Monday, March 26, 2007

Can You Help Me Plan a Trip to Australia?

My husband and I are planning an extended trip to Australia, and even though this is our second journey to the land down under, we are having quite a time.

It's not easy to plan a visit to see an entire country.

It reminds me of that Eddie Murphy movie, "Coming to America." The line is something to this effect: "America? It's such a big country. Where shall we go, New York or L.A.?"

Last trip, we visited Sydney (of course. Loved it!), Melbourne, Brisbane, Cairns, Townsville, and the Gold Coast. A chunk of that trip (10 days) was spent diving the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea.

This time, we want to hit all the stuff we missed last time: Ayers Rock, Alice Springs, Perth, perhaps Darwin, perhaps Kangaroo Island, New Zealand, and of course we plan to return to our favorite city, Sydney.

After pouring through websites and travel books, I decided it might be a good idea to chat with some people who live there, or who have visited at least once.

So I'm checking with my friends -- if you know Australia, would you help me plan my trip?

I'd love to hear what cities and attractions you feel are a MUST EXPERIENCE in the land down under.

Don't let me miss out on anything spectacular -- even if it's just your favorite pub or restaurant.

Shoot me an email and let me know which cities and attractions I absolutely MUST see or do while in Oz and if you send me a valuable tip, I'll return the favor by sending you a token of my appreciation. I'm especially interested in hearing from anyone who lives in Australia (or has lived there), or someone who's visited multiple times.

And your QoD is this: Do you fully use your resources when you require assistance? For example, I could plan this trip on my own, but I know I'll get better results and do it faster and easier if I reach out to my netowrk of friends and ask for help. Are you more likely to do it all on your own, or ask for help?

If you've been attemping to do it all on your own, (as Dr. Phil would say), how'w that working for ya?

What would it take for you to reach out and take a risk? To rely on another person? To show your vulnerability?

Just go for it!

P.S. only 3 spots remaining for the Lightning Fast Results Law of Attraction course!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

How to Approach Me (or anyone else) for a Joint Venture

You know I'm delighted to hear from you. I really am! I love to hear what you're up to, what kind of breakthroughs you're having, and what questions you have.

And, from time to time, I get a request for assistance, or someone asks me to review their product.

Some people are very smooth about approaching me for a JV (Joint Venture). Others, not so much.

You know, there is an art to asking someone for their assistance. Since it might be helpful to master this art, I thought I'd share my take on it.

How to Approach Someone for a Joint Venture/JV (or for assistance of any kind)

1. First, remember that everyone is busy. The briefer you are, the more likely they'll listen. I'll be honest -- when I get very, very long emails from people I don't know, I sort of set them aside for "when I have time." Short and sweet emails get read first.

2. It helps to know somehting about the person. Subscribe to their newsletter. Read their blog. What do you know or what can you learn about them? I recently got an email from someone who asked me to promote something that had absolutely nothing to do with what I'm all about. If the person had ever read my newsletter, or my blog, I'm sure they wouldn't have bothered to ask. Find something in common with your product or project and that person's message.

3. Send them a free copy. Whenever I want someone to review my product and offer feedback, I alwasy send them a review copy. I send it in a way that it's super-easy for them to get -- the direct download link, a PDF attachment, etc. Sometimes people ask me to offer feedback, but they don't give me a copy to review. And I will never, ever promote a product that I haven't personally used or at least reviewed.

4. Consider what's in it for them. Whenever you approach anyone about anything, they're usually thinking (whether conscious or subconscious) "What's in it for me?" People approach me all the time about JVs and there is a LOT for them to gain but there is nothing for me. Money isn't the only motivator -- you won't find me telling you about some so-called wonderful thing just because I stand to make a couple of bucks. There must be a benefit for YOU, otherwise, I wouldn't bother telling you about it. It has to kick ass, and it has to be something I believe you would WANT to know about (AND something you would benefit from).

