Monday, January 30, 2006

An Influx of Money

Have you ever noticed that when you work on yourself, everything else just seems to get better and better? I've once heard it put "Life gets better when you get better." Frankly, I could't agree more.

I also think it's interesting that when money comes, it often comes in massive amounts immediately following a major breakthrough. Have you noticed that too? If not, you probably deserve to have a major breakthrough!

It makes sense if you think about it logically. If we are made up entirely of energy, and our outer reality is a manifestation of what's going on inside, then it naturally would follow that once a significant energy block is removed, the law of attraction can freely manifest the desired result.

Put another way,

it's much easier to speed down the roadway once you've flattened all the speed bumps.

So how does one create an influx of money? Remove the blocks. And how does one do that?

Well, I'll be honest with you. It takes some work. There are a number of techniques that are powerfully effective, so long as you actually implement them. Here is one that I've used wtih my coaching clients:

Take a particular area of your life that you've been struggling with - doesn't even have to be money. Could be your weight, a relationship, sex, whatever. Any area where you've consistently had results that you're not satisfied with, and nothing you do seems to help.

Now get a brand new notebook and a pen.

Write down every single thing you can remember about that topic since the day you were born.

For example, if you've been struggling with money, you may remmeber being a small child and asking for a toy that you really wanted and being told that the family couldn't afford it. Or it was too expensive. Or you didn't really need that. Or money doesn't grow on trees. Or your parents aren't made of money. Or wait until you're old enough to get a job and buy it yourself, or a million other things. Then when you started school, you resented the rich kids because they had money and nice clothes and your family couldn't afford the same stuff. Just dump all that crap onto paper and don't stop writing until there's nothing left. This may be something you come back to and continue adding to over several days.

You cannot imagine the insight and great release that comes with this simple (although hand-cramping) exercise. It's quite freeing.

AND, as a bonus, you have removed a block. Which means you can finally allow money (or whatever you see as lacking: health, romance, intimacy, wisdom, power, abundance, peace) into your life.

The results will astound you. I invite you to share your results with us (contact info is provided in my profile or on this website. I won't list my email here because of the cursed spammers!!!)

Your QoD is this:
Where in your life do you deserve to have breakthrough results? On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to achieving those results? If you rated your commitment as anything less than a 10, why? What are the real blocks that are holding you back?

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Secret to Self-Healing

YEsterday was a terrible day, just terrible. I felt horrible, and I was beginning to wonder if I should have gotten the flu shot or not.

As I was lying in bed, drifting in and out of waking consciousness, I remembered something I read recently that said any time you suddenly get ill -- or even if you experience a sudden onset of pain such as back pain, foot pain, or a headache, there is likely something that must be forgiven.

In other words, there is someone you are refusing to forgive, and that is causing your discomfort.

Now if that sounds too far-fetched to you, think about it this way:

Have you ever noticed this when you were mad at someone? I'm talking REALLY mad, like you are just staemed at them. And somehow, it's like they don't even notice! Here you are literally fuming, and they are just going about their life, acting as though nothing is wrong.

Yes, I know you can relate to whta I'm saying.

It means whenever you hold a grudge, hte only person who really gets hurt is YOU. Half the time, they don't even know you're mad. And of course, you won't tell them, otherwise, you could get it out in the open and not have to hold your own private grudge.

Since we know that the body follows the commands of the mind, it makes sense that if we are hurting ourselves by refusing to forgive, then that will manifest in physical form.

So what to do about it?

That part is easy. Catherine Ponder (Dynamic Laws of Prosperity) says to practice 30 minutes a day of focused forgiveness. If you can't think of anyone to forgive, just ask. Something along the lines of "show me who I must forgive."

I bring this up now, because as you can see, I am posting this at about 5AM my time. I never, NEVER get up that early unless I have to be at the airport, and I genearlly avoid early departures whenever I can. I am awake becaue I was so ridiculously sigk yesterday, and I spent most of the day in bed or lying on the couch - not normal for hyperactive me!

(BTW, I am typing this without glassex or contacs so pls forgive th excessive typos!)

Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about forgiveness today. How often do we forget to forgive ourselves! But as soon as we release the block, healing can begin. Which explains why I am feeling much better now. Fever broke during the night, adn I actually had an appetite, which is why I got up in the first place.

As a matter of fact, I'm feeling a little sleepy, so I think I'll go to bed now...Nite-Nite!

Oops, almost forgot your question of the day:
Who deserves your forgiveness and what do you thikn will result of your ability to forgive?

P.S. Please note - you don't have to say anything to the person to release them with forgiveness. No conversation is necessary (except the one in your head), no direct apology, no long written letter. Although all these may be useful with YOURSELF to allow yourself to release the grudge you hold against another. Write a letter you'll never mail. Talk to the mirror. Journal. Whatever works. Just do it! YOU deserve to feel better and unburden yourself!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Gutted Like a Fish

On this day, two years ago, I was gutted like a fish.

Sure, doctors like to give it a fancy name, make it sound much nicer than that, but being gutted was really what happened.

Not hte most romantic way to describe childbirth is it? Let me assure you that there is nothing romantic about a C-section (or breastfeeding, for that matter). Yep, I was slit under the belly and my darling daughter was yanked out to take her first breath in the world (well, in OUR world, anyway).

And now I look at her and marvel at how much she has managed to learn in just two years. Her vocabulary is bigger than some rednecks I've met and in many cases, her enunciation is better. Now, I'm not picking on rednecks, we happen to have some in the family, but I just call it like I see it.

What a little marvel of life she is. Reminding me of my humanity as she mirrors me day after day. She makes me want to be the very best I can, to always see what is possible so that I can share that with her. *sigh* I guess it's true that nothing really prepares you for parenthood.

