Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Vote for Truth? How Can You Tell?

You may have heard me say at some point that I believe I am "a-political."

In other words, I rarely get involved in political matters (except to vote) and I almost NEVER engage in political discussions. And since I watch very little TV and no news, I'm somewhat sheltered from all the political blah-blah and nasty mud-slinging going on right now.

Some might tell me ignorance is bliss, and I would certainly agree. Besides, it's not like the MEDIA of all places is giving me true and unbiased information!!

Yes, I do have opinions and (unlike many folks) I prefer to keep my political opinions to myself.


Because what I personally believe matters to me...and what you believe matters to you...and in matters of politics, it is virtually impossible for me to change your mind, or for you to change mine, and besides -- there are much more interesting things to talk about when we are involved in the world of transformation! The whole world of politics just feels far too positional for me, and there's so much double-talk, it's no wonder so little actually gets accomplished.

And yet, one thing we can probably agree on (no matter what our political viewpoint) is that it is very, very, very rare for a politician to actually be able (and willing) to deliver on whatever he or she promises during a campaign.

When that does in fact happen, it is truly newsworthy. (Not that something so mundane as being in Integrity and Keeping Your Word would ever make it into traditional news.)

But when deciding who to vote for in this upcoming campaign, how can you know who is ultimately the best choice?

We already know that we can't solely rely on what's said during debates or campaign commercials or speeches.

So how do we know?

I personally make this decision the same way I make any decision. I use my tried-and-true Truth Testing method.

For me, it's a pendulum. For you, it might be a gut instinct, a self-muscle-test, or by using your body as a compass. (Visit YouTube to watch my mini-series on How to Use a Pendulum).

But what question shall we ask?

Well, what do you really want to know?

Do you want to know which candidate is telling the truth?
Which will best serve the country?
Which will raise taxes?
Which will actually survive his term of office?

Those are all predictions, and their outcomes are as of yet undetermined. Remember, the Universe is always in flux, so when we make predictions, what's true in this moment may NOT be true in the next moment. So prediction questions are typically not valid questions.

Perhaps you'd like to know who would be the most optimal U.S. President.

But I don't necessarily think that's the most optimal question either. Why, you ask? Because it's neither Democrat or Republican...perhaps it's the guy from the "Boston Tea" party (yes, that cracked me up when I saw it listed on the mail-in ballot. Didn't you snicker at least a little?)

But in an election as close as this one, voting for someone who surely can't win is kind of like throwing away your vote. So just because they're the most optimal president, doesn't mean it's optimal for you to vote for them.

Aaaaaaaaahhhh. Now the answer becomes clear.

The question to ask is:

All things considered, who is the most optimal candidate for me to vote for?

And there you go.

How well do you think I'll sleep the night before Election Day, knowing my entire vote has been divinely inspired? Now I don't have to sweat the details over each referendum, district judge, court of appeals ruling, etc etc etc.

See? Life really is supposed to be easy.

See you at the polls.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What Are You Preparing For?

Today I'm moved to write about PREPARATION.

Because it occurs to me that many of us are affirming one thing with our words, but affirming something completely different with our actions.

And I thought it might be helpful for us to do some serious self-evaluation about these things we claim we want.

For example, I've had a number of people write me recently asking if it's "OK" to ask to win the lottery.

Which is a great question, and a not-so-great question all at the same time.

Because, of course, it's perfectly fine for you to ask for absolutely anything you want.

So if you want to win the lottery, go ahead and ask.

Trouble is, most folks have an outrageous amount of limiting beliefs about lottery, cash windfalls, winning, deservability, responsibility and money, losing, odds, etc. So unless you clear those underlying beliefs, you don't have much of a shot and winning -- and even if you DID win, you would be likely to blow it all and wind up worse off than before you asked.

And how can you tell whether or not you've got tons of limiting beliefs around it?

Start with how it feels to think about winning a MASSIVE amount of money -- let's start with $25 million dollars.

What's the feeling you get (emotions AND physical feeling, in your body itself) when you think about it?

What would you do with all that money? Look here for feelings of guilt, gluttony, embarrassment, etc.

How would you feel telling people you've won?

Just with these 3 questions alone, you would likely find all sorts of blocks and old beliefs coming up into your awareness.

And if NOTHING comes up -- if you are truly completely neutral, are you prepared?

First off, have you purchased lottery tickets? You will never win the lottery if you don't play the game.

And you've got to play to win.

What sorts of assistance will you require once you DO win?

IF you truly believe you can and will win, NOW is the time to start lining up your ducks.

Start asking for referrals for tax attorneys, CPAs, lawyers, etc...draw up a job description for your personal assistant.

Start window shopping -- use the money with your mind -- what will you buy?

A new home?

Start searching the online MLS listings, driving around neighborhoods, perhaps even interviewing Realtors.