5. Be clear about what you're requesting. I don't know how many times I've had to respond to requests with "what exactly is it that you're asking me to do?" Remember, the project is probably crystal clear in YOUR mind, but not to someone else. Whehter you simply want someone to review your new product, or you want a testominal or endorsement, or you want them to promote it, be clear about what you're asking.

If you can keep these things in mind, I think you'll find people much more likely to consider your offer, rather than simply hitting the "delete" key.

Here's your QoD:
If you haven't asked anyone for assistance with your fabulous new idea/product, why not? You're not getting any younger, and the idea isn't getting any more original. Remember, when you take action, the Universe follows suit.

Einstein said, "Nothing happens until something moves."

So get moving!

Friday, March 23, 2007

HIRED: Executive Assistant!

I am thrilled to announce that my search is over -- I have found a brilliant executive assistant!

My sincerest thanks to all who applied -- this was a very tough decision for me!

I will be introducing you to my new assistant in the coming days...more to come.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Executive Assistant Update

Well, things are progressing well in terms of finding an Executive Assistant to assist me with my business(es).

What I find so interesting (and a little unnerving) is the fact that nearly EVERY candidate told me that they knew they were perfect for the position because they had just asked for a position like this one, and then poof! There was my posting.

The reason I find that a bit unsettling is because each of those people thinks they are meant for this position, but I know I am only hiring 1 person (for now). So they can't ALL be a match (for me).


Of course, they can choose to do what I am doing, which is to celebrate the closeness of the match (as Michael Losier says).

When I read an application, and I'm thinking "I LOVE this person's energy...but they are missing one of the key things I'm looking for" I don't get all bummed out and disappointed. Instaed, I celebrate the closeness of the match, because I know I am getting closer to finding the ideal match.

But it would be easy for me to get frustrated, or think "damn! so close, but it wasn't right." And I can see how it would be easy for an applicant to feel the same way.

But asking for an ideal paid position, and finding my executive assistnat posting immediately afterwards gives somehting to celebrate! It means they're getting closer to finding their ideal match!

How often do you ask for something, and then criticize what you get?

Ever asked to win the lottery, and then win $2 in a scratch off? Did you celebrate the $2, or curse it for being such a small amount?

Hmmmmm, interesting.

And I MUST tell you about the experience I had this morning.

I was interviewing a fabulous woman -- truly wonderful. And while we're talking, I'm thinking "I really like her, but I'm not sure if she's a match for me."

So I asked the Universe to show me if she's NOT the right one for hte Executive Assistant position.

During the interview, she started to have trouble hearing me. Then I cut out compeltely. I thought it was my Vonage line, so I called her right back from a land line. Same problem, only this time, the call got completely dropped.

No bad weather, and we were both on land lines (no cells).

So I'm beginning to wonder if this is my sign.

But I always ask if I'm not certain.

I thought this: If this woman is NOT a match, make it crystal clear to me. Don't leave me wondering if this is or isn't a sign. You know how I can get over-analytical.

I tried to call her back like 3 times and heard this recording: Due to technical difficulties, this call cannot be compelted.

So I called my husband to see if it was my phone. It wasn't.

So I emailed her to tell her I couldn't get her on the phone, and to call me when she could get through. And I went on to something else, clear that she wasn't a match at this time, for this position.

She called me a while later -- her entire internet and phone had completely gone out. No lights on the router, nothing.

She also admitted that she had asked herself the same thing -- is this a sign?

We had a good laugh about it, since it was clear to both of us that we did NOT have a match.

You see, all you have to do is ASK and it is given.

You don't always have to ask for can just ASK for an ANSWER.

So the search continues....I am intentional that I will find my perfect match by the end of the week.

Your QoD: Do you ask for an answer, or do you tend to remain in a state of confusion? When yuo ask, do you listen to the guidance you're given? OR do you second-guess it?

Remember, your Higher Self will never, ever steer you wrong, or lead you into harm's way. It is always seeking out and bringing yuor highest good (whether you choose to accept it or not, is entirely up to you.)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Get Clear or Get Lost

It's true -- if you're creating something, you've got 2 choices: you can either get clear, or get lost.

