Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Meaning of Life? Probably Not, but Interesting Nonetheless

My friend Debra Kahnen wrote a poem tonight, and I thought I'd share it with you, but before I do, here is an interesting story.

I recently heard about a fascinating study, and I apologize that I don't know what book it was extracted from.

Groups of kindergarten students were surveyed. The results went something like this:

Who here can draw?
All hands up immediately, enthusiastically.

Who here can paint?
All hands up immediately, enthusiastically.

Who here can dance?
All hands up immediately, enthusiastically.

Who here can play a musical instrument?
All hands up immediately, enthusiastically.

Who here can sing?
All hands up immediately, enthusiastically.

Who here can write?
All hands up immediately, enthusiastically.

Who here can make up stories?
All hands up immediately, enthusiastically.

And so on. You've got to ask yourself -- what happened between kindergarten, when you would express yourself in a completely unabashed way, and NOW?

Have you noticed that you tend to qualify your answers now?

Heck, I even do it. Since my name is "Amy Grant" people always ask me if I sing. My answer is "only in the shower." Yeah, I've been asked enough times NOT to sing that I got the idea that I can't sing.

It took me forever to finally write my first success book, because I didn't think I could write. Why? Because some stuffy professor I had in college gave me a poor grade on my essays. Who's laughing now? Me, all the way to the (click)bank.

People who come to my house see my piano and ask me if I play. Instead of saying yes, I get all squirmy and noncommittal (because oh my god, what if they asked me to play something?)

Go on, admit it. You do it too.

So of course I'm excited when one of my friends sends me an email and says "thought you might like to hear this poem I wrote tonight." Now that's ballsy.

I hope Debra would enthusiastically say YES if I asked her if she writes poetry.

Here's Debra's poem (to my knowledge, it's untitled):

Each day I awaken
my life is anew.
I can create what I want
or have nothing to do.
There isn’t an answer
there is no right or wrong.
For to live your life is like
writing a song.
Start with some words
add a note or two.
Soon the whole song
will be apparent to you.
If you let it unfold
It won’t let you down.
For you are loved from above
whether you laugh or you frown.

Your QoD: What are you really, really good at, that you are afraid to admit to people? What would happen if you stopped being afraid and just started being your wonderfully perfect true self?

Saturday, February 24, 2007

New Luggage Makes Me Feel Like a New Woman

There's just no point in buying cheap luggage. Especially when you travel as much as I do, and when you;re as hard on your luggage as I am.

We splurged today and bought a whole new set of luggage, and I have to tell you, I feel like a new woman!

We are headed to Cancun in less than 2 weeks and I'm pretty stoked about my new bags. They are LIME GREEN and oh-so-stylish. Also got some pretty sharp looking rolling duffles -- similar to the Billabong stuff, but made by Samsonite.

What is it about having nice things that feels so good? I mean, really, it's just stuff. I don't buy stuff to feel good, but it's a nice benefit. It sure feels better than getting stuck with a jammed zipper, or a busted handle.

Which brings me to this point: you can't feel prosperous when you're lugging around broken stuff. Or when you've got crap hanging aroudn your house. It does something to your brain,and it drags you down.

I'm certainly not suggesting that anyone go out adn spend money they don't have. But I am asking you to consider that you really don't need to keep your old busted stuff. Give it away, have a garage sale, or post it on craigslist. But get rid of it.

There is an old saying I like -- teh Universe can't give you something new until you let go of whatever's already in your hand.

Randy Gage says to invoke the Vacuum Law of Prosperity. If you want something, give something away. Undoubtedly, something new will arrive to fill taht vacuum.

And if you want good stuff, then give away good stuff. 'Cause if you jsut give away crap, well, then you might only get crap in return (see Law of Reciprocity).

Don't you have nice things hanging around your garage or attic or basement -- things you don't need or want anymore? Why not give them to someone who can use or appreciate them, and see what shows up in its place?

P.S. I am writing a book like you've never seen before, and I'm collaborating with a painter. Which means the book AND the cover are both gonna kick ass. More about that to come...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Looks Like I'm Getting Some Press...

Kevin O'Rourke posted a rather flattering description of my recent presentation at the Un-Seminar 3. You can read about it here.

I said a lot of things, but perhaps the strongest message was "JUST TAKE ACTION."

It's so disheartening to see people come up wtih so many great ideas, and then just run out of steam when they get home because they didn't DO anything.