In any case, if you missed me the past couple of days, I've been in toddler-ville, musing over my little munchkin. I'm back in action now, and ready to roar.

Have you missed your question of the day? This one will be worth the wait:

What part of your life enchants you?
Where in your life do you just look on in awe?
Ifyou can't think of any places in your life that fit that description, you'd better watch out....check your pulse and then ask yourself this:

what the hell am I doing with this life anyways?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Are You Ready for Some Pixels?

OK, it's time. I promised to let you know when this new thing was gonna bust, and now it's time. Well, it will be time at 2PM Pacific time today.

If you want to get in early on an MLM (and surely you must know that the only way to make money in any MLM is to get in at the top and have it go crazy after that), then you must check this out.

Pixel marketing is the newest craze - websites filled with tiny specs and images, revealing thousands of webpages, one beyond each click. It's such a new and crazy way of advertising, that many people feel like my folks did when MTV first started. "What the heck is it? and why is my daughter so enthralled?"

Yep, the time to act is now.

Go here and sign up. It's only $25 to buy a block of 10x10 pixels (about the head of a pin). You can't advertise porn or anything nasty. If you don't have a website, why not sign up as an affiliate of mine and advertise that? OR just put up a page that says "I have no website." That might be kinda hip.

Anything goes with this one.

So what are you waiting for? Go get pixelized!

Oh, and here is your qeustion of the day:
If you're actually thinking of "passing" on the chance to get in at the top of a new MLM for $25, W H Y and WHAT is wrong with you??? What are you afraid of? Go get pixeled!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Feng Shui-ayyyyyyyyyyy Cool

I love Feng Shui. I can remember a time when I couldn't even spell it or pronounce it correctly (that's "fang shway") and now I'm an expert.

How's this for Law of Attraction? When we were living in New Orleans and I first started learning about Feng Shui, I realized that the house we were living in was a Feng Shui disaster. So I said over and over (to anyone who'd listen, and even those who wouldn't) that my next house would be perfect for Feng Shui.

And so it is.

When we moved into our new house here in Colorado, and I started laying out the bagua map (that's Feng Shui hip-speak), I was amazed that each room was painted the perfect color for it's location! We had attracted a Feng Shui dream house and I was thrilled. Now here we are about 4 months later, and I'm just putting the finishing touches on my Feng Shui palace. (mostly hanging pictures - that's all that's left to do).

Don't let anyone tell you Feng Shui is easy - 'cuz it's not. It takes a lot of time and patience, and I've been studying it for a year. I think I am just getting to the point where I could teach it to someone else. But of course, this is not the forum for that.

So are you wondering why I brought it up in the first place? Well, that is an excellent question.

Here's the deal: Feng Shui works, whether you believe it or not. Which means that if there is any area of your life where you seem to have constant struggle no matter what you do (health, money, relationships, your family, career, etc.) then chances are, you've got Feng Shui issues you don't even know about. So doesn't it make sense to make a candle or a plant do the work for you instead of expending more of your own energy? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Maybe I'll rename this blog "Success wisdom from a lazy entrepreneur" because that's certainly what I am! I am putting pictures, plants and rugs to work for me so I can expend less energy. After all, I've learned from experience that expending more energy doesn't equate to increased results. Another trick of the universe.

BTW, a friend recently recommended that I put together a Feng Shui teleseminar for people who want to get results in their lives through Feng Shui. Why not? Sounds like fun. So I'm doing a FREE preview call in the next week or two. If you want to be among the first to know when it's available, sign up for Success Secrets Revealed here and you'll get a notification of the free call. Plus, I may do some discounts on the actual teleseminar course for my loyal subscribers.

Well, at any rate, here's your QoD (Question of the Day):

What area of your life causes constant struggle for you? What steps have you actively taken to rectify the situation and find peace in it?

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Benefits of Massage

aaaaaaaaaahhhh, who doesn't love massage? New age music tinkling in the background, deep breathing and complete relaxation as your massage therapist's magic hands go to work on tension and built-up energy.

Have you heard of Massage Envy? I apologize if I've written about this before, but it's such a great concept! Sadly, not available all over the U.S. yet, but some lucky cities are really in for a treat. Sure, there are other knock-offs, but Massage Envy is the best and most stable in my opinion.

Basically, you pay $39 a month for membership (incidentally, I'm just sharing this with you. I've got no financial motivation whatsoever to do this. I just think people in general would be a lot less stressed out (and less road rage) if everyone got regular massages. That's it. I kinda wish I did get a referral fee or something, since I've told soooooo many people about it!) and you get a one-hour massage every month. You can set up a standing time, standing person, whatever. You can gift massages for $39 apiece. You can get EXTRA massages for $39 each. Whtaever you want. If you miss a month, no worries, you can get 2 next month at no extra charge. You can bring your spouse. It's a great concept.

Plus, in talking with teh massage therapists who work there (sometimes I talk, sometimes I sleep, depends on my mood during the massage), most are really pleased to get regular, steady work as opposed to making a little more money per massage, but having to schlep gear or give most of it back to the spa where they work. They get steady hours and can work as much or as little as they want. Everybody wins.

Don't you love win-win-win sitautions? I really do.

You know, I sometimes ask the people I coach to finish this sentence: "If I really loved myself, I would..." and you would be surprised how many people say "I'd get a massage every month." or every week in some cases.

So why so many of us save massages for "special occasions"? Why is there actually guilt at indulging in a massage?

You know you can't share from an empty cup, so you gotta take care of #1 before you can assist anyone else. I say go for the monthly (or weekly) massage. Massage Envy sure makes it easy and affordable for you.