What do I mean by getting clear?

For starters, it means getting crystal clear about what you really want. If you don't get clear on what you want, who knows WHAT you'll wind up getting?

Would you walk into your favorite coffee shop and say "surprise me"?

Probably not.

Would you write a check to someone and leave the amount blank? Put "pick an amount" in the memo?

Not on purpose.

Would you sign up for a dating service and say "you choose" ?


In all of these situations, you'd be more likely to ask for specifically what you want -- because you don't know what the heck you'll get otherwise.

Using the Law of Attraction (and "The Secret") is no different.

Once you get clear on what you want, the next step is to get clear of any blocks that stand between you and whatever it is that you want.

In other words, get out of your own way, or "Stand clear!"

Why is this so important? Because if you don't get clear,you'll never get what you really want.

Getting clear is an essential step in the creation process, and it's a critical tool for success.

If you don't get clear, you could get lost on the way to your goal.

Fortunately, there are LOTS of ways to get clear. I personally use dozens of them.

And if you're like me, you're always exploring new ways to get clear.

I mean, I don't order the same thing every time I go to a restaurant, so why would I use the same clearing technique every time?

I like variety. It keeps things interesting. (Plus I get bored easily.)

That's one of the reasons I'm teaching brand new clearing techniques in Lightning Fast Results. You can hear a free sample of the preview call we did this week, and pick up two new clearing techiques by visiting this link. Scroll ALL the way to teh very bottom of hte page for the audio.

Of course, I don't pretend to be the ONLY one teaching powerfully cool clearing techniques.

Tom & Penelope Pauley of RichDreams have put together a 4-session Spiritual Healing audio program called Quantum Clearing.

On the flight to and from Cancun last weekend, I listened to all 4 sessions on my new blue iPod, (something I could only pull off because we left our 3-year old toddler with someone and brought the baby) and while listening, I learned a bunch of stuff I never knew.

I was also reminded of some stuff I had forgotten, and I learned some new clearing techniques, which I've been practicing ever since.

All 4 sessions are excellent -- one session got off to a slow start, but more than made up for it with the last 45 minutes, which were very powerful. I took copious notes.

BTW, Tom is also pretty funny. I got some strange looks during the flight every time I laughed out loud while listening. You can read more about Quantum Clearing here.

Meanwhile here is your QoD:

Are you clear about what you really want? What will it take for you to get clear and have it? Are you ready to get clear, or would you prefer to stay lost?

P.S. If you want to join my Lightning Fast Results live course and learn superfast ways to get clear, you'd better hurry -- there are only 19 spots remaining, and they're disappearing fast (just like the limiting beliefs...)

Monday, March 12, 2007

WANTED: Brilliant Executive Assistant

OK, I admit it. I cannot do it all alone.

If you've read my book, The Success Method, you already know I'm a recovering control freak.

Well, as another step in my recovery, I'm yielding some control, and I'm accepting help with my business. Progress, progress, always progress.

This weekend I attended an extremely powerful personal development seminar where we were able to do a simple "clarity through contrast" exercise. It was during this exercise that my hesitation became clear (not wanting to give up control) and I also got very clear on exactly what I'm looking for.

Once I gained this clarity, my next thought was "how do I find this person?"

Then it occurred to me that I have thousands of friends like you -- and either YOU (or someone you know) might be interested in just such a position. So here's what I'm out to find:

WANTED: A Brilliant Executive Assistant

Please read this ENTIRE posting before applying, and follow the directions at the end if you intend to apply.

I am seeking an executive assistant who is passionate, self-directed, trustworthy and reliable.

I move at lightning speed, so you must be able to keep up a very fast pace (or move even faster than me). Must be a rapid responder and readily available.

I'm seeking a fast learner who is self-motivated and eager to learn the world of internet marketing by assisting me with my business. Specific qualifications include: brilliant writer, intuitive spirit, highly organized, meticulous with details.

