feet from my dreamy new wedge sandals.

What's a fashionista to do?

After asking my Twitter and facebook friends for suggestions I decided to do what any sane person would do.

I googled it.

Here's what I learned, what I did, and what worked BEAUTIFULLY. This is a combination of some stuff I found on the internet, some stuff I figured out on my own, and just some common sense. Which you may not necessarily have access to, so I included it here anyway :-)

I wore low-heel sandals to last night's welcome reception (sorry, but flats just did NOT go with my outfit) and stood on my feet for 4 hours. Then walked around some shops before coming home to sleep and rest my pitters for the night. Woke up this morning, blisters were completely GONE. Hooray! Now I can wear my wedge shoes again to tonight's party!

1. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Duh. But yet, so true. Break in your new shoes before doing any extensive walking. Let your feet adjust to them. Buy some of those comfort gel pads, apply moleskin to the shoe on any scratchy or chafing part, whatever you need. Don't get a pedicure the day before you leave, as your feet are likely to be new-skin sensitive because during your pedi they'll scrape off all the dead skin which is also giving you a protective buffer.

2. If you're a dork (like I was) and you completely disregard the advice in #1, or you do it and get blisters anyway, the fix is simple. First, you'll need to gather some supplies.

- Needle or pin (safety pin will work)
- match or lighter
- alcohol (for rubbing, not drinking, although it couldn't hurt) OR antibacterial soap
- cotton balls or makeup poofs or tissue
- neosporin (don't worry about translating "antibacterial ointment" if you happen to be someplace like Mexico -- just say "neosporin" and they'll get you just what you need!)
- bandage -- tagaderm (2nd skin) is great because it's waterproof. If no tagaderm, get waterproof bandaids. If you can't get those, just use regular bandaids. I recommend the cloth kind over plastic, cloth lets your skin breathe and won't slip around as much with whatever shoes you're wearing.

I was able to find all these items at a pharmacia (pharmacy) in Acapulco. The only tricky item was the needle. Since I don't speak Spanish (at least, not much more than "dos mas cervezas por favor" and "donde esta el bano?") she tried to give me a syringe...then I thought to pretend I was sewing my shirt and she pulled out the store's own little sewing kit and handed me the pinwheel of straight pins so I could choose one. Too cute.

3. Prep. The name of the game with this blister business is prevent infection. Wash your hands, wash the area where the blister is, and if you have rubbing alcohol, rub it all over the area of and around the blister. Sterilize the needle or pin by putting the tip in a flame until it turns red hot. Then let it cool (don't set it down - surface area may re-contaminate it) and wipe it with an alcohol swab or dip it into alcohol.

4. Lance & drain. This is far better than popping it which will take longer to heal. Do whatever you can to keep the blister intact -- don't peel off the puffed out skin! That will leave very raw, very sensitive skin and all that will heal THAT is time. Yowsa. So with your newly sterilized needle, carefully poke 1-2 tiny holes (you really won't feel it, I promise. The blister itself hurts way more than a tiny needle poke or 2). Poke these holes near the edges of the blister. Drain the fluid - you may need to press the blister a bit to get all the fluid out. Again, KEEP the BLISTER intact - don't peel off the skin! You'll thank me later. Even if you have a peeling fixation, like I do. I recommend making those pin pricks using a side-angle approach as opposed to a straight-into-the-blister angle.

5. Bandage it up. May want to wipe the blister again with alcohol when it's completely drained. Then apply a small dab of neosporin. Cover with the tagaderm or 2nd skin or bandage. At this point, you should feel immediate relief. Sounds like: "Aaaaahhhhh." Seriously, it's that quick. If possible, wear socks for the rest of the day. If not possible (sometimes a girl's gotta make sacrifices to look fabulous. I totally understand, so I won't judge you! That's how I got my blisters in the first place, remember?) If you can't wear socks, wear flats or low heels or the most comfy shoes your outfit will possibly allow.

My blisters were gone within 12 hours. After standing on my feet for 4+ hours straight. Then I went to bed, woke up in the morning, and they were gone. Yippee!!

Yes, I am wearing the wedge sandals again tonight. Seriously, if you saw my outfit you would totally understand.

Besides, if I get more blisters, I now know exactly what to do. And I already have all the supplies.

Next trip, I'm bringing all this stuff with me. :-) That's one form of prevention, I suppose.

If you found this article helpful, feel free to post a comment. I love hearing from you!

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Monday, March 09, 2009

The Benefits of Getting Lost

Today my husband and I are celebrating 13 years of marriage.

(thank you, thank you.)

For the first time in a really long time, we went scuba diving together. We used to dive A LOT before we had kids, and we've got over 300 deep water dives under our belts. Our dive belts, that is.

Since we're here in Acapulco for a week, we figured it would be fun to dive on the trip.

As far as diving goes, the dive itself was OK. I was impressed how everything came back to me, and our divemaster was a peach.

And for several minutes on the 2nd dive today, I got lost.

Now I don't mean literally lost (although that has happened to me more than once while diving). I'm talking about getting lost in the moment.