Check it out, you certainly deserve it.

And here's your QoD:
What would YOU do if you really loved yourself?

Well, why not go do it? and start loving the most importnat person in your life: YOU

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Success in the Precious Present

You know the funny thing about success? It's tricky to figure out.

For example, success requires you to ignore the past while creating the future you're living into today.

Confused? Yeah, that's what I mean.

Success requires you to live in the present moment at all times, while keeping an eye on what you want the future to be.

It's kind of like when an artist is creating something...the whole time they're living in the moment, creating whatever they're creating, they're actually thinking about what it's going to look like in the future.

Not what they want it to look like, not what they hope it will look like, not what will happen if they can't get it to look like what they want it to look like...these are all worries of hte amateur, not the true artist. The artist simply holds a vision of the future while taking action in the present.

Wow, that really is a great analogy for success. I've even impressed myself.

So allow me to translate:

You will be successful as long as you can hold your vision of the future (what you want the outcome to be) while taking action in the present.

And rememebr that you can't create anything new or different as long as you're still focused on the past (what you already know).

Your question of the day:
What do you intend to create for the future? What do you need to let go of in your past before you can create your future right now?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Hurricane Katrina Lessons Learned...

OK, I don't so much mean success but LIFE has taught me a few things since Hurricane Katrina. I thought I'd pass along these pearls of wisdom to you, seeing as you never know when you might be stuck with teh aftermath of a major natural disaster.

We are finally selling our house (we go to act of sale February 17th) and this is causing me to reflect on some of the things I've learned in the past few months. Here goes:

First, contractors do not take you seriously when you answer the door wearing pigtails. I'm assuming this is also true for men.

Second, just because a realtor answers the phone days after a natural disaster, it doesn't mean he is going to aggressively sell your house. That's why we fired him and hired a bulldog. And within two weeks: house sold.

Third, quick decisions can be correct decisions if you follow your intuition. Our decision to pack up and move west to Colorado was a pretty quick one, and my family was concerned that we were being too rash. One of my friends laughingly said I was overreacting - to move from 9 feet below sea level to an area over a mile high. In any case, we were following our gut, which has never (and I mean NEVER) steered me wrong. Without a doubt, moving to Colorado was the best move for us.

Finally, there is no glory in "sticking it out" if it's not getting you where you want to go. For example, if we had decided to stay in New Orleans just because we felt guilty moving away, we would be creating a state of resistence, which would result in resentment and probably misery. Now, I'm not knocking the folks who've decided to stay in New Orleans and rebuild, especially if that's where they really wanted to be.

On the other hand, if you are only staying there because you don't feel you have any other options, well, that's just no good at all! It breaks my heart to hear people say things like "well, myjob pays pretty good, so I guess I have to stay." Even though they may hate their job! This life is so short, there's really no point in doing anything other that what you REALLY want to do.

Here's your Q of the day:
What is it that you really want to do? Are you moving toward that, or making excuses why it will never happen? Are you willing to go for what you want, or are you content to watch other people live their dreams?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Intensity of Your Troubles...

I once heard that the slower you are to learn a lesson, the more intense the problems get.

Let me explain:
You attract challenges (aka Problems) into life because there is a lesson you need to learn from each one.

If you don't learn the lesson, the problem returns with greater intensity until you finally learn the lesson.

Now, this bit of wisdom I recently stumbled across again (attracted) also says that if you can learn the lesson, you don't need to have the problem. Hmmm, interesting.

Verrrrry interesting.

You know, at one point, we were considering bankruptcy. I just didn't see any other way out of it, and it seemed like a good idea. But I hated the idea that my credit would be shot for 7 years. I didn't really want to pay cash for everything. But I didn't see any other I started checking into the whole bankruptcy thing.

And then I realized that the only reason I was considering bankruptcy was because there was a lesson to learn. What is the lesson, I thought?

Once I realized what the lesson was, I asked myself sincerely: can I learn this lesson without the intensity of bankruptcy?

And after a little insight, I realized I could.

So I did. I absorbed the lesson and began applying it into my life immediately -- just the same way I would if I HAD filed bankruptcy and learned the lesson "the hard way."

And guess what happened?

Everything started to shift. And I mean everything. Money started coming in from all directions. It was amazing, because it literally ALL started to turn around within a week!

What a great lesson that was. Not only the lesson I learned from impending bankruptcy, but the lesson I learned in avoiding bankruptcy!

You know, we humans are pretty powerful creatures. Do you know how powerful you are? Nah, I suspect none of us will truly grasp that concept here on earth. But I am definitely making progress.

So now, any time a challenge comes up, I can potentially head it off at the pass by searching for the lesson, and learning the lesson. Without the pain. Without the challenge. Without the problem. Isn't that lovely? OF course, sometimes the problem/challenge/pain just sort of jumps out at us from nowhere and slaps us upside the head. Those are hard to avoid.

In any case, your question for today is this:

What impending problem can you avoid by searching for and absorbing the lesson? Are you willing to take the mental time required to do this? or are you content to endure the pain associated with the lesson?

Monday, January 16, 2006

How to Reduce or Eliminate Stress in 10 Minutes a Day

Today I am sharing a very well-written article ~ enjoy!

How to Reduce or Eliminate Stress in 10 Minutes a Day
By Kathy Wilson

Experts agree stress is one of the leading epidemics in our society today. Stress causes or contributes to heart disease, cancer, stroke, depression, anxiety disorders, and premature death. It steals from our happiness, and wastes our time unnecessarily.

If you could start to change the amount of stress in your life in just 10 minutes a day, wouldn't you want to know how?