Why don't people take action?

Some people don't know what to do.
I say, just do SOMEHTING and whatever is next will come to you. The more action you take, the more ideas you get about taking action. It's a beautiful cycle, really.

Others are afraid of doing it wrong.
Look at it this way: the only really horrible mistake you could make would be to do nothing at all. Whatever you do -- no matter how big a mistake it might be -- is still far better than inaction. Just do SOMETHING, you can always fix errors later.

Some people are afraid of doing the wrong thing.
Again, the only wrong thing is no-thing. You'll screw up sometimes. Get over it, and get into action. Now.

Sometimes it's hard to see what to do first.
With so many ideas swimming around in your brain, you may suddenly feel like "what's first?" A good rule of thumb is to choose either the easiest thing or the thing you are most excited about. Follow your enthusiasm, as Dr. Joe Vitale says.

Some say "I'll do it later."

Here's a newsflash: no, you won't. Life happens and next thing you know, you're reading a sales page for YOUR product -- only someone else is collecting the cash. Don't let ideas (and money) slip through your fingers. Take action because money loves speed.

Here is your QoD:
What ONE THING could you do today that would make a difference in your business? Now, go do it.

Go for it.

I Wasn't Expecting This...

When Mike Pickering first asked me for an interview, I had no idea what he was creating.

He told me he was interviewing a bunch of successful people and creating an audio
library about wealth mindset (one of my favorite topics).

I think I was one of the first people he interviewed, because it seemed like months passed before
I heard from him.

Suddenly, I was getting all sorts of messages from Mike. One email particularly interested me,
because it asked for my mailing address and said a package was on its way.

Now I can't honestly tell you what I expected to receive, but who doesn't love to see a package amidst all the junk mail and bills that arrive each day?

I sort of forgot about it until I found a huge brown padded envelope waiting in my mailbox one day.

The thing weighed a ton -- in fact, I almost dropped it when I pulled it out of my box.

When I opened it up, I found the Maker's Wealth Plan by Mike Pickering.

No kidding -- this thing is MASSIVE.

If you're looking to create more abundance, do you think it would be helpful to hear from some highly successful people about how THEY did it, and what advice they have for someone in your shoes?

You bet your boots!

After all, that's the whole reason I created 99waystowealth.com

You owe it to yourself to see what's being offered in this Maker's Wealth Plan. It's essentially a complete audio library for anyone seeking more wealth and abundance.

If you don't at least take a look, what is holding you back? It's possible that whatever is keeping you from checking it out is ALSO what's keeping you at the same level of income you're at right now.

Personally, I'm still working my way through the package. I also think he's charging far too little, considering the whole library costs about the same as 1 hour of my consulting time. And it's about the same amount I'd charge for a 6- or 10-week teleseminar (but the package includes a heck of a lot more audios).

I'm curious to hear what you think about this Maker's Wealth Plan.

Your QoD: What do you think it will take to move you from the level of income you currently have to the level you desire? Obviously, you'll have to do something different in order to get different results. What can you do differently?

HINT: You can start by at least reading this.

Go for it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I Know Why The Secret Is Being Criticized

Have you noticed that ever since Oprah had stars from the movie "The Secret" on her show, there has been all kinds of controversy about it?

Joe Vitale has been writing about the controversy on his blog. Pat O'Bryan just posted a message about it today on his blog, too.

Why all the sudden controversy?

Well, if you stop to think about it, the answer is so obvious, it's ridiculous.

And the answer also points to exactly WHO is correct in this round-robin debate of does-it-or-doesn't-it-work?

All you have to do is go view the trailer of The Secret movie and it will become crystal clear.

Espionage, persecution, secrecy and power. Seems to me a bit of controversy would be expected.

After all, if the Law of Attraction works (and I happen to believe it does work), then the creators of the movie brought the controversy on themselves, with the way the trailer is designed.

Now that's what I call a mind-meld. Others might call it "evidence."

QoA: Have you seen The Secret? If not, why not? It's only $5 bucks to view it online, what are you waiting for? Seems to me you can't have a legitimate opinion unless you see it for yourself.

Go for it.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

You're Already Being Paid What You're Worth

I thought that headline would grab your attention. Did it work?

Seems like every day I get at least 1 piece of spam that says "Get paid what you're worth."

I have to think -- aren't I already? Isn't everyone?

