Tuesday, June 27, 2006

What's Beyond Manifestation?

If you read my posts about Joe Vitale's Manifestation Weekend (and the massive results I've experienced since attending) then I have some fabulous news for you.

You know what, even if you didn't get to catch that article (go here to read it now - and catch the following 2 posts as well), I've got great news for you.

The transcripts and audio recordings (and the super-fantastic Beyond Manifestation "manual") are *finally* available.

Go get yours now - you can see what you missed, and put yourself on the list to find out about upcoming weekends.

Look, I was there. What happened was amazing. I don't honestly know if it will be sufficiently captured on the audios, but that's why Joe gives you a money-back guarantee. All I know is that weekend forever changed me - and now I have more money, more happiness and more ideas than I know what to do with.

And I thought life was pretty good up until that weekend!

So go get Beyond Manifestation right now. If you don't you can't complain about nothing changing in your life.

QoD: Where in your life would you like to "take it to the next level"? What's it gonna take to do that? If a spiritual guru is somewhere in your answer, you deserve to have these audios...I paid more than $1000 (more like $2000 with car rental, airfare, hotel and meals, plus the $1000 admission price) to attend this weekend and now you can have it for less than 100 bucks. Go see for yourself. It's what successful people do.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Can Weight Loss Success Be EASY? Or Is That Just Wishful Thinking?

I am absolutely blown away by what I've learned from Marna Goldstein.

Apparently diets suck (knew that already), pills, lotions and potions are completely unnecessary and permanent (kind of suspected that), lasting weight loss only comes from addressing the root cause of the issue (was afraid of that).

This stuff is G O L D.

For once (well, the second time actually), I'm not trying to lose weight. I'm pregnant with our second child! But I certainly want to keep my weight gain from pregnancy to a minimum.

So am I employing what I'm learning from Marna Goldstein?

You betcha. And I'm seeing a world of difference.

For example, when I got pregnant with my daughter Sally, I gained 40 lbs. No matter whether I ate salads or milkshakes, I gained a pound a week.

This time around, I'm nearly 4 months pregnant (by this time, I had gained 15 lbs with Sally) and this time around, I've put on less than 5 lbs. My physician is thrilled, and so am I.

So if you want to know more about this NO-DIET approach called Natural Weight Loss, I suggest you get yourself on this free call I'm hosting with Marna this Thursday night.

Spots are limited (we've already got more than 100 people signed up so far) so go register here.

And if you talk to Marna, tell her I sent ya.

QoD: IF you've struggled with your weight, when did it first start? Identifying hte time when you first started to overeat can help you get to the source. What happened around taht time in your life that prompted you to turn to food for comfort?

Think about it, and write down your answers. And register yourself for that free call now.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Success Secrets of the Naturally Thin

You know how we always say "success leaves clues"? Well, check this out, you're gonna love it.

A friend of mine (her name is Marna) was struggling with her weight about 13 years ago. Her mother had been in a terrible car accident, and she was left taking care of "adult responsibilities" as a teen. The stress caused her to turn to food, which in turn made her overweight.

After trying just about everything (diets, weight loss plans, bingeing&purging and a lot of other unhealthy stuff), she got a novel idea.

Why not study naturally thin people who've never struggled with weight and see what she could learn from them?

Yes folks, success leaves clues.

She began to obsessively study naturally thin people - what they ate, how often they ate, how much they ate, when they ate, when they stopped eating, what they did when they were bored, angry, hurt, happy, etc. Plus, what they thought about food, what they thought about their bodies, what they believed, how they acted, EVERYTHING.

She learned a lot, most of which was pretty shocking.

She started to apply what she learned, acting and thinking like a naturally thin person. Guess what? the weight started to come off, effortlessly, pleasantly, without sacrifice, without restrictive dieting, without obsessive workouts.

Naturally, other people started to notice.

They wanted whatever she had. She got all sorts of questions.

One day, it occurred to Marna that she could teach people what she knew. She could actually coach people and help them lose weight naturally, easily, permanently.

Today, Marna has maintained her healthy body for 12 years - without diets or extreme exercise. Without a "regimen." Without giving up ANY of her favorite foods.

She has helped hundreds of people to lose weight naturally and keep it off, just like she did.

I was so amazed by her story of struggle and triumph, that I told her what she was doign was great, but it's not enough.

See, as a personal coach, she can only help a limited number of people, because she has a finite amount of time. She could reach a lot more if she leveraged her time.

That's when we decided to partner together on a project.