Many of our most successful and motivating mentors such as Dr. Norman Vincent Peale have suggested the power of journaling to take apart your problems, and help you deal with them step by step. It is a simple, yet extremely effective method for dealing with any kind of stress or anxiety, and just takes a few minutes a day.

It is important in your journaling to ask yourself the tough questions, such as "Why do I really fear this?" and "How would I cope in the worst case scenario?" Asking yourself these types of questions can uncover your true fears, and then allow you to journal your way to an effective solution.

I have had so many people tell me how they were skeptical when they first tried journaling, but were amazed after just one session how relieved they felt, and how easily a solution and acceptance to their problem had come after writing it all down.

Step One: Write down what you fear. This could be as simple as "I am afraid to go on my job interview".

Step Two: Try to discover what is really causing this fear. This is the hardest step, but the one which will reveal the most. For the above example, this step might read…"I fear that I am not good enough for the position, and that I will make a fool of myself."

Step Three: Look your worst case scenario right in the mouth. So what would you do if you weren't right for the job? Would it really be the end of the world? Once you face the worst, the only place to go is up!

Step Four: Write down ways you could lessen your fear, and deal with whatever the outcome may be. You could prepare for your interview by practicing with a loved one. You could check out a book on interviews and try some different approaches. You could realize that your best is always good enough, and if you aren't right for this job, that means there is a better opportunity waiting!

Step Five: Here's where the payoff comes…you read over your journal page, and nine times out of ten, you will see in black and white how much you blew the fear out of proportion. Now write yourself a positive affirmation reflecting what you've learned…"I will do my best, and know that is always good enough, and I will learn from the experience either way!"

That's it! Five quick steps to relieving stress and anxiety in just a few minutes! This process works for any level of fear, and the more you use it, the better you will get at taking apart your problems and seeing them for what they really are!

Kathy Wilson is the editor of and author of "The Stress Less Journal: A Self Guided Path from Stress to Comfort." You can visit her website for more stress relieving tips and resources and to sign up for her free online newsletter at

P.S. Your question of the day is:
What specifically did you learn from reading this article that you can apply in your life beginning today?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Path of Personal Development

Oh, the path of personal development with its unexpected twists and turns...can cause a person to become so introspective that living in the outer world can be, well, depressing.

But if we can recall that we are the creators of our own outer world, exactly as it appears, if we can truly get that...then we can create anything we want.

We can consciously create instead of blindly drifting along, wondering what's next.

But first we may have to clear up some stuff from teh past, in order to stop living into it.

To the unenlightened, this may seem a little confusing. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of other lives to evolve. Just look how far I've come...and how far I've yet to go.

But to the student on the path, every twist, every turn, every delicious ironic event is simply another example of learning. And learning brings us closer to our true higher self.

So what does any of this have to do with success? My Friend, if you have to ask, then I can sincerely and lovingly tell you that you have strayed F A R off the path.

Get back on track and take a look inside - all the answers are there waiting for you.

Your question of the day:
What are you doing right now to enhance the quality of your life? Are you taking personal responsibility in ALL areas of your life, or are you still blaming some stuff on "fate" or "circumstance"? C'mon, look for the lesson and get enlightened!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Good Morning! It's Judgment Day

Have you ever noticed how much time we humans spend judging?

It seems as though we are constantly making judgments. She was cranky. He was rude. I don't think that guy deserved to win. I wonder what she did to get that cushy job. How is that guy driving such a nice car? And how on earth did he get a girl like that?

Our thoughts are filled with thoughts like these, day in and day out. In fact, it makes no difference how "evolved" you think you are, chances are you still get caught off-guard by how judgmental you can be.

Of course, the more evolved you are, the quicker you can snap out of it and realize that your judgment is just that - YOURS. It has no bearing whatsoever on what really happened. The quicker you get that, the happier you will be.

Here's your question for today:

Where in your life are you the most judgmental? What do you stand to gain by giving up your need to feel superior? Is it worth it?

Friday, January 13, 2006

Breakthroughs and Breakdowns

When is the last time you had a breakthrough in your life? For our purposes today, I'll define a breakthrough as a time when you suddenly experienced something so powerful that you were able to see yourself, your life, or another person in a totally different (and far less judgmental) way.

Or you could call it "a moment of clarity" or an "a-ha moment."

I love breakthroughs. I invite them in my life all the time. Well, not ALL the time. At times, I am definitely resistent to teh higher thought. But pretty often.

My husband recently completed The Landmark Forum, have you heard of it?

The Landmark Forum is difficult to explain. I would say it is for anyone who wants to have significant breakthroughs in any area of their life that's important to them.

Want more money?
Want better relationships?
Want more time?
Want to improve your familial relations?
Want to be happy?

I know what you're thinking -- where was this info BEFORE the holidays, right? Well, the good news is that you can sign up for a Landmark Forum in a city near you and you can have breakthroughs in all those areas before Spring Break.

But more about that in a future post.

For now, consider this:
How often do you dismiss something without really checking it out? Do you think "that's not for me," or "I can't afford it" or "I don't think I'd like it" without really, really giving it a chance? What are you truly afraid of? (and don't say you're afraid because in any decision you can only act from fear or love and the above excuses reek of fear)

until tomorrow...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Will You Be One of the Lucky Few?

Will you be one of the lucky few to attend what could be a life-changing call tonight?

If you are the kind of person who likes to be on the cutting edge, and you like to know something that nobody else knows yet (but that EVERYONE will be talking about in a matter of weeks), then you deserve to be there tonight.

Additionally, my special guest will be sharing his own success secrets and how he personally conquered the demons in his head and "got out of his own way" to go from zero to hero in a matter of months.