AFter all, your paycheck can never outperform your self-image. So if you're broke, it must be related to what YOU think your worth.

That probably pisses some people off, but that's only because they refuse to take personal responisbility. If you're pissed about how much (or little) you're making, it's only because you think it's somebody else's fault.

Maybe your boss won't give you the raise you claim to deserve. Maybe your teenagers spend it as fast as you can make it. Maybe your ex is causing you money troubles. Maybe you can't get ahead becaues of somebody, somewhere.

That's all a bunch of crap and you know it.

YOU are the only person to point a finger at. YOU are responsible for where you are right here, right now.

A bitter pill to swallow, for most of us. But totally and compeltely true. That's what we folks in the perosnal development industry call "personal responsibility." It ain't pretty, but the truth will set you free.

So if we are totally and completely for our own lot in life, as well as any current circumstnaces, then it would stand to reason that each of us, right now, is being paid exactly what we believe we are worth.

If you're not making as much money as you'd like, and you say you want more, then you've got some hidden and contradictory beliefs that are preventing you from making as much as you want.

If only we could get an inkling of what we are truly worth -- we'd never again want for money. It would flood into our lives by the boatload.

But no, we'd rather beleive we're limited, feeble beings, merely human.

Silly earthlings.

Your QoD:

What would you like to be earning? What story woulkd you have to give up in order to get what you really want? Who do you need to forgive? What can you be grateful for, right now?

Go for it.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Un-Seminar 3: The Day After (or, The Power of Detachment)

Today we returned home from the Un-Seminar 3 and I have yet another example of the Law of Attraction in Action.

(Which reminds me -- remember a while back I told you that Colin Joss had asked me to submit a chapter for his book, Inspired Attraction? And that Dr. Joe Vitale, John Dimartino and others had also submitted chapters? Well, I got the opportunity to meet Colin, and I must he is a striking presence of a man. Tall, bald, nice-looking, and a voice with a thick Scottish accent that I could listen to all day long. Don't be surprised if you find HIM speaking at the next un-seminar...)

As I often do for upcoming events, I had set a specific intention for the weekend: to create 2 new juicy JVs for myself.

Well, by the end of day 2, I was thinking "no JVs yet? what's up with that?" But I reminded myself to be patient because the weekend was far from over.

Then, at the end of the Day 3 sessions, I got a juicy, mouth-watering JV proposal. Mmmm-mmmm good.

Last night, I was thinking about the weekend and all I had learned, and the wonderful people I had met. The thought crossed my mind that I had set an intention, and only receive 50% of it.


I was completely OK with that. The one JV was very juicy, and I was fine with it.

And then I learned another valuable lesson.

Today, the 2nd JV (and this one is even juicier than the first, and requires a LOT less work on my part and has the potential to make as much as the first JV, only much, much FASTER) was dropped into my lap at the VERY LAST SECOND.

I'm not kidding. I'm talking about the LAST second of the trip. We were just pulling up to the United drop off at the Austin airport when the JV invite surfaced.

And I had to laugh. My intention had fulfilled itself because I completely let go of any attachment and allowed "whatever" to happen.

Now I am supercharged and ready to get to work.

Your QoD is this:

How often do you give up before the deadline? Do you get discouraged when your intentions don't manifest as quickly as you'd like? Can you see that by learning to detach and let go, you are opening a space for your intention to freely be fulfilled?

Un-Seminar 3: Day 3

The last couple of seminars I've attended were 2-day seminars, so this 3-day thing seems to last forever!

I am meeting some interesting people and having a blast. And popping M&Ms like they're going out of style.

This weekend has been an interesting mix of teachings:

The success mindset of the internet marketer meets the how-to side of things.

Yes, Grasshopper, there is much to learn. And many fine teachers to light the way. Nathan Anderson talked today about SEO stuff (search engine optimization) and Bill Hibbler delivered up another dose of "this-is-so-simple-anyone-can-do-it-so-just-follow-me-and-get-yourself-started" I love Bill, he's such a great guy.

I personally walked away from this wekeend with so many ideas, I'm now up and on the computer at nearly 4AM (after sleeping 6 hours straight -- the most uninterrupted sleep I've gotten in about a week) because I'm ready to get started.

In fact, I've got to go right now. More to come...

QoD: Do you have a wonderful idea that you haven't yet taken action on? What's stopping you? Do you realize that you can give up your attachment to that obstacle and take SOME action today?