My personal mission is to empower the world by assisting one person at a time with their individual transformation. Ideal candidate has a vision congruent with mine, and will be supportive, yet willing to challenge me and stand by his/her own opinion.

I foresee a long relationship with open communication, ease and flow. I visualize a smooth transition, short learning curve and someone who is a quick study and has a love for learning (and teaching). Must understand and practice the Law of Attraction.

It doesn't matter where you live -- this is a work-from-home, part-time, contract position. We'll both sign a Colorado contract, complete with non-disclosure clause. Ideal person will have the ability to work on an as-needed basis, without a specified hours-per-week time commitment. You are free to grow your own online business (or any kind of business) while working for me.

An uplifting, joyful demeanor is essential. No whiners or victims!

This is a part-time, as needed position. Here are some questions I imagine you'll have (although the answer to most is "depends"):

Q - What will I be doing?

A - Lots of stuff. Depends on your talents. Writing emails, learning to write copy, testing new products, testing the shopping cart, editing my stuff, helping create new products, setting up JVs, handling customer service issues, possibly taking intros on my live teleclasses, and whatever else might come up.

Q - What hours will I work?

A - Depends. I work whenever I feel like it, and I'm on and off the computer and living my life in-between. No set hours.

Q - What's the pay?

A - Depends. In the application, I'm asking you to suggest something appropriate. If you're already good at writing copy, perhaps you'd like to write my sales letters and take a cut of all sales. If you're just learning how to write copy, and your talents lie elsewhere, perhaps you'd prefer to be paid hourly, or by the project, or in some other way. I've never had my own assistant outside of corporate america, so I'm open to suggestions. I've already set the intention to coordinate fair and equitable pay, and for this to be affordable for me, so I'm leaving that part up to the Universe, and I'll know what feels appropriate. You will too.

Q - Are there any benefits?

A - Sure, loads of them, so be sure to consider that before you suggest compensation. No health care or dental plans, or paid vacation time, but you will receive a wealth of other benefits, including: free access to all of my products, access to products before they are released, involvement in the creation of new products, virtually unlimited coaching, insider learning about the world of successful online marketing, and much more. These kinds of benefits are invaluable for the right person.

Q - Is there any travel involved?

A - Maybe later. Right now, you can just work from yuor home. When I start doing live events, we can talk about whether or not it's necessary or beneficial for you to tag along to assist.

If this sounds EXACTLY like you and you'd like to be considered for the position, here's what you will do:

Send an email to me and include the following info:

your name
where you live (and your time zone if outside the U.S.)
what you propose for compensation and how your work will be tracked/accountability
write me about 300 words to include:
tell me about yourself
tell me why you are perfect for this position
tell me why you want this position
tell me what makes you unique for the position
tell me what you want to learn from a position like this

I look forward to hearing from the most appropriate candidates.

The search is on!!!

Friday, March 09, 2007

11 Years and Still Going Strong

Today is my 11th wedding anniversary.

There is a lot I could say about that, but I think I can keep it short.

The quality of a marriage seems to be equal to the quality of time spent together.

Couples grow aparrt because they don't spend quality time togetehr (as cliche' as that may sound, it's true)

My focus for this next year of marriage is to improve the quality of our time spent togetehr.

It's easy to get caught up in the kids, the work, the social calendar, and what to cook for dinner. But that's not waht really counts.

Thank you my darling husband Andy for 11 wonderful and interesting years of marraige. Here's to the next 11 years.


p.s. glad we could spend it here in Cancun, attending this magnificent conference.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The View from Cancun

I'm talking about more than just the ocean views from my room at the Moon Palace.

I'm also talking about teh view from Cancun -- it's so beautiful here, it's hard to imagine whatever problems I thought were important back in Colorado.

I'm also talking about immigration. Yep.

For the first time in my life (that I'm aware of), I met an illegal alien. Or a former one, anyway.