The call is totally free, but you MUST register in order to get dial-in instructions.

Everyone on the call will get a free gift that is sure to rock your socks.

See you tonight!!!

Your question today is this:
IF you are NOT planning to be on tonight's free call...then what is REALLY holding you back from experiencing breakthrough results?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Pixel Marketing For Success

Have you heard of this new pixel marketing craze?

Here's the short story:
a college kid needed money to pay for school, so he came up with a great idea. He set up a webpage and sold 10x10 blocks of pixels (a pixel is one tiny speck on your computer screen. Not a very scientific definition, but you get the idea, and a 10x10 block of pixels is about the size of the head of a pin) to his friends and family to raise some cash. The friends adn family could put a little image or something or a link to their website in their pixel block.

The idea really caught on and he decided he could make a little entrepreneurial venture out of it. So he started blogging and writing articles. Next thing you know, he's in the Wall Street Journal! How's that for successful?

This whole concept has mushroomed into a phenomenal wave -- what some are calling the next marketing method. Can you imagine if you had gotten in on pay per click marketing when it first started to get hot? Yeah, that's where pixel marketing is right now.

Here at New Success, we are hosting a LIVE free teleconference about pixel marketing this Thursday night at 9PM Eastern standard time. We love new stuff, and we are always ready to ride the wave of success!

If you want to get the insider scoop on this new hot trend, register here - it's totally free (except for any regular long distance charges you may incur from your phone company).

See you tomorrow night at 9PM Eastern!

Oh, and lest I forget your qeustion du jour:

What is the last breakthrough idea YOU jumped on before the wave crested?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Leave Where You've Been out of Where You're Going

It is an unfortunate thing that we human beings tend to let our past results dictate our future possibilities.

You know, if we did this from birth, we'd never learn to walk, talk or do anything other than cry and sleep.

It's true...think about it. How many times have you wanted to do something and then you thought to yourself, "I'll never be able to do that" or "I already tried that once and it didn't work" or "I wouldn't even know where to begin." Yeah, that's because you're looking at your past as though it defines who you can be today.

Well, that's just silly.

The truth is, every day that you are alive -- every moment in fact -- offers you an opportunity to create who you are being, right here, right now. So who are you being right now? Someone who is bored? Skeptical? Curious? Open-minded? Impatient? Every second of every day offers you the opportunity to be whatever you want.

What an empowering choice!

I am often a skeptic. In fact, when one of my friends called to tell me about an auto-surfing program I told her she must be nuts. "I hear about those things all the time," I told her. "I thought they were just jokes." But when she told me what a good friend of ours is getting paid every week, I nearly fell out of my chair! $2000 a week for doing 5 minutes a day online? That's just insane!

In that moment, I decided to suspend my skepticism--just for a moment--and check it out. And yet, those thoughts kept invading my mind: "How can this possibly work? Who is really making money here? How long will a company like this be in business anyway? Is this even legal? Am I willing to risk money to check it out?"

So I checked it out.

And it's huge. And I did some research online and apparently this is a MASSIVE industry--one that's been around for a few years, and I didn't even know it existed! How about that?

Suddenly, the suspension of my skepticism created a space for me to learn that I really didn't know everything there is to know about making money online. How interesting.

Of course, if I had let my past dictate my future, I would never have put any money into it. I would have thought "Oh, this is just like that envelope-stuffing scheme I tried in high school. These things are all scams." Well, are they ALL scams? Let's take a look at this kind of generalized thinking:

Are all lawyers snakes?
Are all politicians dishonest?
Are all rich people snobs?
Are all fad diets unhealthy?
Are all men pigs?

Hardly. And lemme also say "hell no!" So perhaps we see that this way of thinking doesn't get us too far along if we're trying to invent possibilities for ourselves.

So I threw in a few bucks. We'll see what happens. I'm not spending what's not in my pocket yet, but if it pans out, I could have a new Corvette in about six months. From investing a little capital and 5 mintues a day. And what a story I'd have to tell then, eh?

Now that's a story worth hearing.

And your question for today:
Are YOU telling a story worth hearing? Or is it the same old story everyone (including you) has heard over and over again? What are you willing to suspend from your past (for just a moment) in order to create the possiblity of a new (and brighter) future?

Sunday, January 08, 2006

True Success MUST Include This Key

There is one characteristic that all truly successful people must possess.

I'm not talking about people who appear successful, or who simply have a lot of money. I'm talking about people who are truly successful in life.

You can't cheat on this one. You can't skate by without this key element. It's woven into the fabric of succesful people all around the globe.

HAve you guessed it yet?

Put simply: INTEGRITY.

BUt what is integrity?

Integrity means doing what you say you will do, when you say you will do it. Period. Unfotunately, the average person completely lacks integrity.

How often have you made plans wiht someone and they called you at the last minute with some lame excuse why they had to cancel? How often have you hosted a party and people who said they were coming didn't show? How many times have you relied on someone to do what they said they would do, but they dropped the ball?

And how often have YOU been the one without integrity?

Have you ever started an exercise regimen and after a couple of weeks of steady going, you started to slack off? Yeah, it's not becaue you're lazy. It's because you lack integrity. Most people do.

It's the same reason that most New YEar's resolutions don't make it past Groundhog Day.

However, if you intend to be truly successful, you must master your integrity.

How, you ask? Simple! Just do this:

1. Don't make promises that you have no intention of keeping.
2. Keep the promises you do make.
3. When you break a promise, make it right and then make new promises and keep those.

That's all there is to it.

so your qustion of hte day is this:
Where in your life are you compeltely out of integrity?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Art of Making Money

Is making money an art or a science?