We're putting together an amazing teleseminar series - a simple, affordable way that anyone - really EVERYONE can gain access to Marna and her revolutionary success secrets of the naturally thin. Even though Marna is just one person.

What's more, we're giving you (well, not just you, but everyone who wants it, really) a free gift. We've decided to make the preview call for this series absolutely free. Marna is going to give away a TON of valuable info on this call, but we're not going to charge for it.

That way, people can listen to the live free call and see what's available. It's kind of a try-before-you-buy kind of thing. IF you resonate with what's presented on the free call, then you KNOW you'll get 10 times as much out of hte six-week series. If you don't connect with any of the info on the free call, well, all you lost was 45 minutes of your time.

It's really a win-win scenario.

And you know I'm all about that.

The preview call will be Thursday, June 29th. Go register here to hold your spot (it's free).

In the meantime, you can chew on this. It's a 30-minute audio where I interview Marna about her methods and techniques. Some of what you hear will probably shock you. But I guarantee you'll learn a lot. (most of which is actually GOOD news for anyone who's struggled with their weight).

Here's the link to the recording of the interview: INTERVIEW

And here's your QoD: If you've been struggling with your weight, what would you say is the #1 reason you haven't had lasting weight loss success?

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Happy Father's Day

It seems to me that Father's Day has sort of evolved into something laughable - a day to honor silly, bumbling old dad - with a goofy tie, a cake, golf accessories, or some other such nonsense.

I can't help but recall that hilarious episode of The Cosby Show where Bill Cosby comes downstairs dressed in totally ridiculous fashion. When the family asks him what's up, he informs them that he is wearing every Father's Day gift he's ever received from them.

Suddenly, they stop laughing, wondering whether or not to be insulted.

In typical Bill Cosby fashion, he uses humor to lead into a poignantly-made point.

He tells them that this year, it ends.

No more silly gifts, no more handmade crap from kids old enough and well-allowanced enough to purchase something thoughtful, no more ridiculous stuff. This year, they are to put thought into what they buy for him.

And it works better than expected. He is literally moved to tears (I admit, I was too, and I'm sure audiences across the country teared up at this profound episode) by the thoughtfulness they put into this year's Father's Day gifts.

And of course, I've experienced the same thing myself, both with my father, and with the opportunity to buy a Father's Day gift for my husband, from our toddler.

Last year, I bought him a custom-made mousepad with a picture of our daughter on it. The picture was of her first trip to the beach. We were fortunate enough to capture her face on film (well, digital film) as she tasted a handful of sand for the first (and hopefully last) time. The picture was priceless.

He was so touched, he cried.

I couldn't beleive it - this $10 gift had moved him that much. I remember almost feeling embarrassed to give it to him - after all, we could certainly afford to spend a lot more on his gift. But when I got the idea, I couldn't put it out of my head, so I bought it.

And now, looking back, I can hardly believe I had considered buying him an iPod instaed. What a waste that would have been. Tossed aside like so many other "toys" and gadgets, doomed to the eventuality of obsolescence.

But it's been a year now and he still uses that mousepad daily.

So please, put some thought into what you give your dad this year. In fact, he'd probably rather have a card or letter telling him how much he means to you, more than anything. And I'm not talking about one of those Hallmark cards that "says it all for you." What a cop-out that is. I'm talking about a heartfelt letter from you, being authentic and laying it all out on the line, to him.

Now THAT would be a Father's Day gift worth keeping forever. And showcasing. And cherishing.

But maybe you're rather take the easy road and buy him some pajamas. Whatever, it's your life. How great do you want it to be?

What is the single best memory you have of your father (or a father figure, if you never had a dad in your life)? Don't you think he'd love to hear about that from you?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Money Loves Speed

Today we're talking about money and speed. And I've been traveling at the speed of light lately, which explains why I haven't taken teh time to blog since Sunday! But I refuse to affirm that "time flies," instead I choose to believe that I have all the time I need. How's that for perspective?

Here's the bottom line: Money Loves Speed.

So when you get that positively inspired idea out of the blue, you have two choices (three, really, but two are actually the same thing):

You can blow it off (or think you'll "get around to it later")
You can take action

Think about it this way:
Do you know any fabulously wealthy people who are indecisive procrastinators? I sure don't. The people I know who are amazingly wealthy are ones who take action.

This is a habit I've recently adopted.

In the past, I was inclined to talk myself out of new possibilities. Have you noticed that we don't really wake up in a world of what's possible? I could get the most amazing idea just before falling asleep, and be ready to take it on full-speed the next day...but then something happens when I fall asleep.