Our taxi driver in Cancun told us he used to live in Colorado, and California, and who knows where else. We talked to him quite a bit, and as it turns out, he lived in the U.S. for more than fourteen years as an illegal alien. He only got busted and deported because he got a speeding ticket and his social security numebr didn't check out (go figure).

I never thought I had an opinion on this until I came face to face with it.

On the one hand, he was working a job and was good at it. He was making a contribution. He seems like a pretty nice guy.

On the other hand, he was not paying taxes, was not paying insurance on his cars, and was not legally supposed to be here.


He also said after he got deported, his boss and so-called friend stole all the stuff out of his apartment, stole his van, and everything he owned.

I forgot to ask whether his boss had a green card.

If we put this into perspective from the Law of Attraction (and don't spoil Larry King for me -- I am in Cancun, so I haven't seen it yet), you've got to wonder why he attracted all this.

Well for starters, he probably envisioned what it would be like to live in teh states...that part worked, right? He lived her for more than a decade, and got to see 2 of the most interesting states (in my opinion) -- Colorado adn California.

But he was here illegally. He did make any attempt to legalize his stay here. He did not pay taxes, which is also against the law. He did not pay car insurance, which is also against the law. At some point, that's gotta catch up with you.

when you don't give the Universe its due, it will take it.

It's like when you get too much change back and you notice right away...but you don't say anything. Then you lose somehting of value.

Or when you argue and haggle to get something for free (or cheap) when it's not necessary and you can afford ot pay the asking price...and then your car breaks down, or you have a sudden and unexpected expense.

These are not coincidences (there are no coincidences).

Catherine Ponder says you can't out-give the Universe.

But that works in reverse as well.

He was a nice enough guy, but until he can take responsibility for his circumstances, I doubt teh Universe will offer another opportunity to migrate into the states -- legal or otherwise.

Your QoD is this:

Where are you "cheating" the Universe from its due? Are you cheating yourself out of respect and appreciation? You've got to come clean with yourself before you can expect to reap the rewards of your efforts.

Go for it.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Subtle Difference Between Goals and Affirmations

Do you know the subtle difference between goals and affirmations?

You know, a big part of what I do involves coaching people to set and achieve powerful goals. But you'd be surprised how many people tell me their "goals" which are really just affirmations.

Don't get me wrong -- affirmations are wonderful and they can be very powreful. But they are no substitute for goals. And if you mix up goals with affirmations, you're setting yourself up for some potentially slow results.

Personally, I'm not really a fan of slow results. I like things fast. Heck, I even meditate fast. But that's a topic for anotehr day. Today we're talking about goals and affirmations.

I think part of the reason a lot of people get the application of goals and affirmations mixed up is because the differences are subtle.

Essentially, a goal is a specific outcome. It's a future outcome that's defined right now, in the present. A goal is specific and measurable. You can look at a properly written goal and see at a glance whether or not the goal has been achieved.

An affirmation is focused around a feeling or an experience. Affirmations have no deadlines, and affirmations are not always measurable.

Here are a couple of examples:

GOAL = I will create an additional $50,000 in income this month. (OR) Today is April 1 and I am thrilled and grateful to have created an additional $50,000 since March 1.

AFFIRMATION = I attract and receive money easily and effortlessly. I am a money magnet.


GOAL = By August 1, I am overjoyed to weigh only 150 lbs. I am able to climb three flights of stairs without getting winded, and I feel liberated to wear a size __.

AFFIRMATION = I am becoming fit and healthy. I only consume the foods and drink that are best received by my body (or, for my highest good). I am learning to enjoy exercise, and I only eat when I am hungry.

Can you see the difference in these 2 styles?

Affirmations provide superb support once you've got powerful goals in place. But if you've got goals that sound more like our affirmation examples, you've got some tweaking to do. Fortunately, there's always my one-on-one coaching program. You can learn more about success coaching here.

Here is your QoD:

Are your goals written powerfully? Are they specific and measurable? Or do they sound more like afffirmations? If your goals are already powerful, what affirmations would support these goals?