Well, plenty of people would call it a science. Consider Wallace D. Wattles' book The Science of Getting Rich.

But it certainly requires a little finesse, a little intuition and a little savvy. Which is why I consider it more of an art than a science.

Have you ever considered that there are literally millions of ways to make money?

Everything from this to this to this to this and more. Millions more.

Yet why do so many people assume that the road to success is paved with a J O B?

Naturally, it all depends on how you define success, too. For some, success is strictly all about money (not that there's anything wrong with that). For others, success means being at hte top of your game -- the best in your field. For still others, success can mean changing the world (curing cancer, making amazing discoveries or promoting world peace).

And yet, for some, success simply means paying the bills on time. Finding a spouse who won't cheat. Raising kids who don't steal or smoke pot.

Some of us set our sights on depressingly low targets, don't we?

C'mon, think about it. Do you honestly believe that SOME people were blessed while others are not? Do you think God picks and chooses his favorites? Do you think that only a privileged few are born with certain gifts and talents while others are doomed to a life of struggle?

That's horseshit!

Where you are right now today is by your own choosing. Sure, it may have been your subconscious doing all the choosing, but nevertheless, you put yourself where you are, good and bad.

HEre's another one for you: do you honestly believe that you only get one shot at this thing called life?

My views have changed dramatically over the past couple of years. I think of myself as an entirely different person (when, in reality, I am -- we all are. The chemical composition of your cells actually changes every couple of years so that you are, in fact, completely different at a cellular level).

A few years ago I didn't believe in reincarnation. A few years ago, I was still blaming other people and "circumstances" for everything I didn't like in my life. A few years ago, I was working long, painful hours in an environment where my gifts were wholly unappreciated. A few years ago, I was beginning to see the power of choice, and I was wasting my time trying to teach it to people who couldn't care less. All they cared about what how they could go from making $8 an hour to making $8.50 an hour so they could buy a new sedan, or something pointless like that.

But today, I am a completely different person. And I am ever so grateful for that. It makes me very excited to think about who I will be a few years from now. And a few lifetimes from now.

I suppose I am what some would call an "old soul." Ever since I was a child, I have known things that I seemed too young to know. I have been called "wise beyond my years" and many other interesting things.

And now, at this time, I find myself curious about what lessons I've learned in previous lives. And what lessons I will learn in this life. And what waits for me in the next lives.

But I suppose I am getting way too deep for this blog. If you want to get into some seriously esoteric stuff, check out this other blog.

Meanwhile, what does any of this have to do with succesS?


Be careful what convictions you hold fast could be ruling out whole other opportunities, whole other worlds, and whole other levels of being.

If you are so convinced that reincarnation is a myth and that you get one shot and that's it, then you better be living your life FULL-OUT, baby! I'm talking not one second wasted because after all, this is your only shot!

And if you believe in a heaven and a hell, and that heaven is eternal bliss and hell is eternal damnation, well you better be on your best behavior 24/7 so you can "get" to heaven.

But if you can believe that maybe your parents and teachers didn't have all the answers, and maybe there are other answers out there for you to discover on your own, well, then maybe there's hope for you after all.

Success is constantly asking questions, learning, striving to know more and be better.

So here's your question:
What belief do you hold on to so strongly that it causes constant conflict in your life? Is it possible (just possible) that maybe it;s not everyone else who's wrong, but maybe your belief doesn't really serve you anymore?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Free for You in 2006

Yes, even successful people love to get something for free. Doesn't everyone?

Here are three COMPLETELY FREE services for you, as a New Year's present from me:

1. How about a daily dose (well, every weekday anyway) of pointed inspiration? Check out Totally Unique Thoughts and sign up for personalized Thoughts from the Universe. It's like someone gets into your head with these things - truly uncanny! You've got to see it for yourself to get what I mean.

2. Do you love quotes and quips? I can't get enough of them. That's why I subscribe to Bob Proctor's free Insight of the Day. (Just click here and then choose "sign up for a motivational quote of the day".) Every Friday he sends the all-inspiring "Friday story" but I'm warning you, most of these are real tear-jerkers. The best stories usually are.

3. Need a phone number fast when you're on the run, but hate paying $1 to $2 PER CALL to 4-1-1 info? No problem! Just dial 1-800-FREE-411 and all it'll cost ya is the minutes.

And of course, your free question of the day:

What free tips do YOU have that deserve to be shared? Shoot us an email and if we publish 'em, you'll get some free publicity (well, if we feel like it).

How about a bonus freebie? Sign up for my free newsletter called Success Secrets Revealed.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Most Curious Entry of All Time?

Have you noticed that successful people tend to be curious people? That is not to say that all curious people are successful! Far from it. But I have noticed that most of hte successful people I've met have an inherent curiousity sort of built into their nature.

It's like we're just naturally interested in why people do what they do, the way things work...and what would happen if we were to change things. These kinds of questions are what lead successful people to create solutions, inventions, opportunities and entrepreneurial ventures.

It is our desire to create solutions that results in our success.

Sure, you can want to make money, adn there is nothing wrong with that. But remember that money is just a by-product of some other activity. Additionally, the greater the level of service you are providing, the more money you will be paid.

Sure, I know what you're thinking. You're probably shaking your head, thinking that you don't agree with me. You may know of some unscrupulous individuals who appear to
be rolling in the dough. But you don't know what's going on under hte surface.

For one thing, you may not see the value in their product or service, but others may. Besides, lasting wealth is not created by bottom feeders. People who feed on the desperation of society without really providing real solutions cannot maintain lasting prosperity. The person who appears to be wealthy - perhaps lives in a huge house or drives a fancy car - may be 1 month away from the poorhouse. On the other hand, the person who drives a Saturn and wears plain clothes could be worth millions.