I wake up thinking, "That was such a dumb idea. That will never work. I don't have the time, energy, resources to make it happen. I don't know what I was thinking." and I can completely dismiss this fabulous idea. (this is in the past of course!)

NOW, I act completely differently. Now that I can see that money loves speed, I get an idea and I act on it.

Even if I don't feel like it.

Even if I'm busy.

Even if I'd rather do something else, like go to the pool, or the movies, or take a nap.

Instead, I take action.

See, successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do. We do the things that other people don't want to do, the things they can easily rationalize their way out of. That's how come I get to attract more than $8,000 in a single week, and other people work and work to make that much in a month (maybe).

The main difference between me and people who are not as successful is that simple: I take action and they don't.

HAve you ever gotten a perfectly wonderful idea that you didn't do anything about? What happened later? You eventually saw your great idea for sale on TV or in a store. You may have even bought it! All the while, you were probably thinking, "that was MY idea! They STOLE my idea!" No, they just got the same idea and THEY took action and YOU did nothing.

So the next time you get an inspired idea, remember that money loves speed. And go take action - any action!

Now here's your QoD: Do you act on your ideas immediately, or are you more inclined to hesitate? What are the results of your hesitation?

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Transitional Period: Opportunity or Rest Period?

You know, when you get some massive momentum going, something interesting happens. Sooner or later, you encounter a transitional period.

Now these transitional periods can be pivotal for whatever comes next, but you can pretty much view it in one of two ways: either an opportunity to kick things up to teh next level, or a rest period to take a breather and evaluate things.

In my opinion, the latter of the two can be deadly.

See, when things are going great, we can start to take things for granted. Ease our foot off the gas a bit. I mean, hey, things are going so well, we can take a breather, right? NO WAY.

Think of your success as a locomotive. It takes a tremendous amount of steam (energy, time, etc) to get yourself moving. Once you're moving, it requires a lot less to keep the train going. But if you ever stop fueling the fire (taking action), teh train is goign to start slowing down. And what's inevitable is it will eventually stop.

Do you want your success to slow down or stop? HECK NO! You want to kick it up into higher gear!

But there could be a number of reasons why you want to take your foot off the gas.

For one, you might not have startd thinking about what your life will be like at this "next level." In fact, it just might scare you a bit.

Secondly, you might feel pretty comfy where you are right now. Maybe you haven't set any bigger goals than where you are now.

Finally, you could have "deservability" issues with going further than you've ever been.

There could be a lot going on in teh background. So I caution you about these seemingly harmless rest periods. They could actually do much more than slow you down - they could set you back.

I've seen countless entrepreneurs make a six-figure income in a single month, and then tank their business the following month. I've seen people achieve massive goals and then go into a serious depression soon after achieving these goals. I have experienced a similar situation myself, and it isn't fun.

The worst part of all is that now you have to get this massive locomotive going AGAIN. All that work, all that energy, and you essentially have to start all over again (although hopefully much wiser now).

So when you hit that transitional period, do the "uncomfortable" thing - press onward to bigger and better dreams. Do not grow complacent, or you could lose everyhting you've worked so hard to attain.

And here is your QoD:
Where in your life do you see yourself in a transitional period (marriage, career, finances, goals, family life, hobbies, etc.) and what will happen if you take a rest period? What will happen if you view this time as an opportunity and press onward and upward? Go for it!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Resistance to Change

People who resist change are a puzzle to me. Why on earth would someone complain about their situation in life and then continue makign the same choices over and over again? It seems so obvious to just DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

For example, my darling hubby attempted to share the movie "The Secret" with someone we know. She said she was not at all interested (WHO could not be interested in thsi? have you seen these teasers???) She said (and I quote) "there's just no room in my life for anything 'new-agey' "

New-agey? I thought.

If you've seen The Secret, you are surely laughing your butt off at the absurdity of that remark. If you haven't, go download it right now for $4.95 - yep, less than 5 bucks.

If you're wondering what's so funny, it;s this: The Secret draws from wisdom and success of the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Dale Carnegie, Henry David Thoreau, William Shakespeare, adn a whole host of other famous names that you would hardly dub "new-agey."

But the point to get here is that some people (maybe even you) dismiss things (people, places, books, ideas, events) that could REALLY make a difference in their lives because of misconceptions they hold about them.

By staying stuck in their own ways, these people are really missing out. Essentially, they're choosing to stay stuck by ignoring their options.