Go for it!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Un-Seminar 3: Day 2

Here we are on day 2 of Pat O'Bryan's un-seminar.

I am being modest when I say I rocked the house today. I got comments all day long, and some people told me I was their favorite speaker.

Have I told you lately that you can do anything you put your mind to?

I set the intention to do more public speaking, and when Pat first announced his un-seminar 3, I emailed him and asked if I could speak (NOTES: set an intention - Law of Attraction / quick response = money loves speed / asked = ask for what you want!)

Pat said yes, and he is sure glad he did. I smoked it.

What did I talk about? Well, you'll have to get hte DVDs -- it was so fast and furious, I can hardly remember. I did some live coaching as well.

Alan Abel was the other superstar yesterday. He is hilarious. Check him out.

Time to party now...

oh, and I got to show my video at ThinkAbundanceNow.com, which was EXTREMELY well-received.

The message I gave people is this:


My QoD for you: What are YOU hesitating about taking action on?

Go for it!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Un-Seminar 3: Day One

Right now, I'm sitting in the Travis Room at the Vintage Villas, listening to Craig Perrine speak about list-building secrets.

There's something like 50 people here, and the energy is pretty high. Not Zero-Limits weekend kind of high, but still very intensely charged.

I'm psyched to be speaking, too. (A la Sally Field, "They like me, they really like me!")

The weather is gorgeous, the food is good as well, and the people are kewl.

Joe Vitale spoke about defining moments, taking action on outrageous (but inspired) ideas, and modeling totally successful people.

Cindy Cashman spoke about persistence and about allowing your buyers to teach you how to sell to them (ask lots of questions, be flexible to accomadate what you can).

Pat O'Bryan talked about splitting a list into 2 columns: what you are knowledgeable about in one column, and what you are passionate about in the 2nd column. See what's on both lists, and DO THAT.

Craig Perrine talked about list-building, and Bill Hibbler talked about all sorts of stuff.

I speak tomorrow. Woo-hoo!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Secret is Out (and the Coach is IN)

Did you watch last Thursday's Oprah show about The Secret (thank you TiVo)?

I must share this most amazing story with you.

It was one of those I-can't-believe-I-didn't-see-it-sooner kind of moments.

At one point during the show, Oprah says "ever since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to be a teacher."

That single statement was like walking into a surprise party where I'm the unsuspecting guest of honor.

Talk about a background of relatedness!

I can remember being a little girl, and when my friends couldn't quite get what the teacher was saying, I was the one who explained things to them in a way they totally "got."

This talent continued throughout my life, which is partially what led me to a career in management after I finished college.

I always wanted to be a teacher, but because I had big-money aspirations, and I knew teachers didn't make much money, I dismissed the idea early on.

How limited my thinking was! Looking back, I am amazed to think that at the time, I thought only grade-school teachers got to experience the joy of teaching!

And now imagine my heartfelt surprise as I take a look and see what I am doing (and absolutely loving) today?


Sure, you might not call it that name exactly but what else would you call leading live seminars, creating personal development products and public speaking?

Teaching is exactly what I'm doing -- teaching people to achieve breakthrough results. Teaching people to think differently. Teaching people how to BELIEVE, RECEIVE and ACHIEVE.

I was pretty blown away with this discovery. And it suddenly became crystal clear to me why I am here -- to TEACH.

Teaching is why I'm here. It's what I came for.

So I am delighted to announce the official launch of my one-on-one coaching and goal achievement program.

After all, today is Valentine's Day and what better day to offer my services to the world?

See, I don't believe today is just about hearts and candy, or flowers and jewelry (hey, any day is perfect for flowers or jewelry. No point waiting once a year, I say.)

Today is a celebration of LOVE.

And not just the romantic kind, either. Love comes in all shapes and sizes. But none of it really amounts to a hill of beans unless you're deeply and completely loving the one person that matters.


Choosing to work with a coach is all about YOU. It's about giving yourself the gift of guidance. Many of the most famous people in the world have coaches, because they understand the value of an outside eye. An objective observer can push you to places you never would have had the courage to explore on your own.

If you're ready to take your business, your relationships, and your life to the next level, you are ready for my coaching program.

You can get the details and sign up here.

I look forward to working with you, and serving as your Catalyst of Possibility.