Things are not always as they seem.

Which is why success is always asking questions...pondering...and being curious.

As humans, we are born with a natural curiosity. If you've ever spent time with a 3 or 4 year old, you know what I'm talking about. If "No" is the most popular word with a two-year old, then "Why" replaces it by the age of 3 or 4.

Unfortunately, busy parents can inadvertently squelch this natural curoisity by growing weary of constatnly answering the "Whys." This is most unfortunate. Who knows why they do it? Too many things on their mind, too busy, too consumed with unimportant matters that seem to take precedence. Or perhaps they simply don't know the answer.

In any case, one of our most improtant responsibilities as parents is to nurture our children, which includes feeding their seemingly insatiable quest to understand "why." Answers like "because I said so" or "go ask your father" or "it's not important why" are just not going to cut it.

After all, their ability to question and ask why could be the key to their future success. And what parent doens't want their child to be successful?

So the next time your toddler or preschooler asks you "why" and you feel that old habit to sigh and roll your eyes, think about their future and their ability to question WHY throughout the rest of their life.

And here is your qeustion of hte day:
When is the last time you got really curious about something? Did you stop at the first roadblock, or did you persist until you found an answer?

The Most Curious Entry of All Time...

Have you noticed that successful people tend to be curious people? That is not to say that all curious people are successful! Far from it. But I have noticed that most of hte successful people I've met have an inherent curiousity sort of built into their nature.

It's like we're just naturally interested in why people do what they do, the way things work...and what would happen if we were to change things. These kinds of questions are what lead successful people to create solutions, inventions, opportunities and entrepreneurial ventures.

It is our desire to create solutions that results in our success.

Sure, you can want to make money, adn there is nothing wrong with that. But remember that money is just a by-product of some other activity. Additionally, the greater the level of service you are providing, the more money you will be paid.

Sure, I know what you're thinking. You're probably shaking your head, thinking that you don't agree with me. You may know of some unscrupulous individuals who appear to
be rolling in the dough. But you don't know what's going on under hte surface.

For one thing, you may not see the value in their product or service, but others may. Besides, lasting wealth is not created by bottom feeders. People who feed on the desperation of society without really providing real solutions cannot maintain lasting prosperity. The person who appears to be wealthy - perhaps lives in a huge house or drives a fancy car - may be 1 month away from the poorhouse. On the other hand, the person who drives a Saturn and wears plain clothes could be worth millions.

Things are not always as they seem.

Which is why success is always asking questions...pondering...and being curious.

As humans, we are born with a natural curiosity. If you've ever spent time with a 3 or 4 year old, you know what I'm talking about. If "No" is the most popular word with a two-year old, then "Why" replaces it by the age of 3 or 4.

Unfortunately, busy parents can inadvertently squelch this natural curoisity by growing weary of constatnly answering the "Whys." This is most unfortunate. Who knows why they do it? Too many things on their mind, too busy, too consumed with unimportant matters that seem to take precedence. Or perhaps they simply don't know the answer.

In any case, one of our most improtant responsibilities as parents is to nurture our children, which includes feeding their seemingly insatiable quest to understand "why." Answers like "because I said so" or "go ask your father" or "it's not important why" are just not going to cut it.

After all, their ability to question and ask why could be the key to their future success. And what parent doens't want their child to be successful?

So the next time your toddler or preschooler asks you "why" and you feel that old habit to sigh and roll your eyes, think about their future and their ability to question WHY throughout the rest of their life.

And here is your qeustion of hte day:
When is the last time you got really curious about something? Did you stop at the first roadblock, or did you persist until you found an answer?

Monday, January 02, 2006

Goal-Setting Pearls of Wisdom

First, let me say thanks for the wonderful response to yesterday's article. I have received a significant amount of positive feedback on the infomraiton I provided, and I sincerely hope that you will take action so that you can achieve all that you desire this year.

Additional information, worksheets, and progress charts are available with The Success Method, including a bonus recording of "How to Find More Hours in Your Day" which has been wildly popular. If money is an issue for you, be sure to sign up for my completely free e-newsletter called "Success Secrets Revealed" at Every week or so, you'll get news you can use and nuggets of wisdom to keep you on track with goals, time management, success, leadership, and more.

Now, here are the goal-setting nuggets I promised to share with you today (be sure to read yesterday's post if you haven't already done so, as it provides some in-depth info for powerful goal-getting and New Year's Resolutions that stick):

Some additional goal-getting tips:

+ Write down your goals (people who do this are 10 times more likely to ahcieve their goals than people who don't!)
+ Post your written goals in an obvious place, so you'll see them frequently
+ Make sure your goals reflect what YOU want and not what you "think" you "should" want.
+ Get very specific about what you want
+ Set a timeline or deadline for your goal completion
+ Take some small action toward your goal every single day
+ Visualize yourself having already achieved your goal
+ don't try to take on everything all at once. Remember you are going to revisit your goals at least quarterly, so you don't necessarily have to lose weight, quit smoking and get organized by Feburary 1st. You have a whole year so start with your highest priority and once you're making progress towrad it, you can add on more if you feel comfortable doing so.
+ Follow your intuition no matter how silly or odd it may seem...this is often the key to achieving your goals on time, and with greater ease that you could imagine. That nudge to call and old acquaintence, turn down an odd street, or read an obscure book could be just the ticket

And don't be afraid to dream big!

Here's your qeustion of the day:
Do you believe that your life today is the direct result of the compounded choices you have made throughout your entire life? If not, who are you kidding???