It's like that old story about the massive flood.

When the water is only a foot high, a man's neighbor comes to his house and offers to give him a ride out of town on his big rig. The man refuses the ride, saying "No thanks, my Lord will save me."

Later, the water is four feet high adn the man is on the second story of his house. A boat comes by and offers to take the man to higher ground. The man refuses the boat ride, saying "No thanks, my Lord will save me."

Later, the water is eight feet high and the man is up on his roof. A helicopter comes by and offers to throw him a ladder but the man once again refuses help. He tells them, "No thanks, my Lord will save me."

The waters continue to rise, and the man eventually drowns.

He gets to heaven and asks God, "My Lord, why didn't you save me?"

and God responds...

"I sent you a truck, a boat and a helicopter, what more did you want, an engraved invitation from God?"


The sad truth is that most people are more interested in complaining about their life/relationship/finances/situation/etc than they are about saving themselves.

There are some people taht just refuse to be saved. And in the end, they'll wonder why they were forsaken.

What can we do about such people? First, don't become one of them. Second, don't give them any agreement for their situation. Third, throw them a lifeline, but understand taht you can't save them - you can offer the way out, but they've got to take it.

I believe it's our responsibility to offer solutions. It's not our responsibility to force people to take them.

Ah, the beauty of Free Choice.

So here is your QoD:
What are you dismissing wihtout having all the facts? What if that is the exact answer to your prayers, disguised as somethign else? Go on, give it a go, see what happens.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

This Is Extremely Uncomfortable...

I wouldn't say I'm out of my comfort zone right now, but I'm definitely uncomfortable. Right now, I'm posting this on my new MacBook, which I understand is supposed to be the meanest laptop available (at hte moment). I just bought it last night, and while yes, I did understand there would be a learning curve, I think I didn't really expect it to take more than an hour.

So I'm a little frustrated! As most of you know, I am used to traveling at the speed of light and I move through my to-do list like a freight-train, especially when it comes to maneuvering my way around a computer.

However, the switch from PC to Mac has slowed me down to a snail's pace.

I don't like slow. I like fast. So I'm very uncomfortable right now.

I can't find my files. I can't navigate quickly. But man, does this thing reboot fast! My husband is quite jealous, as apparently my processor-thingy is even faster than his. But don't feel too badly for him, I'm sure he'll get whtaever tht next latest, greatest thing is.

I'm also uncomfortable because it's hot. We froze our AC condensation pipes last nite, which means we had to keep the air off for most of hte day and it's toasty outside. Being from NEw Orleans, I normally wouldn't complain about heat without humidity, but I have an excuse.

I'M PREGNANT. Yep, three months and counting. So my patience is dwindling and I'm on a short fuse today.

But of course there's a lesson in that. I had the opportunity to stay in a funk all day (not my family's first choice, by the way) or take my own advice from The Success Method. Sometimes, the high road can actually be fun.

When life gets me a little stressed, I like to bug-out. Stop taking myself so seriously. So I rounded up the troops (meaning, my toddler and hubby - as most of you know, hubby works from home as well, so we're togehter pretty much 24/7, another feat we could not accomplsih wihtout using the wisdom in The Success Method.

I collected my family and swept us all off to the pool for a couple of hours. Got to beat the heat (and the AC has thawed enough to re-engage by the time we got home, WHEW) and have some fun and get a little sun. Isn't this the life? And when I returned to my new shiny MAC, I was relaxed and ready to take on the world.

It also helped to learn a little something about myself. I like being independent. While I am capable and willing to ask for help, I don't like to make a habit out of it ;-) so this not knowing what to do thing with hte MAc had me stressed for that very reason.

Now that I can see that, I know exactly how to deal with it. Mmmm, isn't self-awareness a wonderful thing?

So your question of the day is this:
What is your normal method of dealing with a highly stressful stiaution? Do you run and hide? Do you take a break? Do you freak out? Do you lash out at those around you? Do you pig out? What would happen if you chose a different strategy next time?

Now go practice!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

What Are You Worth?

So I'm getting a lot of positive feedback about the gifts I've been giving to my list lately. By the way, if you're missing out because you're not on the list, go to my New Success site and get in the game. So if you believe you can't truly get something of value for free, I'm proving you wrong every time I send an email to my list. :-)

I've been thinking about "rates" lately. Specifically, if you are in the kind of business where you charge an hourly rate for your services, you should listen up today. Or even if you quote prices based on how long something will take you to accomplish, this is for you too.