There was a small spotted moray eel who was fully out in the open (usually, you only see their little heads poking out, opening and closing their mouths rhythmically to breathe. But this one was fully out and swimming around, so I got to see him in his entirety.

And I got lost for a few minutes.

I looked up and couldn't see Andy or the divemaster, but quickly caught up to them (visibility was pretty low -- maybe 20-25 feet).

Sometimes on a dive, I "get lost" watching a creature no bigger than the tip of my pinkie finger.

My friend Jen would probably tell me I was meditating. :-) And maybe I was.

What I would call it is being so fully present in the moment, that there are no thoughts, no distractions, nothing to muddy the water (so to speak).

This is a good thing, folks.

The more I do it, the happier I feel. The more smoothly my life runs. The more I appreciate the magnificence and glory of all that surrounds me.

Gratitude is very, very easy to access while getting lost in the moment.

And you don't have to go vacation in Mexico to get lost. You don't even have to get wet. :-)

I invite you to "get lost" today. You'll thank me for it :-)

OK, I'm going to get lost in the pool now. cya.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Are You Ready for the 6th Dimension?

I'm already getting a banner response to the email & blog post I put out yesterday about this 6th Dimension Writing teleclass.

One person even offered to send me $50 today to ensure that she got into the class at a steal of a deal.

But why is this class pushing people's buttons? What's so special about it?

Your book is waiting to be written. Haven't you hear it calling to you?

NOW is the time to stop procrastinating and GET IT DONE.

Enough talk -- let's see some action.

Whether you've talked about/dreamed about/thought about writing a book, or you've actually even started one, NOW is the time to get it done and get it into people's hands.

Or computers, in the case of an e-book.


And you can make MONEY at this.

Forget this so-called "soft" economy -- YOU are the one in control!

YOU are the one with the power to change your life.




Tomorrow, I'm launching another incremental sale.

Why? Because I'd love to introduce you to the 6th Dimension.

It's where I go when I'm writing (among other things).

It's how I can make time stand still when I'm writing.

It's how I bend the laws of so-called reality.

It's So. Frickin. Cool.

And I can't wait to show you how to access it.

When you do, your book will write itself. People will naturally be drawn to it because its vibration is MUCH higher than anything your conscious mind could create.

Please join me for 6th Dimension Writing.

Tomorrow (Thursday, March 5th) at 3PM Eastern, I am launching this product via an incremental sale.

That means the price will START at $17 at 3PM Eastern (U.S. time) and after every few sales, the price will go up $10, until it reaches the max of $270.

Once it's priced at $270, I am unleashing my promotional partners who will market the heck out of the teleclass and fill up any remaining spots.

This IS exciting.

This is YOUR LIFE.

Your book is ready to come forth.

How much longer are you going to put this off?

NOW is the time to act!

You are about to become an author. For real.

Remember, the Universe loves get into action and get ready for 6th Dimension Writing.

(And go get on my email list if you haven't already done so -- otherwise you won't get access to the link to buy!)

And if you missed the video, click here and scroll down to see it.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

It's Time for You to Quit Procrastinating on This...

If you're like 80% of the U.S. population, you have desires (big or small) to "someday" write a book.

80%. That's a lot. I'd love to know what part of that 80% actually WRITES a book before they die.

My guess would be less than 10%.

If you've got concerns about the economy, you DEFINITELY deserve to be getting into action and publishing an e-Book. I'm talking ASAP.


Because it's a fast, easy-entry, profitable stream of revenue.

And what about you? Have you thought/talked/dreamed/speculated about writing a book?

So why haven't you? (If you actually have written a book, bravo! Now let's get on to your next book.)

Why haven't you written that book that's inside you, crying to get out?

Now that's the $1,000,000 question isn't it?

I know some people have a lot of blocks around writing.
Or being an author.
Or wondering whether what they have to say has any real value.
Or if it's all already been said before.
Or if it's nothing special, nothing new.
Or if anyone will buy it.
Or having the time to write.
Or having the money to publish.
Or get published.
Or knowing enough.
Or I don't know what to write about.
Or "who do you think YOU are to write a book?"

I could go on and on. Any of these resonate?

And of course, there are many of us who think writing is a painful path. Agonizing.

Look at this quote I came across today from a professional, published, successful writer:

"Before I had first done so, writing a book seemed a fine, even grand thing. And so it still seems -- except, truth to tell, it is a lot better to have written a book than to actually be writing one. Without attempting to overdo the drama of the difficulty of writing, to be in the middle of composing a book is almost always to feel oneself in a state of confusion, doubt and mental imprisonment, with an accompanying intense wish that one worked instead at bricklaying."
--Joseph Epstein

Yikes. That does sound painful.

But only because he believes it MUST be painful.

So what do YOU believe?

Do you believe you can write a book in oh, say, a week or two? Self-publish it as a bound tangible book or an ebook? Sell it and make a tidy profit? Change the world? Change someone's mind? Make people laugh? Make people think? Open doors for people?