Your Question of the Day is:

What is the single greatest gift you can give yourself today, on Valentine's Day? How can you demonstrate your love to yourself? What could coaching do for you that you couldn't do for yourself?

What are you waiting for? Go for it!

P.S. -- The New Success website has a whole new look, go check it out!

Monday, February 12, 2007

That Reminds Me Of A Story....

Today I got an email from a gentleman who said he had had run across the Law of Attraction 15 years ago, but couldn't understand it at the time.

"That reminds me of a story," I thought.

When I was about 13 years old, I was suicidal.

(Not the way you expected this story to start, is it?)

It's OK, I can talk about it now. And people deserve to hear this -- because people who are suicidal are just sitting there, having their own private dark and brooding thoughts, and not talking to anyone. That's what makes things worse. So c'mon, let's talk about it now. If I had been successful in my attempts to kill myself, you wouldn't even be reading this right now. So indulge me.

As I was saying, I tried to kill myself at age 13.

Nothing seemed to be working, and I was so damn confused about who I was, and the people in my life didnt' seem to be much help.

I was looking for a way out -- a way to escape the pain of adolescence. The pain of life, I suppose.

I was talkin' to God, but I didn't hear him sayin' anything back
(probably because I wasn't really talking, I was just whining).

Then I was watching TV one day, and I saw a commercial that changed my life.

Norman Vincent Peale (now deceased) was offering to send me a FREE copy of one of his books.

Was it The Power of Positive Thinking? I don't recall. But I remember watching the commercial and thinking I had to have that book.

(Free copies of a book, with free shipping? Promoted on a commercial on national television? Do you have any idea how much that must have cost? Do you think that man was out to make a difference in the world, or what?)

My skepticism immediately kicked in -- there must be a catch. Surely there's a charge for shipping, or they'll bill me later. It's a recurring payment kind of thing. They'll put me on a dreaded "list." Something's gotta be "wrong" with this offer.

But the commercial was so appealing to me, I picked up the phone and called the 800# to order my copy. No one asked me for any credit card info, just my name and address to mail the book to.

And when it arrived, I devoured it. That book changed everything for me.

It also had a lot of information in it about teen suicides, and I cried and cried to read the stories of parents who had lost their children to suicide. I cried to read the stories their friends told, about how they should have know, how they should have done something.

And I thought, how could they know? Surely my friends had no idea. I had become a master at disguising the pain. My parents probably thought I was "just going through a phase."

But that book was so powerful. I believed what he said -- that I could do anything, ANYTHING I wanted with my life. What an empowering concept!

I don't recall that he ever used the phrase "Law of Attraction" but it's definitely what he was talking about.

I distinctly recall a story about basketball players -- this was based on a scientific study. A group of basketball players were divided into 2 groups. One group did layups for a specified amount of time each day. The other group did layups for the same amount of time, but they ALSO spent 15 minutes a day visualizing themselves doing layups and making EVERY shot.

Which group do you think did better? Of course, the visualizing group was far better (adn more consistent) than the group taht only practiced.

I was in shock when I read that.

At the time, I played ball with my youth group (an odd New Orleans game called cabbageball. Think softball wtih a larger, softer ball, and no mitts. It was designed to be played on smaller fields, since land is at such a premium in New Orleans) and I SUCKED. I mean it, I was terrible.

But this was youth group sports, and everyone got to (had to) play, even sucky kids like me.

I struck out almost every time at bat. I played right field, prayed the ball wouldn't come to me, and dropped it every time it did.

So I decided to test this little visualization theory for myself.

That season, I caught countless fly balls, and I even got to play left field and 2nd base a couple of times.

Oh, and you should have seen my coach's face when I hit my very first HOME RUN.

Interestingly enough, it didn't occur to me that this would work for something other than sports.

So I sort of forgot about the whole thing, until about 3 1/2 years ago when my husband got into network marketing adn I was "re-introduced" to the Law of ATtraction.

So what's my point?

I don't have one, really. Like the title says, that reminds me of a story.

But I suppose all good stories should have a moral, right?

If that's true, then the moral of this story is this:

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

So there's no point in my beating myself up mentally for having this amazing secret -- 20 YEARS ago -- and not using it until lately. When I was ready, it appeared to me again.

And this time, I'm not brushing it off quite so nonchalantly. And I'm testing it on EVERYTHING this time around.