A new car?

NOW is the time to test drive, research online, talk to friends and family who drive or own the kinds of cars you want to own.


Be specific -- where to? What will you do there? What is the best time of year to visit?

By now you have probably figured out that I'm not just talking about the lottery -- I'm talking about ANYTHING you've set your sights on!

This form of preparation is a way to take possession in your mind ---- if you continue to wait until you see the rewards (i.e., waiting until you win the lottery or get that new career, or meet the perfect person), you'll feel like such a fish out of water that you might just be uncomfortable enough to self-sabotage and dump it all.

And wouldn't that be a shame? After all your visualizing, affirming, and mental work?

Think long and hard about WHAT YOU REALLY WANT and then prepare ye self to have it!

(If you dare ;-)

(BTW, I recently recorded a short Messages from God audio about the lottery that might interest you. You can listen to it here.)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Calling All (Scared) Spiritual Healers

Do you suspect your life's work has something to do with spirituality, but you're too afraid to embrace that type of work?

Afraid of being ridiculed?

Afraid of being called "woo-woo" or "flaky" or having people roll their eyes at you?

Afraid you'll look foolish among certain circles?

Wake up people -- the time to act is now, and the times they are a'changin.

I don't watch much TV, and I rarely see commercials, because I TiVo what little TV I do watch.

But I just caught a fascinating commercial.

It was for Subaru cars. The guy was taking his car on eco-adventures, and every time he came back to his car, someone had written "wash me" in the dirt...or "please wash me" or "for the love of Pete, just wash me already" or something to that effect.

And the guy was saying how he feels the dirt is a badge of honor for the car, so he doesn't feel the need to wash it.

And then they cut to a shot of the guy in his car, in the pouring rain and he says...

(Are you ready for this?)

"I'll just let the Universe take care of it."

Oh yea, that's a MAJOR corporate television ad, running on prime time TV on a major network.

And they're talkin about The Universe.

And you still think the world "isn't ready" to accept what you have to offer?


Get busy. You've got healing work to do, my friend.

And if I can help you clear some limiting beliefs or fears that are STILL holding you back, let me know.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Little Details Pack a Powerful Punch - Celebrate!

I think it's time for a simple reminder.

It's high time to pack some huge appreciation into some teeny, tiny observations.

Sometimes the smallest details of life are the ones that seem to captivate us most.

Today I am abundantly grateful...when my daughter greeted me this morning, she said:

"You're the sweetest mommy in the whole world. I just want to put you in my smoothie!"

My sleepy head cleared almost immediately, and my heart melted instantly.

A little while later, I was playing racquetball with my husband Andy.

In the car on the way to the gym, he could tell I wasn't feeling my usual chipper self and he asked me what was up.

I told him my body just felt a little "off" today.

When we got on the court, I missed his first 3 serves completely. He asked again if I was ok.

When I stopped to check in, I realized I was dreading a particular piece of work I had to do today, related to web editing for one of my sites.

He admitted that he had some data entry work to do, too detailed to delegate to an assistant, but too mundane to do anything but bore him to pieces.

Then his brilliant idea was to switch.

Hooray! My heart soared instantly, and the funk I was under disappeared.

(Truth be told, I kind of like a speck of occasional data entry. I'm fast at it, it's easy, and my left-brain gets to 'check out' for a bit. I'm not by any means thinking of changing careers, mind you, but in actuality, this kind of work soothes me.)

And he is a whiz at web stuff, and doesn't dread it nearly as much as I do.

Talk about your win-wins!

So I'm appreciating these simple little details that could be overlooked if I wasn't so committed to finding reasons to celebrate.

How about you? What are YOU celebrating today?

Monday, October 13, 2008

How One Clear Crystal Can Save You Money on Gas

I heard about this several months back, but it took me awhile to get it done. And you know me -- I wasn't about to tell YOU about it, until I had tried it myself and knew it worked.

And apparently it does.

So if you're looking for an inexpensive, easy, practically effortless way to save some money on gas, you're gonna love it.

1. Buy a clear quartz crystal. Preferably one that's drilled, as if intended for a necklace, pendulum, etc.

2. Attach it to the fuel line of your car.

3. Set the intention that the quartz is amplifying the energy of your fuel and allowing your automobile to operate more efficiently (using less fuel).

How did I first hear about this? In the book "The Crystal Bible" by Judy Hall.

Direct quote from page 225 --

"Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet because of its unique helical spiral crystalline form.

When acupuncture needles are coated in quartz, the effects increase by 10 percent.

As demonstrated by a Kirlian camera, holding a Quartz crystal in your hand doubles your biomagnetic field.

Quartz is a great energy saver. Attached to a fuel line in a car, a Quartz point reduces fuel consumption."