Maybe you just need someone to show you some tricks. How to access higher vibrations, higher realms, to get the info you need and get your practical, logical, rational brain OUT OF THE WAY.

This is what's coming down this pike THIS THURSDAY. Watch this quick video, I'll explain:

As I posted yesterday on this very blog, this Thursday at 3PM Eastern time I am launching this teleclass in a very special way.

It's called an incremental sale.

After the sale, this "6th Dimension Writing" teleclass will sell for $270. And believe me, it WILL sell for that price. Even at that price, it's still a steal -- cheaper than a single private 1-hour phone session with me!

On Thursday 3/5 at 3PM Eastern time, this brand-new teleclass will LAUNCH at $17 and will increase by $10 increments after every few sales, up to the max price of $270.

If you want to be among the first to get the buy link for the incremental sale, you've got to get on my newsletter mailing list so you can stay in the loop.

Because isn't it high time you quit procrastinating and finally wrote that book that's been calling to you?

Everyone stands to win!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Call Me Crazy, But I'm Doing It Again...

Yep, you might call me crazy for this, and it wouldn't be the first time.

2 reasons why:

1 - I am about to follow spiritual guidance that makes no logical sense.

2 - My husband made an outrageous suggestion and I'm actually listening to him.

Here's the deal:

Just yesterday I was talking with Jen (a friend and colleague) and she received some information intuitively that I confirmed with my own Truth Testing method.

I am being called to launch a new teleclass (even though right now the Incredible Shrinking You teleclass is still underway) THIS WEEK. Yes, this week.

What's so strange about that? Well, normally there are weeks of planning that go into any launch I do. Not this one. I'm being invited to allow myself to follow Spirit (immediately! as in, TODAY) and see where it takes me.

Does that sound nuts to you? Or perfectly sane? We shall see.

It makes no logical sense to me. It normally takes me 2 solid days and a LOT of hours just to put together a decent sales page for a launch.

But Jen got that that was the OLD way I did things and it doesn't really apply now. Have you noticed that things happen very differently now than they used to just a few months ago? At times it can be a little unnerving, but the payoff is always HUGE for following guidance from our Highest Selves.

Even though I think it's at least a little crazy, my soul resonates with it, so I'm going for it.

And as for the 2nd point I mentioned above....

My husband suggested that I do ANOTHER incremental sale for this teleclass.


I definitely thought he was nuts.

After all, I normally charge around $200-$500 for any teleclass I do. An incremental sale would be crazy, right? Especially with all the confusion that arose around last week's sale!!

Besides, I JUST DID an incremental sale last week. Will people really want another one so quickly? Maybe it's too soon...

But I listened as he explained his perspective:

Lots of folks missed out on the sale because they didn't get their emails in time. Or because they didn't act fast enough.

Sure, it would be unfair to do another incremental sale with the GetClear! product -- that wouldn't be fair to all those people who purchased at $24 or less (or even at $97).

But a NEW incremental sale would give more people the chance to play and get a great deal.

AND it would give a lot more people the opportunity to participate in a teleclass that they might not otherwise be able to afford.

It was sounding less crazy and more and more sane the longer he kept talking.

So I'm going for it.

PLEASE watch your email this Thursday at 3PM U.S. Eastern time.

And if you're not already receiving emails from me, then click here to sign up for my free newsletter so you won't miss out.


Just so there's no confusion :-) here's an explanation of how the sale will work. (You will see this same explanation in all the emails I send out over the next few days.)

At 3PM Eastern time (2PM Central, 1PM Mountain and 12Noon Pacific) the sale will begin. The price of this $270 product will START at $17. After every few sales, the price will go UP by $10 increments. That's what we call an "incremental sale."

So in other words, at 3PM Eastern, the price is $17. After a few people buy, the price goes up to $27. After a few more people buy, the price goes up to $37. Then to $47. Then to $57. At which point, the price STILL represents about an 80% savings. The price will keep going up by $10 increments after every few sales UNTIL it reaches the regular selling price of $270.

At that point, when the sale price is $270, I will unleash my promotional partners and they will fill up any remaining slots in the teleclass. (You'll still be able to buy it for $270, but only while I still have room. My conference bridge only holds 200 people at a time.)

But WHAT is the product? What's the teleclass all about?

I would love to tell you that right now, but I can't. More details are coming about it tomorrow. I'm still processing this "download" of guidance I received and I've got to get clear about it before I can share it with you.

I suppose that's one of the hazards of this "let guidance guide you" process, eh?

Oh I almost forgot. There is one more unique twist to this sale.

This time, there's no upsell. None. Nada. Zip.

(Just in case you didn't know, an "upsell" is what you call it when you buy something and someone does the whole "you want fries with that?" deal, asking you to buy something more at the same time.)

So whatever you pay for the teleclass is whatever you pay for the teleclass and that buys YOU the exact same package (with all bonuses, etc) as everyone who pays the full $270 for the course.

OK my friends, I will post details tomorrow about WHAT the teleclass is and what it can do for you.

Until then -- sweet dreams!!