Here's what's interesting.

Most people set prices in a certain way, if they choose to go out on their own and either start a business or provides services by working for themselves.

"Average" people (and of course, anyone reading this certainly desires to be much more than "average" but bear with me, it's key to the comparison/contrast here) would take a look at the going rate, and see wht hte market will bear.

Then they would take a look at their own experience and perhaps education (if that's a factor) and set a rate.

See, most people would largely look at external factors, with a pinch of experience, and select a rate based on that.

Here's the problem with that kind of reasoning. First, your checkbook can never outperform your self worth. In other words, the going rate might be $500 an hour, but if you don't really believe you're worth that, you're never gonna get any clients. Or if you do, there will be problems with them: they won't be happy with your work, they'll be too high-maintenance and make you work twice as hard, or they'll flake out on paying.

At the other end of the spectrum, most people set their hourly rate too low.

Again, the going rate might be $500 an hour, but the average person finds all sorts of reasons why they're not worth that much. Maybe they don't have a college degree, maybe they don't have enough work experience, maybe they haven't done that particular kind of work in awhile. Whatever the reason, taht's low self-esteem talking. By undercutting your rate, you could certainly find a lot of clients who are looking for a deal, but you'll burn out quicker because you're working too hard for too little money (might sound familiar if you've ever had a JOB!)

So what's hte answer?

Well, there is no answer. You know me better than that - I don't provide answers. I'm not preaching "truth" here, I'm just offering a perspective that's different from the norm. Oh, and one that happens to have made me piles of money as well. (See a pattern there?)

Another way to look at it would be to DISCERN an appropriate rate to charge. Meditate on it. Relax about it. Don't think about what it's gonna take to pay your bills, or how much you think you can squeeze out of people. And by all means, don't make it about what you think you're worth. YOU ARE PRICELESS, trust me on that. This is not about YOUR self-worth.

This is about the way you THINK about money and the way you think about people PAYING YOU with money.

IF you can relax, and see what figure comes to mind - what figure feels peaceful, what feels right. Then you can't go wrong.

And this figure will change as you continue to work on your prosperity consciousness. And if you were ordinary, you would attribute an increase in your rates to an increase in business, or the fact that you have more experience NOW than you had THEN. But I know you're not ordinary - you are extraordinary. And you know that your checkbook cannot outperform your self-image.

So as your self-image contineus to improve - as you continue to strengthen and stretch your prosperity consciousness, you will naturally see an appropriate time to raise your rates.

Sometimes it happens for you.

In fact, one day someone offered to pay me three times what I was making at the time, for SEO copywriting services. THREE TIMES! But that never would have happened if I hadn't consciously been focused on wealth. If I didn't believe I was worth it, I would have found a way to sabotage the project, or the offer never would have arisen. But they did and I took it and I felt good about taking it and to me, that was that sign that it was time to raise my rates.

Once I tried to raise my rates too soon. I was trying to get higher-end clients, and there was something specific I wanted to buy, so I thought "I'll just raise my rates!" So I nearly doubled my rate. But my consciousness wasn't ready for it. And my first client at the new rate was a pain in the ass. He took up so much of my time (I charge by the page, not the hour, so high-maintenance clients actually earn me LESS per hour than "easy" clients) that it almost wasn't worth my time. So I had to take a look at WHY I attracted that particular situation.

ButI could go on in a whole different direction on that one...

Hopefully, I've given you another perspective on how to set your rates for services. Any questions, you can always email me.

P.S. This works for ebay sales as well. My hubby just posted an ad for the very laptop I'm working on - it's 3 years old, and I want a new one ASAP - we set a price, set an intention, and the thing sold in FIVE MINUTES on eBay. Now some might say "Oh, clearly the price you set was too low. You couldv'e gotten more." I say, Maybe. But who cares? The price we set was the price we felt good about - it came to us clearly. And I have no doubt that the person who bought it is the person who's meant to have it next.

Man, I love the law of attraction.

Here's your QoD:
Are you selling yourself short, or wasting your time pie-in-the-sky dreaming? What do you sell (time, effort, services, products, your time at a job, etc.) that you could re-evaluate and re-price? Will you take these steps today?

Friday, June 02, 2006

Oops! Did I Give Away the Farm?

Last night, Bill Starrett interviewed me about my blockbuster book, The Success Method. Bill says I gave away waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too much valuable information on the call. I say it was great.

What do you say?

Check it out here (won't cost you a dime).