Sunday, January 01, 2006

How to Make Resolutions that Don't Lose Their Resolve

If you're like upwards of 90% of the American population, you firmly resolve to accomplish this or that every January, and your interest wanes within about 3-8 weeks. Perhaps you are so saddened by past results that you lack the will to even set New Year's Resolutions at all.

Well, don't despair. I've whipped up some great hints to help you maintain your resolve all year long and finally accomplish what you've wanted to achieve for so long.

The most common New Year's Resolutions include fitness goals and smoking cessation. Many people also vow to "get organized" once and for all. (As if it were a one-time event!) If "getting organized" were a one-time activity, a lot more people would achieve that goal. Unfortunately, it is a constant choice to "get" and "remain" organized. We humans are creatures of habit, and even weeks of progress can be set back by a few poor choices. That's why they call them "resolutions"... because the "resolve" is such a key factor!

New Year's Resolutions are nothing more than GOALS that are set at a certain time of the year. The end of one year and the beginning of the next (much like birthdays) cause us to stop and take stock of our lives, to see what we'd like to change about ourselves, our circumstances, and our outlook.

So here is a nuts-and-bolts guide to setting goals that stick:

1. First, figure out what you want.

This seems like an obvious step, but you'd be amazed at how many people I speak to each week who want coaching on their goals, but they have no idea what they really want. Here's a hint: you don't want to lose weight, get out of debt or get organized. These are all terrible goals and by the time you finish reading this article, you'll see why.

Figure out exactly what you want to be, do or have, and get specific about it. Do some research if you have to. If you want to win the lottery so that you can take European vacation you've always dreamed about, stop dreaming and start taking action that will get you there. Do some research - which countries do you want to visit? Which cities in each country? What national or historical landmarks do you have a burning desire to experience? What time of year is best? Start getting really clear on what you want to get out of this once-in-a-lifetime vacation you've been wanting.

2. Figure out why you want it.

If you haven't done this before, it may seem a little kooky. And answering "Because I want it" is not going to pass muster here. Really, why do you want what you want? What do you stand to gain from it? Really visualize what it will feel like when you have achieved your goal. What would be different in your life? Would you look at yourself differently? Would other people treat you differently? Would you have more confidence? More stamina? More time? Getting to the root of why you want what you want can cause you to get in touch with some powerful emotions that will super-charge your goal. An added benefit is that when you get in touch with why you want something, you may realize that your reasons are nutty, or that what you really want is something different entirely. For example, if you always wanted a luxury yacht and you realize it's because you wanted to feel wealthy and successful, you may be able to create that end result from getting something different entirely. At least until the luxury yacht is closer within your reach (maybe 2007?)

3. Create a plan of action.

It's been said that "a failure to plan is planning to fail" and I wholeheartedly agree. In fact, this is where many people tend to fail to achieve their most powerful goals. Let's go back for a moment to our European vacation example. Let's say you decide the best time of year to go is October. Here we are in January. If you create a plan right now, you have 9 months to save for this luxury vacation. Nine months is a long time, and a lot can happen in nine months! If you have children, you especially know what I'm talking about here! By creating a plan of action, you can decide how much money you'll have to save each month in order to reach your goal. You can also determine when certain tasks must be accomplished (when to book your airfare, when to make your hotel reservactions, when to request vacation time off work, etc.) In fact, you have plenty of time to set up a vacation savings plan, if you so choose. Without a plan of action, you will have no way to stay on top of everything that must be done between now and then. Without a plan of action, you will likely find yourself in mid-February, thinking "oh well, I guess we won't get to go to Europe this year either." The Success Method offers extensive information, tips, and planning worksheest to create simple, effective methods for achieving any goal.

4. Take action daily.

Take some sort of action every day (no matter how small) that will move you closer to the accomplishment of your goals. Keep in mind that an obese person did not get that way from one meal. People become overweight from a long list of personal choices made day after day after day. If your goal is to get fit, you have a number of choices every day that can either move you closer to or further from your goal. Should I exercise or not? Should I eat this doughnut or not? Should I take my vitamins or not? Should I take the stairs or the elevator? Should I skip lunch or not? Millions of tiny decisions add up over a relatively short period of time. Instead of looking at your goal as overwhelming, look at each day as a series of choices where you can choose to move closer to your goal...or not. And take some form of action every single day. An added benefit is you'll sleep better and reduce your overall stress by taking action that moves you toward what really matters most to you.

5. Track your progress.

Did you know that anything you measure will improve? It's true. So if you want to improve something, measure it. If you're saving for that dream vacation, get a posterboard and draw one of those huge thermometers on it. As you save money for your trip, color in the thermometer until it's full - you could even cut out pictures of landmarks (the Eiffel Tower, the Vatican, whatever is important to you about this trip) and paste them onto the posterboard to maintain your motivation and drive. If your goal is to get fit, take all your weights, body measurements, body mass index, and a "before" picture when you get started. Re-measure every month or so and your progress may surprise you. Post your results on your fridge or pantry door if that helps you stay on track. If your goal is to quit smoking, how about a sign that says "Smoke-Free Days" and up the number each day that you refrain from smoking. Whatever you measure will improve, so find a way to measure your progress and you will maintain your momentum far longer than those who don't track their progress.

6. Update at least quarterly.

In order to maintain your resolve the whole year through, make a commitment to revisit your goals at least quarterly. Monthly is better, but may be tough to keep up. If you are prone to give up those New Year's resolutions quickly, updates at shorter intervals will keep you on track. As you complete your goals, be sure to set new ones to maintain your focus.

Tomorrow, I'll offer some additional tips for goal-setting to keep you on track.

Until then, here is your question of hte day:
Are you willing to do what it takes to make 2006 the best year of your life so far?