Your QoD is simple:
What lesson does this story hold for YOU?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Truth about Bill Hibbler

Do you know who Bill Hibbler is?

If not, I'd be surprised.

The guy has published a ridiculous amount of stuff on the Internet. In fact, he's one of the few people I know with an "ordinary" name who commands LOADS of relevant results when you google his name. Go ahead, try it yourself.

Bill has done a ton of stuff -- and most recently, published a "real" (as in, Barnes and Noble) book called Meet and Grow Rich. Bill may be best known for the Rudl Report, his first online claim to fame, where he reviews all of the late Cory Rudl's products.

If you bought Pat O'Bryan's Un-Seminar 1 DVD set, you've seen Bill present. You've also heard his fascinating history about how he got started as an entrepreneur (at the age of 17, or something crazy like that), selling premium guitars to bands like Led Zepplin and Cream.

But all that stuff doesn't tell you much about what the guy is REALLY like.

I'm about to tell you THAT now.

At the most recent Joe Vitale weekend (the "Zero Limits Retreat" wtih Dr. Haleakela Hew Len), I got to spend quite a bit of time hanging out with Bill Hibbler.

Three "G" words come to mind when I think about what Bill is really like:


Gracious? Heavens, yes. For whatever reason, I didn't get to actually meet him until about halfway through the weekend. When I finally did, I introduced myself and he says to me, "Ah yes! I've heard so much about you!"

In case you don't know, I'm fairly new to the internet marketing scene. Granted, I've created some phenomenal results during that short time, and I've had a fair bit of experience in the world of coaching and entrepreneurship, but not nearly the amount this guy has. Bill's certainly been around the block, and I thought it was quite gracious of him to act as though it was an honor for HIM to meet ME.

Then, I set the intention of sitting with Bill at dinner, so I could pick his brain about a particular issue. In case you don't know, Bill is an expert on online automation, and that's exactly what I wanted to talk to him about.

Naturally (since the intention was set, and I wasn't attached -- I figured if I didn't catch him at dinner, I'd catch him on another break), I arrived at dinner to find an open chair next to guess who? Yep, Bill Hibbler.

Again, Bill proved quite gracious (and generous) in supplying me with a wealth of information that I'm quite sure he could have charged me a hefty consulting fee for. I was most appreciative, and I got exactly what I required.

His generosity continued as the conversation went on...in fact, he agreed to take a look at 2 of my products-in-the-works, and to consider a JV with me.

Bill's generosity didn't stop there -- my husband (who also attended the event) was admiring Bill's lighter, and Bill offered to send one to Andy as a gift. Was he just blowing smoke (no pun intended)? Nope, the lighter arrived in today's mail. Now that's what I can generosity. You would think Bill would be the one receiving gifts -- not sending them. I'm telling you, you gotta love the guy.

But what's so lovable about him is by far the fact that the guy is so genuine.

You can't help but get a sense of it, even if you only talk to him for a couple of minutes (but of course, I talked to him for a lot more than that! LOL)

In fact, we got to talking on a more personal level (another indication of graciousness -- most people in his position, in his industry are quite a bit more reserved) and I just can't say enough about what a warm, passionate, committed and talented person Bill Hibbler is.

If you want to get your hands on some outstanding resources and excellent FREE information about internet marketing, you definitely deserve to check out Bill's website.

Oh, and if you are in a mastermind, would like to be in a mastermind, or have ever considered being in a mastermind, go grab a copy of his book Meet and Grow Rich (better yet, grab a copy for everyone in your mastermind -- present and future). I've read it and it's definitely a must-have.

And that's the truth about Bill Hibbler.

(at least, as far as I see it)

QoD: Are you getting out there and meeting prominent people in your industry? If not, what is holding you back?

Stop procrastinating and just go for it. Some of these people just might surprise you...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Will Records Be Broken?

Well, I can think of at least 2.

For starters, I think this is the longest I've gone without updating this blog. Surely you must be in withdrawals from missing your QoD.

Secondly, we may soon break a Castle Rock record -- first time in recorded history when we go 60 days straight with at least 1 inch of snow on teh ground.

It's melting like mad today (temps in the 50s) but we may get more snow this weekend.

Isn't it interesting how one of the mildest winters ever is followed by one of the harshest? As my friend Aimee once said, you gotta love global warming.

QoD: Do you think we can control the weather? If we are truly creating our own reality, are we creating weather as well?