We've had a quartz point tied to our fuel line for about 6 weeks now, and our calculations show that we're now getting about 2 mpg MORE than we were getting before we tied it on.

Think 2 mpg doesn't really make enough of a difference to bother? Think again.

Better yet -- don't think. Just do the math.

The average American drives approximately 12,000 miles per year.
The average American car gets about 25 mpg on average.
Average price of gas is currently around $3.17 per gallon.

If you got the same results as me (could be more, could be less), you would use 36 fewer gallons of gas this year, saving yourself around $114 in gas this year. Not to mention, you PERSONALLY would consume 2 fewer barrels of crude oil.

Still doesn't sound like much? Neither does recycling if you're the only person who does it.

Because you're just one person. Imagine if you shared this with everyone you knew and asked them to do their part, too?

I can't get anyone to stop using gas any more than I could stop myself. I can't change the oil drilling laws. I can't force anyone to create more affordable, eco-friendly automobiles.

But I can do my part by consolidating trips, carpooling when I can, and tying 1 simple crystal to the fuel line of my car. That's what I can do.

Now, more importantly...what can YOU do??

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Celebrate When Things Get Crappy?

I find myself saying this A LOT lately to clients and the like, so I suppose it bears mentioning here on the blog.

I'm inviting you to celebrate when things get crappy.


OK, if celebrating is a stretch, at least stop fretting. And I'll tell you why the crappiness is actually a good thing.

In my experience, for those of us who are "on the path," whenever we come up against something particularly tough (i.e., something crappy), we are likely about to push through it to experience a MAJOR breakthrough.

Case in point:

A huge, unprompted argument with your spouse or partner (i.e., one that seems to come 'out of the blue') can often mean the two of you are about to enter the next level of your relationship. So the breakdown is actually an opportunity to break through something, and achieve something magnificent.

If your business is going along OK and all of a sudden, the proverbial you-know-what seems to hit the fan, it's likely time to grow. Either you, or the business, or both.

And whenever my clients start relating stories about things that are suddenly going very, very awry, I smile just a tiny bit, because I know we are onto something HUGE.

Personal example:

Last night, I cried myself to sleep. I won't bore you with the details and perceptions that prefaced it, just suffice to say that I was in an oh-so-crappy place myself.

I poured out all the unspoken words (most of which started with "I hate..." and what I wrote even shocked ME) onto the pages of my journal. When there was nothing left to write, I rolled over, turned out the light, and intended sleep to come. But first I had a little conversation with God. Who in this particular scenario, showed up as "the moon."

The moon comforted me, and offered to take my burdens. I finally gave them up. "I'm sick of this crap. Here, take it!" and I dumped it all on her.

And I instantly felt better, and was asleep within minutes.

Slept like a rock until morning. At which point I woke up feeling at least a million times better.

Got up and after getting Sally ready for school, I went straight into my first client appointment of the day -- an early one at 8AM. When that ended, I checked my email and was delighted to find an in-box PACKED with compliments, requests for one-on-one coaching and clearing, and people who for some reason or another were excited and couldn't wait to connect with me.

My 8AM client re-upped for another coaching package with me. Money and opportunities came in all day long. A friend called from the UK with an invitation that, if I accept, will lead to massive, massive exposure for my message. And all it will cost me in return is one hour per month, just me, sharing my gift with the planet, across a telephone line.

This afternoon, I had an absolutely extraordinary session with one of my own coaches, and together we unlocked the final barrier in a long and arduous process of clearing all my issues related to....well, suffice to say it's something I've been working on since JANUARY. An eternity for me, little miss lightning-fast. So you know it's big. MASSIVE.

And besides all of that, my husband and I managed to have one of the most powerful, breakthrough conversations of our 12-year marriage so far.

And all this is magnificent, wonderful, spectacular. But do you know what impresses me the MOST about all of this?

I am leaving town tomorrow for Austin, Texas. We travel a lot, and we love traveling, but I am always a basket case the day before leaving town. I overschedule myself, forget things until the last minute, and always seem to be up until 1 or 2 in the morning the night before, tying up loose ends before I leave town.

Not today.

Today I had a massage, I went to Pilates, I conducted a few coaching sessions with one-on-one clients, I worked a tad, I spent time with my family, I got coaching and clearing from one of MY coaches, and it's not even dinner time and I'm already packed.

In fact, I'm SO caught up, I'm thinking I might not even bring my laptop on this weekend.

After all, I'm leading a transformational spiritual weekend. I won't really need it.

Is this really ME saying this? Yes, that's how new and bizarre this really feels.

Like I said, impressive.

So the next time something in life gets crappy and it seems totally unexpected and inexplicable...just remember -- you are probably on the verge of a MAJOR breakthrough.

and you just need to power through some resistence to get there.

Trust me, you'll be glad you did. I'll be back in town and online Monday.